Rothschild's Buy Bitcoin via GBTC $210k & RFID Rollout

in bitcoin •  8 years ago  (edited)

Rothschild's Buy Bitcoin via GBTC $210k & RFID Rollout

New Info Released that makes this article Inaccurate.

I will be issuing a retraction video / statement, and I made the video private. However I am leaving the post up to serve as an example of how even I can be tricked. This article linked below came out after I published this, and disproves the original article and story about this. The Rothschild Investment Corp has nothing to do with he Rothschild Family and that was inaccurate reporting that I parroted and has been corrected, so I am correcting this. I will issue a retraction statement, and video but I want to leave this up as an example of how we can be tricked if we do not do the due diligence to fact check articles.

Article released after I posted this article:

In this video I wanted to warn about the top of the Illuminati financial control structure dipping their toes into the Bitcoin Market. That is right Rothschild Investment Corp. just bought 120,000 USD worth of Bitcoin BTC via GBTC Bitcoin Investment Trust, marking their first entry into the crypto currency publicly. This was reported my many outlets, and verified by the SEC:

Now I know this is not a lot of money for the Rothschild's, see comments below my video on YouTube. However, this could be the first of many buys, and they could be buying up cryptos through agents, which is something they have done in the past, search "Waterloo and Rothschild". I just see this as a warning to those who think BTC is the answer to every problem in the world that even BTC can be taken over by the banksters.

Also we are seeing the "War on cash", and the advancement of microchip technology. Media Monarchy covered it in the film linked below, that a company H3 was rolling out the use of Micro Chips for it's own employees to use at the lunch room vending machines. You simply wave your hand with a microchip embedded in there and your transaction happens instantly via credit transaction, perfect for companies like VISA of course. Please see the media Monarchy report for far more information on this: Media Monarchy's Video.

I still think Ethereum is going to be the New World order Digital only currency, or something very similar. Something with no cap on the amount like Ethereum and backed by companies like JP Morgan, Chase Bank, MicroSoft and more like Ethereum is.

On a good news note, the Rothschild's currently hold 0 STEEM, so join me on, sign up and make crypto currency not controlled or influenced by the Rothschild's for free just by posting and curating content!

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Looks like I got this one wrong, i will issue a video retraction and new post for this explaining.

Rothschilds buying into crypto is a good sign for crypto LOL. Imagine getting on on the ground floor of what the illuminati is about to start buying into! Fuck that WE are the new illuminati!

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

Don't hold your breathe lolz.

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment


  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Bitcoin is not the only crypto-currency. If Rothschild just bought bitcoin big deal. He knows no one will be able to control the fall.

There are more coins establishing on other platforms.

Btw I am excited about the fall.

Adding here (after 4 hours of this comment) Rothschild Investment Corp Not Affiliated With The Rothschild Family: NYT

Damn, that means I need to issue a retraction.

Just what we need the Rothschilds in the crypto market... They poison everything they touch!

Happy to know that I was able to buy in before the banker family Holla!!!

Everyone is so blinded by the Bitcoin mania that they don't see that it is an opportunity for the Rothschilds and other oligarchs to have their single world currency.

"Give me control of the world's money and I care not who makes the laws" — Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild

However I think they are already in since a longer time, not publically but through whatever channels. They have possibilities which we even can´t think of. I also believe that that last massacre a week ago (when BTC went down to app. 1600) could have been a staged, coordinated activity to buy in cheap and further increase influence.

Man! You just crapped on my day.
I know its not you but I didnt want to see them enter the Crypto Market.
Oh well.
Glad you shared this info though.

There goes the cryptohood.

Lolz, yeah exactly.

I made a similar point on a post yesterday. Lord Rothschild cornered the London Stock Market after the battle of Waterloo. He tricked everyone into believing that Napoleon had won and bought the shares that everyone else was dumping at a loss. Are they trying do the same thing with Bitcoin. Manipulate the market and buy it out?

Rothschild will not buy something that does not grow in value. He has a nose for profitable assets :)

Hey Titus, I just used beyondbits to Upvote this post! Nice work.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

No doubt in my mind Roths are billions deep in BTC. $120K is like a penny to him...

It is quite possible.

120 k? Looks not real, fake news or fake Rotschilds.

It was confirmed by the SEC, it is not fake news, you are thinking of CNN.

This news is so old it already got debunked. It's not "this" Rothschild ;)

Yes, I linked to the company that made the investment Rothschild Investment Corp., but as I have documented in many other forms, the Rothschild's all work together.

How has it been debunked, it is confirmed by the SEC?

Is this a good thing or a bad thing, does this mean because Rothschild is investing bitcoin future is good or will he try to manipulate the market? Cheers mike

Followed, Upvoted, and resteemed. Thank you.

I belive without a doubt this right here is the plan

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

Bad way to get votes... Good way to get flagged!

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment