Top 10 Cryptocurrency Questions and Answers!

in bitcoin •  7 years ago  (edited)

top 10 cryptocurrency questions and answers.png

Learn and understand cryptocurrencies in just a few minutes from the basic questions to advanced answers unlocked the hard way by experience! Would you read this post for answers to the top 10 questions I see about digital currencies like Bitcoin and Steem or watch the video I did live below?

Top 10 Cryptocurrency Questions and Answers!

  1. What are cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Steem, Ethereum, and Litecoin? Digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Steem are like electronic money issued and managed by users. Servers setup by entrepreneurs and companies handle all the transactions while exchanges like Coinbase and Bitstamp allow changing fiat currency like USD to cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin which provides the real value. Bitcoin is currently accepted as payment for goods and services on thousands if not millions of websites worldwide with continuing adoption every day. Cryptocurrencies are also a popular choice for the black market because of relative anonymity and ease of use compared to using credit cards and bank accounts. Digital currencies are also very popular in countries like China where moving wealth out of the national economy and into the global market is difficult.
  2. How is the value of a cryptocurrency determined and where can I see it? has a list of cryptocurrencies ranked by the value of 1 unit of that currency times the cost on an exchange to buy it which equals the market capitalization. For example, 1 Steem today is worth $1.56 on Poloniex and Bittrex as I write this. With 235,749,278 STEEM available, that means in theory to buy every Steem at the market price today would cost $1.56 times 235,749,278 which equals a total market capitalization of $368,544,488. As you can see these numbers are all really fiction because the price moves all the time as does the quantity available meaning no one is going to actually be able to buy all the Steem in the world with $368 million. Still, the market capitalization gives a rough estimate of the total value today of a digital currency.
  3. What are the most exciting reasons to become involved with digital currencies? With the ability to transfer money in just 3 seconds to anyone in the world with a Steemit wallet without any fees, digital currencies like Steem make sending and receiving money 10 times easier than using wire transfers, PayPal, or Western Union. Digital currencies are just like cash meaning for merchants receiving payments this way guarantees you actually get the money whereas with processing credit cards using Stripe or PayPal there is no guarantee the customer actually paid because of the ability to easily to a chargeback with almost no chance for the merchant to win. I believe that money in the future will be primarily transacted from user to user with digital currencies meaning that buying even a little bit today may be the biggest investment opportunity going forward and an ideal retirement plan!
  4. Worst part about using cryptocurrencies? Lose your password or make a mistake in the transaction and you lose it just the same as if you lost your wallet or mailed cash to the wrong address. Cryptocurrencies can be extremely unforgiving when it comes to making mistakes because many wallets are only locked with a password with no hope of getting back in if the password is lost. To make matters worse, they are relatively easy to steal compared to say robbing a bank. For example if your wallet is unlocked on your computer or your account is open, anyone that has physical access to your computer and knows how to make the transaction could easily clean your whole wallet out with a few clicks the same as they could taking the cash out of your wallet. Law enforcement at less than the NSA level is not likely to be able to help out either unless the thief is sloppy beyond belief because it is easy to move any cryptocurrency through some kind of anonymous transaction that makes tracking it nearly impossible to those without access to the real time global electronic monitoring system which no one is going to allow use of to track down some stolen cryptocurrency! Fortunately Steem has both account recovery and Steem Power both of which make it significantly more difficult to instantly clean out an entire account. That said, I have seen at least one Steemit user accidentally send as much as $200,000 to the wrong account and thankfully the user that received it is giving it back in exchange for a 5% fee offered by the sender! Read more at Ironically the ease of losing cryptocurrencies is also likely to drive the value up!
  5. Which cryptocurrency is best to buy today? The best cryptocurrency to buy is one we are willing to hold onto even if it goes down. For example, I believe in Steem enough that I am willing to hold it even if it goes down 99% and would start buying more of it if the price dropped. I have no intention of selling and am continuing to invest for the long term because of the supportive and energized group of users we have on Steemit! One of the most expensive mistakes I made starting out with buying Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other altcoins was to buy with the belief that it should go up and therefore make me money. When it actually went down, I got into fear and anger because the real reason I had purchased was just to make money which obviously was not working out in the short term as the price dropped. Naturally I could only take this pressure so long and sold down low to "cut my losses" which also cut all my profits when I sold over 30 Bitcoin at around $200 in 2015 after a year of buying it and hoping to make money. Buying into any cryptocurrency with the expectation it should make money quickly is a guaranteed way to be miserable because even if it goes up, then the pressure is on as to when to sell? I am currently only buying Steem and investing in Steem going forward because I believe in the community of users of which I am a part. With fiat currencies, the government issuing the money and the people using it determine the value. Would it be a good idea to buy into whatever country's currency was hot today or recently up or had the best features? Obviously that would be a huge risk. The same with digital currencies. Just buying in on hype or to make money will produce little joy even if the price goes up. Buying in with the intention to become a long term user of that currency and to participate in its development and growth is the best opportunity. Therefore, I suggest and am practicing only investing in digital currencies where I am willing to go through the good times and bad regardless of the price. Steem is where I am today and where I plan to stay indefinitely!
