I have lost $100,000,000

in bitcoin •  7 years ago 


When the Bitcoin price reaches $20,000 ...
By the time I came to believe that the value could now reach $100,000
I remembered the coin that hit the ground because I could not hold it in my hand.

I bought it at 1/100 of the highest price of Satoshi standard and held it to 45,000 satoshi.

I put all my money in Stratis
If I had not done the wrong deal and switched it to Bitcoin ...
I would have had over $100,000,000 in my hand.

To be honest..
I did not come to sleep because of this result.
BCH and Biticoin interchange .. Even without these deals
If I had only done these two deals ...

As the regret deepens ...
I did not go over the rice in my throat.
Based on the life in Korea, the money of $100,000,000
Throw everything away right now.
The amount that I can live a life that can enjoy unconditional freedom from money.

Just a while ago ..
The $100,000 profit that I could earn from Ripple transactions
I just lost two days because I could not bear it.
I've been struggling all week.


This is when reddit
Suicide in comparison to the sale of Bitcoin too early
I saw an article about a man in the United States.

Read the article ..
I fully understand the feelings of this man who committed suicide.
If I do not change my mind,
The result of this man's actions
I was convinced that I would do the same myself.

There are three opportunities to live in the world.

My first chance
I met my parents who devoted me.

My second chance
I met the most beloved wife in the world.

My third chance
It is a profit of $100,000,000 already sent to the sky

I think I thought like this.

But then again, when I look at my mind ...
The first and second opportunities have not changed
The third chance is that $100,000,000 was not given to me.
'Is not it that I keep living with the hope that I can have a third chance?' I thought it was.

The $ 100,000,000 money I thought I had blown
It is not money that I can change with my life.
I realized that I am not really an indicator of the happiness of my life.

Maybe a guy named Chance
Not already given
It would not be making

So my today is..
I would like to thank the man who saved me.

But still..
Everyone has a coin in your heart like me.

follow me!

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When something gone, its gone forever. It was gone because it was not in your fate. So, don't be dishearten, may something better than it waiting for you...

I truly thank you very much.
Than any word I've heard all day
Your comment on my post shook my heart.

I sent it away now
It was not mine.

And other happiness will wait for me in the future.
Today ... I will read the article you sent me ten more times.

My gratitude is expressed in voting in your comment.

Most welcome. .. My love will always for you....

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You don’t have to think about what you lost, you have to look forward because most probably it was the best it could happened to you in that moment instead. Nothing is going to happen with no reason.
Keep your heart and your eyes open for new opportunities and for sure we’ll read a post from you in the future about winning triple at least.

to @emag
Thank you very much.

I think that
Than the joy I have
I got to see me regretting the unearned profit.

And that regret never helps me.
I am really glad to know it now.

And I sincerely thank you for your reply to me.

I’m sorry to hear about your loss. I know this may not really help; but there are many who have faced a loss of this nature from either fraud or loss of their private key. Time to grieve for a short while & then move on knowing that you still have 2 great chances out of 3. Many don’t even get 1 out of 3 similar chances. Take care.

Thank you for giving me a good comment today.
you're right.
I've already got two opportunities that many people in the world have not had.
Nevertheless, I am not satisfied.

The third chance to come to me in the future
I will make my hope, not greed.

I wish you and your future are full of happiness.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Don't feel too bad about what you have lost. I really understand what you mean, but the best thing to do is look forward and eargerly to what you are to gain. That way you would not feel depressed due to your losses. Life is alway gain or losses.

This word you gave me

Life is alway gain or losses.

It was the most comforting word of the day.
I am going to live hard for what I can get in the future.
And I sincerely appreciate your warm comments.

Wow.. I'm glad I could help :). You are definitely doing well on Steemit, with time you will be top of your game.

Really am I? :-)
Thank you.
I do not speak English well
In this little bit of communication
It is really good to meet a real person like you ~

Yeah, it is really nice meeting you too :)

The coin that got away...

Don't worry, friend. Move forward.

Just imagine $100,000,000 put into a wishing well, if you see it that way, your wish will most certainly come true....or maybe you are wishing for the wrong thing?

@whatamidoing My friends
Thank you for reading my post today and helping me to think right
From now on I have the right idea
I'll think about what I can get in the future.

Do not regret what has happened, Later also will victory by itself. the important spirit keeps brother

You told me I had to keep going.
All right.
I'll keep keep going
Thank you for sending me your strength ~


@sochul - Do not blame yourself so much my friend. No one can see future. You have taken actions based on best information available that time to you. With your sharp mind, you will still make lots if money in future I am sure,
Thanks for sharing your story . Upvoted


My true friend
Thank you very much for your help in my enlightenment today.
My great arrogance now made my shyness
I think this lesson will make me develop every day.
So that we can live a better life in the future.
I think I had $ 100,000,000 that I did not get.

Still .. I lost a golden opportunity XD

We all lost out... except for those who didn't.


