BTC Bull Market loading...

in bitcoin •  2 years ago 

I suspect the eventual breakout, will be sideways for a bit before the real bull market begins

I'm not sure if you can feel it or not, but it is starting to feel like things are slowly changing on the macro front.

Sure we get bad news every day, but the market has stopped going down on that bad news, which is a hallmark of a bottom being put in.

Once things stop going down on bad news, they start going up as things get less bad.

Often times to the best time to own something when it goes from awful to just bad.

We might be on the verge of one of those times here...



That being said I am not expecting a major bull market any time soon personally, though I do admit we could see a bounce like we saw in 2011 and 2018 as the price emerged from this downtrend....

I think it will most likely resemble 2014 with the break being sideways for a bit with minor bounces and pullbacks as it gradually builds over time before the bull market really kicks in a year or so later....

Those be my thoughts anyways, what do you think?

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Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.


I think the people will be who ignites the bull run.. mass adoption has not come to the surface yet... I think this is by design... However there are some ne wmarketing ploys that may awaken that giant.... soon.

Yea I agree, that could be the next driver of price growth.

I'm curious what will happen

like bro, good