  6. When to sell a cryptocurrency? Before Steem I was all in an another altcoin and really excited about it. When I first bought the price was low and made payments to me every week just for holding it. As I tried to participate in the community over the next several months, I was consistently met with a mix of excitement and hostility. When I began talking openly about this, the negative emotions won over in the community and in me. Originally I had invested and been happy to hold no matter what the price which quickly went up after I bought it. After months of frustration in trying to be of service in helping that cryptocurrency grow, I suddenly found myself staring at the price charts with fear. I was back to only seeing the currency as a way to make money and I knew it was time to exit because I now no longer cared if I missed out on the profits from a price increase while having the price go down had become completely unacceptable. I sold everything just before the price doubled again but still made 7 dollars for every dollar I invested. In other words, when the digital currency became a means to an end of making money instead of an investment I was excited about, I sold it because why have my money tied up in something I no longer care about? I used about one third of what I sold to invest in Steem and am extremely grateful for this experience today because I learned how to make a graceful exit. Could I have made more money by holding the other currency longer? Sure. Is the point of investing purely to make money? No because the point of investing is to use money to do some good in the world and if there is no joy from investing, there is no good in it either.
  7. Where are the best websites to use for changing fiat like USD and EUR to digital currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Steem? I use with as my next best option for buying and selling Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin to USD because I can make direct transfers from my bank account and quickly move Litecoin into an exchange where I can then buy anything else.
  8. What exchange is working the best today to buy altcoins? is where I am buying and selling most of my Steem and Steem Dollars into Bitcoin because the transactions complete in about half an hour total from sending SBD to Bittrex to having USD in my Coinbase wallet. For buying into Steem, the reverse is true where I can have my USD changed into Steem in my wallet at the best rate in about thirty minutes. Poloniex is what I used previously but many users have been unable to make withdrawals leaving me to suspect a crash is coming.
  9. When to invest? The ideal strategy to me seems to be to invest consistently over time because this minimizes the impact of volatile prices. For example, if you decide you want to invest in Steem but are not sure if the price will be up or down later, buying in every month instead of all at once is often an ideal way to go forward because if the price goes down, you get a better deal next time. If the price goes up, you got a good deal buying in initially. If you feel the price is absolutely a great deal today, then buying in all at once can be a good strategy when combined with an ongoing investment plan to continue buying more in the future. I bought into Steem all at once to begin and then bought more as the price dropped right after I bought it. Today the price is up more and I am grateful just by making posts I am continuing to invest more as an author. If the price takes a serious drop below a $1, I will begin buying in again with cash in addition to my author rewards because I believe the price will be over $10 in a few months. In summary, investing over time is ideal because it helps account for the up and down prices more effectively.
  10. How about day trading crypto? While profits are possible trading cryptocurrencies, so are losses. My first year involved me spending hundreds of hours trading Bitcoin with a result of losing over $5,000 with nothing to show for it. Simply trading digital currencies is very similar to gambling because no one really knows what is going to happen next although anyone can guess! While I was lucky to do nothing expect lose money when I started, the worst thing that can happen is to get lucky right away and get a big ego about what an amazing cryptocurrency trader we are. The predictable result then is increasing the volume and risks in trades with eventually losing everything with again nothing to prove to anyone that we learned anything except a story. If you are not aware of how the very top traders and companies rig the game to wipe out ordinary traders, then the odds are stacked against winning just as much as going to the casino. I struggled with a gambling addiction not because I lost all the time but because sometimes I did win big but mostly lost. The night I turned $10 into almost a thousand in college was followed by years of gambling compulsively with most nights resulting in losing all my money and occasionally turning a few dollars into a thousand. Cryptocurrency trading is the same. The systems are setup at the highest level to capitalize on the ups and downs with almost no risk and are great for consistently taking money from ordinary traders like me when I thought I was smarter than everyone else while allowing just enough good things to happen so the game continues to be played. Avoid trading on all levels or risk the consequences of losing a lot of time and money overall even if initially or occasionally big success comes.

