RE: Why dont we get on BitFinex? They Just Added Loads of Coins!

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Why dont we get on BitFinex? They Just Added Loads of Coins!

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 

I think IOTA is a great currency, which solves the scaling problem. Unfortunately, it were not developed as an general paymentsystem.

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Doggie Coin it is, then. I'm all in.

I also love this coin - so yess

你不了解IOTA 根本就是半成品. 说好的转账速成.现实是最慢. 说好的不收费.出尔反尔又收费. 奇葩钱包搞了几年. 一无所成. 致命漏洞百出. 谎言不断. 业内臭名昭著. 唯一支持价值的就是不可能实现的概念.

For anyone who does not want to type it into Google Translate:

You do not understand IOTA is simply a semi-finished products. Good transfer is fast. The reality is the slowest. Say good does not charge. Arrogance and charges. Exotic purse engaged in a few years. The only thing that supports value is the concept that is impossible to achieve.

我觉得这个概念非常好。 在我看来,几年后,我们的咖啡机将在互联网上购物。

I think this concept is very good. In my opinion, a few years later, our coffee machines will be shopping on the Internet.