감사합니다~ ^^
얻지 못해서 후회하는 것 보다
앞으로 얻을 것을 위해 노력하려고요 ^^

Hi brother @sochul
I wish you things are good
I am sad about what happened on the loss
I do not know how to help you brother
I'm sorry I have little money that does not mention so I'm sad I do not know how to help you but I call you
I wish you all the best

@ mars9 My old friend
Do not worry too much.
I was saddened by the opportunity I lost rather than the opportunity I got now
I learned from this that I can get more in the future.
So I'm happy now
Because of the opportunity I have now
And among them
Including getting a friend like you ;-)

Dear brother @sochul
I always wish you things are good
This is what I hope
You are stronger than these conditions and we often face difficult circumstances
It must be overcome by patience and faith that we can change this situation
I know well you will make what happened that is simple
As I told you, you are stronger than that
I wish you a good life brother

소철님 영어도 잘하시는 능력자셨네용

아녜요 스맛콤님 ^^
구글이 다 해주고 나는 그냥 손이나 볼 뿐..
의미나 제대로 전달될런지 모르겠네요.. ㅎㅎ

구글트렌스레이터 실력인가요?
소철트렌스레이터 실력인가요?ㅎㅎ
소철님 다재다능이 묻어나시네요^^

가끔씩 구글 돌려서리
아주 이상하지 않으면 약간씩만 손봐서 종종 이렇게 올린답니다 제탑님 ^^
하지만 너무나 한국적인 느낌의 포스팅은 제외하고요
제 영어실력에 전달키가 그건 너무 힘들어서요 ㅎㅎ

Bitcoin never imagined that every person's accounting has expanded so fast. Thanks for the nice post.

Thank you friend
I told you my post is a good posting
I'm going to have time to worry about what I'll get in the future.

Thnx my bro mars9
I really happy for you ;-)

As much as it saddens me to read this but cmon man.. you have done something tremendous here on steemit. Look at you. 71 reputation with 58k+ in your wallet.. thats money my friend.. and now you are making more of it hand over fist.
Imagine the time when steem will be around 10$ value, you will be filthy rich..

There is one thing i learned from stock market and then from coin market as well.. we are not super humans. We cannot foresee if a coin thats worth 0.01$ today will go to 10k$ a piece in few months..

We all make decisions based on current facts. I am sure you did so as well..

There is not enough money in the world to make any of us happy and satisfied. At the end of the day, we all want more..

So its always better to draw a line somewhere.. for me, that line is 100,000$ and thats it.. anything above is a bonus but i won't be throwing my life away over trying to achieve the impossible..

I feel regretted too.. back in 2009, i saw an ad on a page that said to sign up for bitcoin wallet and get 10 bitcoins free..
I ignored it.. now i wish i could go back and slap myself right in the face for ignoring it..

But thats life.. 3 months ago, i had 0$ in cryptocurrency.. today i have almost 1000$ when i combine all the cryptos i have today.. thats progress my friend.. there are people out there who have no clue what stratis or bitcoin or ethereum or steem is.. we are already ahead of them...

I feel regretted too .. back in 2009, i saw an ad on a page that said to sign up for bitcoin wallet and get 10 bitcoins free ..

I laughed at this sentence you wrote to me.
I first knew Bitcoin in August 2015

The fact that you knew very quickly XD

Like the comments you gave me
I already feel happy about what I have.

It seems to me that I am greedy because my feelings are sad because of what I did not have.

From now on I am satisfied with what I have
In the future ... I will live happily feeling the opportunity to find out in the future.

I should be a millionaire too.

I have lost the majority of my portfolio about 7 times, due to exchanges collapsing and hard drives failing. My last big loss was when Cryptsy collapsed taking 2,200 Dash along with tons of other coins.

But none of this really matters, we can repeatedly lose on our trades for as long as we like and still end up right were we are now, but we only have to make one good trade and we will be set for life.

There are still so many buying opportunities, I wouldn't even bother worrying about the past, instead seize the day and pic up any coins that have the potential to make you rich within 5 years.

Good Luck

Ah! You've had this many opportunities.
It's amazing that you've endured it every time!
I was disappointed to think I missed my chance in life
But from now on, I want to forget my mind.

You come to my post this way today
Thank you for telling me a wonderful story that will be a lesson for me.

I wish you a wonderful day to continue.

do not think again my friend, sustenance is arranged by god. Maybe in the future you will get more from it.

Thank you for your sincere comments on my blog.
I learned a lot from this.
I will be more concerned with what I can get in the future.

@sochul, I did not know you had such a time.
But I think there will be a better time from now on.
I am sure of this so please believe yourself.

Just as people say that after the rain, the land is hardened
Because of my thoughts
I think I will be happier in the future.
In the end happiness is in my heart.
Thank you for your reply.

oh man bad decision happen, thats why you should never put all eggs into one basket.

stil lyou have STEEM and its raising ;) i have always been telling in my posts to buy a few currencies, LTC that i was shilling for months skyrocketed.

hope you are fine and will come back to be active here! didn see you for some time!

good luck!

I have lost and wasted a sickening amount of cryptos, including multiple Bitcoins. :( OH well, at least I'm better off than most..

That's my friend.
I believe that a good day will come to those who wait.
Although not now.
I hope you'll earn a lot of money back then.

Stay strong dear @sochul! I ll share with you one of my favorite quotes:

Sometimes you have to let life turn you upside down, so you can learn how to live, right side up

cheers and take of you and your family @sochul!