Thank you for reading this and I hope it was helpful!

If you have more questions, would you please post them as comments here because every reader then will have a chance to answer your questions?

If you would like me to make more posts like this, would you please upvote this post because it will help me continue making Steemit my "real job"?

Jerry Banfield

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Hey @jerrybanfield

I notice your top two upvoters are again these "" guys. Do you know anything about this? I know you emphasize giving back to the platform, a position I agree with, does this behavior concern you?

Note: I am looking for information, I am not implying anything.

Upvote for visibility.

@lexiconical thank you for sharing about the circle jerks because I was just talking with my friends about that! The difference with linear voting is that now everyone can participate whereas before the biggest whales could do the most epic circle jerks but most everyone else could not do much more than watch!

I read the articles you linked to and another one after that and made a few comments because I believe our upvotes do need to do the most good! Allowing circle jerks to consume a significant percentage of all rewards leaves out everyone that has not found a circle to jerk with! LOL

I am very grateful for every upvote I receive and try to thank those voting with the most power however I can from comments to shout outs and whatever else I can offer!

I try to focus my votes on bringing posts up from under a $1 to $5 or $10 because I think that has the highest impact for our future. I am grateful for every upvote I receive especially the high power ones. While I normally do not curse, I think I said something like holy shit when I saw the $800 upvote come in right away on this post today and whatever I did to earn that I hope I keep doing it!

"I try to focus my votes on bringing posts up from under a $1 to $5 or $10 because I think that has the highest impact for our future."

I think you are right, Jerry. That really helps authors get to the Hot page.

Thank you for the thorough reply!

follow me @lexiconical @jerrybanfield

Congrats !! When I saw that the video would last than 30 min I thought I wouldn´t be patient enough, I was wrong, it was clever and fun, I´m sure you actually made, not just me but everybody, laugh in some parts. Keep rocking!! Buena suerte!!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@jerrybanfield 800 haha you're so lucky i wish I was getting up to that number more often- I feel weekends are slow and dont really generate much- had some quiet posts.

good on you though :)

Followed you bro. :)

Thx, followed u back

Focus on the posts. That's the key right there. Thank you!

I'm glad you addressed this issue. Its very easy for speculation to run rife in the absence of clarity. Shared your article, as i think alot of newcomers to steemit may not be inherently involved with Crytpocurrency. This is consistent with the narrative of all important steemit community growth the early adopters really expect to see in the coming weeks and months ahead.
So thanks :)

I'm not sure that mentioning these people will actually make them go away, you know. But thats just how I see it...

It seems logical that those with the most invested would want to help those working the most to pump the value of Steem and Steemit up to keep going because that would be best for everyone's existing investments. It is an honor to earn an upvote from one of the top investors in Steemit which is @hendrikdegrote and whatever I am doing to earn that I hope to continue doing it! I trust each user on Steemit to do what is best for all of us especially those with the most voting power and consider everyone on Steemit a friend!

This post help us a lot of information about other cryptocurrency.Thanks

Steemit will never be anything great or big it will crash with this kind of loopholes and exploiting behaviour.

Facebook has turned out great even with allowing advertisers to spend billions spamming users with mostly irrelevant and often exploitative ads. Until we step out of capitalism any system will have the same basic problem.

Placing ads is one thing, but those companies do not control the content on Facebook, which is something that cannot be said for Steemit. Here on Steemit, the content is controlled by the top (liberally estimating) 10 percent.

Yeah I agree with that...... Simple fact

The whales are actually the platforms biggest enemies, and they will inevitably lead Steem and Steemit to its death. The platform is essentially a pay to win platform, and nothing that it is pay to win ever lasts... unless of course it's run by the government.

Whales have a bad influence on steem?

This is a common misconception that many users have.

You must think of steem as a race between users. Whenever someone is refuelling (powering down) he loses position in the race. Steem is exactly the same.

Why are whales not bad?

Because whales have to stay powered up if they don’t want to lose position in the race, by doing so they contribute to increase the price of steem.

Whales who are powering down are not bad either because they are losing position in the race and will soon be eliminated from the race. They also contribute to increase steem supply on the market thus giving everyone a good opportunity to boost their engine.

Another misconception is that whales are draining the reward pool.

Again, people should stop thinking of the reward pool as a limited thing, the reward pool is potentially unlimited because the price of steem can increase indefinitely.

Whales by staying in the race and not refuelling ( powering down) essentially increase the size of the reward pool by increasing the price of steem thus allowing everyone to earn more.

Whales are either powering down and will be out of the race soon or powering up and increasing the size of the reward pool, so they are definetely not the enemies.

I suggest you check to see where you are in the race :)

A few months ago I was a dolphin and now I am a whale because I never refuelled during the race. Many users who were ahead of me have however and are now behind. Everyone who are on steemit today basically have a head start on the race, so they will soon become whales too.

This makes a lot of sense. Thanks for posting that.

Abundant mindset @someonewhoisme.

thanks 4 sharing that.

I do not think whales are the enemies. I think the problem is that when we post something, it disappears from the front page real fast, making it extremely hard to even get seen. So people start to rely on other methods to build up. However, I don't really know what would be a solution for the "disappear too fast from the frontpage" problem, though.

Soon we will have communities, like reddit so that would solve the problem you mentionned. It's in steem roadmap 2017.

STEEM could replace pretty much every type of social media out there......

