💰 Bittrex Gave Me My Bitcoin Cash! / Bittrex 給了我 Bitcoin Cash! 💰steemCreated with Sketch.

in bitcoin •  8 years ago  (edited)

Bitcoin / Bitcoin Cash

Hello guys, a quick update to everyone on Steemit anticipating the Bitcoin fork. I just checked my Bittrex account and I'm pleased to report that Bitcoin Cash has been credited to my wallet! The amount is exactly equal to the number of Bitcoins I had in the wallet. Currently the price of Bitcoin Cash (BCH? / BCC?) is about 1/6th the price of Bitcoin.

大家早,相信大家都對比特幣分叉事件感到五味雜陳,不知道未來會怎麼樣。我剛才登錄了我的Bittrex賬號看了一下,發現多出了Bitcoin Cash,數量跟我賬號裡的比特幣一樣!按照現價Bitcoin Cash (BCH) 大約是比特幣的六分之一。

I'm really starting to like Bittrex a lot more than Poloniex, I encourage everyone to leave Poloniex!

最近越來越喜歡 Bittrex,建議大家停止使用Poloniex!

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Poloniex has disappointed me so many times in the past, I'm glad I'm done with them.

Congrats, now the only thing to do is to sell the fake bitcoin and buy the real one :P

Thanks, but the funds are frozen right now :)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Oh yay... party time! Another one liking Bittrex rather than Poloniex. Looks like I have to explore this Bittrex.
Too bad @steemprice don't seem to be updating now.

It is really good service, fast Steem transfers too :)

It's sure good to know

good thing they support btc cash.... coinbase doesnt support the fork... and all is frozen... looking forward to what will happen more

Sucks that Coinbase doesn't support it :(

@shieha Great news for you! Right now bittrex wallets (btc and bcc) are frozen... hopefully I can grab some BCC tomorrow...

Yea I was quite surprised they did it so fast, very professional!

I missed their professional mode and had been dealing with their frozen mode ☺ ☺ ☺ I'll have to check up on the wallets now, it's been 8 hours.

Don't use poloiex myself and happy to hear that you got your bitcoin cash.
Hope everyone's bitcoin cash get deposited alright

I hope so too, I don't see why exchanges steal other people's rightful coin, the least they can do is charge a service fee to handle the forked coin.


B網 = 牛B

wish I knew bittrex sooner. sigh. Is that possible to move BTC on my poloniex to bittrex?

Of course you can move BTC over to Bittrex, but now after the fork I'm not sure if you will get Bitcoin Cash.

I know. just considering to start using bittrex since poloniex is not available to deposit steem, and it happens many times (.___.)

I'll be happy to report that Bittrex is also faster at sending Steem back to Steemit!

You got my vote and a resteem :]

Thank you!

Scam alert!
Google redirects you to wrong site bltrex with "l" and people were hacked.



poloniex 發生什麼事了嗎?


! 感覺好像該跳槽到bittrex 但好像看過他以前被攻擊過道很慘?