@someonewhoisme thank you very much as a whale for upvoting so many of my posts because you have helped me continue giving everything I can to our community here!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Funny you mention the government, because I think Steemit has an "inequality problem," too, and the way to solve that would be acting more like a responsible and rational government.

That would mean not creating "feedback loops" for "rich people" to get even richer, but instead making it easier for the "little guy" to become "middle class" faster.

I believe this is how the Steemit platform should work, too. It should try to put as many people in the "middle class" of Steemit authors as possible, rather than just show-off with a handful of authors (no offense to Jerry here) that can earn more than a thousand of dollars per article, almost every time.

Yes, I do think that "draws-in" people to the platform, as they see the platform's potential. However, I also think this could be temporary (as in a matter of months to a year). If the platform grows 10x in number of accounts, but 99% of the users still make less than $50 a month writing an article every day, while top authors earn, presumably, over $10,000 per post by then, then this will end-up being a big turn-off for everyone, and they will start dumping the platform.

The platform would be way more successful if, maybe not every user, or even half of the users, but a good percentage of them can say that they can live off Steemit earnings. This doesn't necessarily need to happen right now, as the platform still has too few users. But when it's say 10x bigger, I do expect to see that happening.

Steemit could solve the inequality problem rather easily by using an algorithm for the payouts that gives diminishing returns for top authors. For instance, if a post has already made $200 from the first 100 votes, with an average of $2 per vote, then the next 100 votes should only give the author $100. The next 100 votes after that should only give her $50, and the next 100 votes $25. Something along those lines.

This is just a solution for capping the earnings of authors that consistently rank at the top due to their big initial followers on the platform, or perhaps by bringing their followers from Twitter or Facebook or YouTube to Steemit, which in a way gives them an "unfair" advantage compared to others who want to start from scratch let's say in the year 2019. Then spread that "unused money" in some way to authors of less popular posts.

There could also be some ways to solve the whale problem and/or loopholes used by vote rings and such. For instance, a "whale's" upvote should be worth more when given to a post that has under $100, but worth much less when given to a post that has over $500. The same diminishing returns idea from above, but applied to whales directly.

Obviously, these algorithms can be tweaked, and they don't have to work exactly as I said. But I do believe something along those lines is needed so that the newer authors are encouraged to stay with the platform and see that they can indeed have good earnings potential here by seeing it with their own posts, rather than just staring mesmerized at how some top authors (consistently the same ones) keep earning $1,000 per post.

As a new user, I see the same issue. There are posts created by the early adopters that have so many upvotes and with plenty of earnings even when the quality of posts is so poor.

I appreciate this concept - diminishing financial returns as the viewership increases through virality. Sounds like a good way to even the playing field and avoid fraud.

@jarexx: you have hit the problem absolutely correctly and your solutions in principal are excellent. That is the only way the platform can be saved from greedy and creepy people

I guess we as human beings are inherently flawed, and always tend to create these circles and loops. It is not a flaw in the system as such, but more a flaw in all of us. We have to be more responsible citizens.

I agree to it.. Let's wait and see what happens in few months.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I've been on this platform for a few weeks and it's obvious why the superstars are liking it, they're getting paid thousands for their content however, for the vast majority with content which is just as good, they barely get a look in.

I suspect I'm beginning to experience the user experience for most of the Steemians on here with an optimistic and hopeful beginning and then a slow realisation that maybe it's not that great with the whales pulling the strings, casting the bait and us minnows swimming around wide eyed, ever hopeful yet utterly powerless.

I'm currently 55/45 in favour of STEEMIT, I'm still hopeful it's going to fulfill its potential but I'm powering down just incase so I can ditch it, if in 3 months, I'm still of the same opinion.

Not to burst your bubble, but "pay to win" systems never ever work.

Take for example: World of Warcraft gold, Diablo 3 real money auction house, and almost every mobile game ever created, etcetera.

Eventually, all pay to win systems are totally manipulated by people with lots (whales) of money, hackers, cheaters, fakers, liars, or in China's case... people with a whole lot of free time on their hands.

The biggest reason why Reddit is so successful, albeit gamed a little itself, is because there isn't any real incentive to post, up-vote, or down-vote on there. People do because they want to educate, learn, agree or disagree. The fact that Karma points don't have any value at all is the platforms biggest advantage.

Great point. Steemit will never get to one billion authors making money. People will have to want to come hear to read and curate, since there isn't enough time in the day for "one billion great bloggers" to be successful authors on Steemit


Exactly, if this thing is ever to be successful, people have to come here for the content and content alone. The currency you make or may make via your creation or comment needs to be an afterthought... and appreciated treat if you would.

I love reddit.

For everyone with a lot of Steem Power I think it is our duty to both help each other and help those just getting started. I try to do both as best I can. With any system there is always a way to exploit it and Steemit at least makes it transparent. On Facebook, it is just the same except not obvious to the average user how it happens or in the user's face in the form of ads which are taken for granted. I much prefer Steemit's system over being shown ads on Facebook.

There's a thing called adblocker. Then you just follow whatever brands you like...
I feel that my time, money, contributions or whatever effort won't be showing here anytime soon.

you make thousand dollar on this post this great,

This post help us a lot of information about other cryptocurrency.

My contribution for this platform is over until this is a fair space. This shit is rigged.

LOL, You're a funny guy Jerry. I had my doubts about you when I heard you were here. But hey, it's great that we have an open market eh ?

Welcome to Steemit !!!

Hey @jerrybanfield :)
I just saw your other post on upvoting undervalued posts which need more attention. Would you consider this post:

Bildschirmfoto 2017-06-29 um 22.44.33.png
It is a very important issue and the content should be known by everyone. Furthermore the collected money will be given out to a rescue organisation and not into my own pocket :)

Thanky you sir!

This post received a 3.3% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @theaustrianguy! For more information, click here!

great people sharing awesome amount

If you like it share the message :) But most importantly - go through the tutorial :)

thank you, good post!

If you like it share the message :) But most importantly - go through the tutorial :)

Great work bro, I will be upvoting you here and resteeming and upvoting your original post.

Keep it up!

As I mentioned in the original post - Thank you too - By sharing/upvoting everybody does his part in making the world a safer place for all of us!

You are welcome. Keep it up!

Voted it up thank you for sharing!

Thank you @jerrybanfield! :)

@jerry great work as ever

Another awesome post @jerrybanfield, you made so many great points in this post.

Number 5, stuck out the most for me and this is why I'm here not to mention your original announcement post and course about STEEMIT.

"Which cryptocurrency is best to buy today? The best cryptocurrency to buy is one we are willing to hold onto even if it goes down. For example, I believe in Steem enough that I am willing to hold it even if it goes down 99% and would start buying more of it if the price dropped. I have no intention of selling and am continuing to invest for the long term because of the supportive and energized group of users we have on Steemit!"

jerry banfield post.PNG

Everyone says that until the stock.. errrr currency hits their stop loss sell point. Same as stock market. Everyone says and preaches "HOLD!" and then they sell out when it goes up high or goes too low. Otherwise we'd all be sitting on billions in virtual currency eating only beans and living off government subsidies watching our cryptocurrency.

haha you make a good point. I wish I had never sold any of my crypto from the early days. I would be sitting on stacks on top of stacks.

i keep reading it over and over " I believe in Steem enough that I am willing to hold it even if it goes down 99% and would start buying more of it if the price dropped. I have no intention of selling and am continuing to invest for the long term because of the supportive and energized group of users we have on Steemit!".

It's a good thing that you're only investing in Steem. That makes me more comfortable for the future since I have done the exact same. :P

So you are telling me...

$368 Million and I owe all the STEEMMM

Thanks Jerry,

that's a nice summary for beginners!

Answered a few of mine, thanks!

Good post man!

Thank you Jerry!

The most important thing is getting new people into the cryptoverse. Great job easing the way for the newbies out there!

This is a great point; newbies interest assures there is long term interest over decades..

I like bitcoin ,,,, By keeping Bitcoin primarily as a store of value and / or currency, we store it simply and theoretically at least reduce the bloat on the main blockchain.

It can also help reduce arguments and subdivisions in the future because of protocol changes, as there will be little incentive to add new features to try to compete with new projects.

So in short, I think keeping Bitcoin in focus and working well because its currency form is quite difficult so it should be the only focus. In some cases simplicity is the best.
I listen ,,,,

Heyy, I know you from YouTube lol! I've been watching you since you made those Dash videos :)
I noticed here there's less comments about the content of this post than about how much money you earned for it - what's up with that lol?

I'm new around Steemit and I'm liking it a lot so far, but it is a little strange to see everyone's earnings. When I was growing up that was always thought rude to ask someone how much they make - but now it's public knowledge lol. What are your thoughts on this?

Good post! Agree on all of your points, except for point 4. I think the payment feature of crypto's is the least exiting part. Crypto's will not only bring a better payment system, but a full 2nd layer over the internet that provides trust without 3rd party and is programmable. Fully self functioning companies and organizations will be possible and everything can be decentralized what makes it super efficient and fraud / human error proof.

Jerry has been involved in crypto market from more than 2 years. I have seen my first tutorial of jerry when i wanted to learn crypto trading.

So, what is the point you want to make??

I think is always a good idea to tend to diversify your portfolio by investing in more cryptos rather than just in one, however you should not let the quantity to prevail over quality.
So, at the end of the day, you should find that golden middle where you have investments in several cryptos and each one of these cryptos are quality Blockchain, Smartchain, Directed Acyclic Graph etc Projects...

Hello @jerrybanfield
This story made it to the ღ #steempearls of @tabea . Check it out at

Hey! @jerrybanfield ! Check my posts about Trezor and Cryptosteel ! :)
TREZOR First Configuration

TREZOR - Password Manager

CRYPTOSTEEL - An indestructible safe for private keys

Thanks and Greetings from Poland

For you Jerry!

Very nice love it! Should I make a video asking Kesha to join?

It just works am I right?! @JerryBanfield
jerrys dream.png

(If you would please follow me I would diiiie. and put out better content :D)

Already following before you even asked!

hahaha my guy! I'll do my best to make you proud :) and more! Keep up the good vibes :D

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hahaha oh my gosh you replied! I can't believe it. I'm glad i took note of your passionate kesha tracks mid video. such a laugh :)

You've inspired me to put my profession to work with Steem. I live in South Africa and I too run Facebook ads and am google certified for adverts and am going to promote this platform with content and value, thanks for the inspiration!

Thank you for putting together this insightful post, as someone who has no crypto currency this is very helpful. I know I want in I am just not sure what one to buy yet.

Hi Jerry, Great Post and really clear for people new to crypto-currencies. I'd love to hear your opinion on EOS - SO MASSIVE! - see my post I put out today:

Wishing you a beautiful day ;-)


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Do you mind expanding your article with the next one and answer few more questions, that first times have? How do I know? I'm one of them :-) Questions:

1 - Say I want to keep portion (or all) of my earned money here on steemit ecosystem for a while. Say year or two, no rush... What is the best option for me? What are experiend users doing when they decide to keep STEEM's? Should I:
a - just keep everything in SBD's?
b - should I convert them to STEEM coins?
c - should I convert to steem and move to steem saving account
d - should I power up (say I'm wiling to have steem for year or two minimum), can I later cash them ALL out with 13 weeks power down process? (not quite sure about this)
e - something else, please advise :-)

So what are pros doing, with the earned part that stay in steem ecosystem?

Basically what I'm asking is, what are the benefits, pros and cons for each option, so i can figure out which one to use

Power up to Steem by converting any SBD to Steem! I have powered up more than have of my SBD to Steem and then Steem Power while selling some to pay taxes and keep in case of a big price drop.

" Power up to Steem by converting any SBD to Steem! "

Just to be sure I understand, you are not talking to convert to STEEM, but you are talking to convert to STEEM POWER, correct?

And if I want year or two later cash some out, I can always power down and get money back (whatever will then be the ratio) with 13 weeks long procedure, correct?



Great, thank you very much!

You couldve made 10blogposts out of this one. Probs on you that you didnt. Well explained!

Thanks Jerry! Always a wealth of information.

This is a good write up, it's like you were pouring out my mind here. I have some Altcoins in keep and loosing interest in some too but haven't decided on selling it yet. Steem gives me confidence and I might just keep it indefinitely lol. Nice work Jerry, keep it up.

Good post ! thank you for sharing :D

I love this post I dont understan crypto coin to much but i'm learning slowly :))

I'm making the crypto world friendly and accessible for everybody by explaining acronyms and terms related to cryptocurrency. Please upvote for visibility.

Here I found:

NSA The National Security Agency is the official U.S. cryptologic (the science of cryptographic design and decryption) organization.
SBD Steem Dollars are liquid stable-value currency tokens designed to be pegged to $1 USD

I did try to make money day trading ... but in the end I just toke a really long time to make some money and lost all the profit it in 2 or 3 bad trades....

Exactly thank you for verifying this!

Great post Jerry! Nice introduction to crypto's. I don't know much about them besides steem, so it is nice to start learning more! Keep it up, thank you.

So you are only investing in STEEM now? I really like stem, but I still have other coins incase they become the next bitcoin. I hold mine for the long run.

Steem is undervalued and it will give us at least 5x profits in 1 year time.
So you can imagine if he is putting all in steem lets say $20000 that will be worth $100,000 after a year.

I guess you are right, but I personally like to diversify a little. I will say that no other coin has the rewards that seem does. Just having a social platform to interact with is worth more than anything. i powered up what I can afford because I get rewards on the steemit site and I also think the coin will increase in value!

Why do you think Steem is headed to $10? It appears that a lot of the cryptocurrencies, including Steem, received a bump because of the bitcoin and Eth rally instead of anything with the actual currencies themselves.

Hopefully I'm wrong, but the dip in a lot of the other currencies appear to be following the dip with bitcoin and eth as well.

I hope your right dog :)

@nggavin Why is that?

For a relative newbie to cryptocurrencies like me this was a very helpful and informative article. Great post :)

EOS is not on the list yet, but oh boy you can bet it will be soon enough.

This is a great beginner's introduction. In my opinion, the crypto space has been pretty hyped lately with lots of new unsophisticated entrants. As such, I think your advice about buying the cryptos that you expect to hold or actually use makes most sense.

I can trust the words and suggestions of jerry without any doubt because he is much experienced and is successful in this business.

you the real vip, jerry

excessive trading will result in a loss for 99% of all traders. So invest in the coins you trust and let the time bring in the money. Don't sell the dips. Be a value investor and buy in when others are fearful and sell....

We can always trade for short profit in good coins as well. When we believe a coin is good. Hold it for good time but at the same time we can buy the dips to make quick profits as well

Great post once again @jerrybanfield all points taken although I have some minor disagreements to some points like treating crypto trading same with gambling.

I know that big traders are out to rig the game but if you have the right strategy and you stick with it, trading can still be one of the most profitable activity you can do.

Thanks for the heads up. especially with Poloniex time to stay away from it. I heard a lot of noise about its inconsistencies that its time to avoid it like a plague...

Great article, I will recommend it!

@jerrybanfield i like reading your comments but i actually prefer your videos, they are more 'fluid' and 'easier' to watch! Your posts are always informative but also huge ! :D I would love to see always bullet points and an initial question which would show what the topic of the next section would (which you usually do, but i would like to see it more 'separated').

Reason is that sometimes i wish i had the time or i could focus on reading all of it but i can't . Still , thanks for the comprehensive post.

Hey @jerrybanfield.
i think ripple is not profitable now
and it will go down from top 10
what's your opinion about ripple?

Yes be careful with ripple. The banks can adopt core ripple technology without necessarily adopting the cryptocurrency xrp

Sounds reasonable for the foreseeable future because banks are very slow to adapt usually!

I think you should also mention loaning on exchanges although risky its what i use for trading just use the interest

Your suggestion is supported, Gary. Good reading and notes for all.

great info

A very good article @jerrybanfield. Thank you for sharing your experience.
I especially liked no. 10. I believe all fellow steemians should read it carefully.

Great Post - Hey @jerrybanfield - do you mind putting more breaks and spaces in your posts - makes for easier reading :)

That is the thing we have to get knowledge by reading with concentration. Every good information needs focus.

This comment has received a 0.05 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @cryptokraze.

Upvoted! Great post as always! :)

Way to go Jerry, another great post and good value for people that don't know what crpto is!
Good job
keep up the good work

waves is going to be top 7 soon

Not new post on internet but its more detailed one.


Good job Jerry, but I would prefer to hear that advices from you in a video, because I like the positive vibes you're spreading while doing them (:

Hi Jerry, your nr 10 about day trading your exactly on point, it's like gambling and not good for your nerves (mayby for some) that is why I started my investment strategy to automate much of my trading (selling) instead of panic selling. Here is my strategy I just wrote (still part one):

Thank you again Jerry, I always enjoy your resumes of all this crypto and steemit world, saves us a lot of time, I recommend you to give it another enter (space) after each point to make it more appealing and easy to read. (Some sort of pause and calm for readers like me). Just my 2 cents! Keep the great work you do!

Yes. This can help even an absolute begginer. Great post..very well Explained.

I'm so glad to be a part of your team that i can't even comprehend how you can absorb and retain so much valuable information in a short period of time. You're like my own personal hand held computer that i turn to whenever i need valuable information. Thanks again Jerry. Love when you do that little talking to yourself thing in your videos like, (Well how did you know that I was worried Jerry???)... Then you give an answer hahahahaha.

Thank you very much dear friend because I am now in this magnificent adventure steemit thanks to one of your posts on FB
I share with you this immense interest for digital currencies
I would like to follow you on FB and youtube please send me the links.
So I would like you to help me on steemit if possible.
I am very happy for your success.

I watch your videos.... hahah... you have have such passion for this.... Good going man... The community needs CRYPTOGURUS like you to help us newbie minions in this plethora of Cryptoland...

Your the top guy breaking this stuff down and making it simple. Thanks jerry. You stay humble and show others the path

Thank You Jerry Bai
indian style

great @jerrybanfield, great post, thank you.

Sir I'm enrolled in your course and enjoying every bit of it while learning.Your experience can bring more @Jerrybanfield

This article will make it easier for new people to the crypto currency world a lot easier!

Well written and very informational, as always :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yeah cryptos can be unforgiving. One simple mistake and you can lose a lot. But I guess it's worth it. Just have to be careful enough. And I definitely believe in steem so much that I would also buy a lot of it if the price went down big time.

How much steem do you recommend owning at this point in time?

As much as possible !

This is an excellent resource for someone who wants to start acquiring some cryptocurrencies and great advice on day trading as well. All presented in an easy to understand way.

Hey @jerrybanfield thanks for this write up. So many cryptos these days that it is hard to keep the overview!

Where do see the future of ethereum? It is quite unstable from the last month. Panic sellings, coinbase server problems, death hoax and now counterparty, everybody is against its growth.

What are your views?

It is a wild ride I think Ethereum has a bright future but might be a bit overvalued at the moment! I like the resilience of the community already getting through some disasters like the DAO exploit!

I agree - it is critical when you get into a coin. I have a view that etehrem's target market cap is under 10 x where it currently is. Many other coins are likely to grow much more than 10 times. But I believe in ethereum - I'd reinvest if the price fell a long way

wow i can't believe that you have accrued 1000 dollars in 4 hours

Me either!

I'm jealous. I put up my first cryptocurrency posts this week and despite people thinking one or two were helpful I spent more in advertising the first one ($20) than I got in revenue ($3) ! Clearly it isn't just about good content as people liked some of my posts but how you get people to find you! How do I get people to find me? thanks!

Thank you for the good basic FAQ answers. I agree with you on these points and they are a good start for many new to cryptocurrencies. Many of these points also apply to investing in general, like investing in the stock market. I think it is actually quite beneficial to learn investing in the stockmarket, and then invest in cryptocurrencies. With the stockmarket you probably won't loose as much if you make a stupid investment decision, but you also won't earn as much making a great one. It also teaches you patience, since that is one of the most important things.

Well, of course I can't say that everyone should invest in the stockmarket, but sometimes it feels that grasping the basics of investing, investing in cryptocurrencies can be really hard.

Anyway, following your 10 points and building upon them, can be a good starting point for those new. I also like to stress the point that you need to make decisions based on what you believe in, not what is most popular (bitcoin, ethereum, etc.) and that if you want to make a million in a week, you shouldn't even try.

thank yu jerry nice post !

Hi, @jerrybandfield,

This is perfect for me as I just started on steemit and in the crypto world a week ago and have had every question on your list (in one form or another) over the past week. The world of crypto is so intimidating for a newbie. But, I find you very relatable and inspiring. If @jerrybandfield can do it, I can do it! =)

Thank you for the support and please continue to make this empowering content.


thankyou jerry.jpg

Thanks a lot for this post, which is actually more like a FAQ:)
I'm trying to find out what Smart Contracts is? So...
If you can do one more, about Smart Contracts in the same way, it'll be great!:) will be very useful
Thanks again, man!

you are an inspiration Jerry. thank you for all your post

Jerry - very helpful, well done, and timely for me. Best of all much of your lessons learned, and approach are similar to how my experience has shaped my thinking as I continue learning everything I can about cryptocurrencies.

great info...thanks my friend...

How much money you earn that's so big .It's my dream to make money thousend dollar

Hey @JerryBanfield, great content brother. Keep on bringing that quality to the table. Thanks for that!

Thanks for sharing another great post @jerrybanfield

Completely brilliant work done by Sir @jerrybanfield

I love the way you put it together. Plus it's easy to read. A very good post.

Oh yes. And it can not be over emphasized. Very good post it is.

I'm all about that NEM life.

DCxMZlwXsAI9Oiz.jpg large.jpg

Hello @jerrybanfield
There is some question on cryptocurrency
1)what are the major benefits of private block chain upon public block chain?

2)bitcoin is it right for your business?

3)what is the best gtu for monero mining?

4)how many lisk will ever exist?

5)what is best gpu to mining ethereum?

Great questions because I do not know the answers to any except that Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies can be very good for business! I have stopped using Bitcoin for transfers because of the network fee needed to get the transaction processed quickly.

Thank you for this post! It was very informative on the crypto currency situation. Very helpful to those who are new to this.

thank for the tips |||

Horray, really great information dude. thank you

great article Jerry thanks for sharing.

Thanks for share this important info.

Thank you for the information @jerrybanfield!!, the 9. point works for me too!, I have some USD saved while the price of cryptocurrencies is going down, I will wait few days when price drops to 7% to 14%, I still learning everyday :)

Sexy illustrations works and cryptocurrencies at --> @treinorstudio

Jerry might not realize it, but hes changing the way millions of people will think and learn about cryptocurrencies, keep it up man!

Great post! Thanks for all the informations!

Your article on Cryptocurrency is quite helpful and in a way its been capsuled. Upvoted. 👍

Great Explanation . Gud job jerry always

I only recently learned how the value of each coin is determined.

The entire market is based mostly on manipulation. If you have enough capital, you can pump up a coin and then sell it off for a nice profit.

The recent Ethereum flash crash was "enough said" on the topic of market manipulation. The only thing keeping a coins price up are the "whales" - which have the power to easily bring down any coins value.

Nice meme :)

Great info @jerrybanfield ! Thanks a ton!

Keep the amazing posts like this coming and you will be god here lol

Cheers man

Oh Nope. No God not here on steemit. Sorry.

Excuse my newbieness. Why are there so many cryptocurrencies? Does this many mean a weakness in the whole crypto-system? and how to tell a good one from a bad one?

There are many because it is easy to make new ones! Most are probably not going anywhere but a few are likely to be the future of making transactions online as well as very good investments today!

nice job man

Thanks Jerry. Great post like always. Good day.

Great info mate.. it has covered most of what people out there ask for..!

@jerrybanfield thanks man for such informative post.

Very good info. Upvoted and following. Thank you