RE: The Power of Decentralization and the Blockchain Revolution

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The Power of Decentralization and the Blockchain Revolution

in blockchain •  7 years ago 

Any idea how long before we see a client update which will allow MN owners to withdraw collateral and stop the contract on their own?

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@haloplatform - can you answer the above question, please? As I understand it, as it stands now in order for masternode operators to get their collateral back, they are required to go bother Scott in the Discord room and have him manually terminate the contract. Hardly optimal, scalable, or decentralized, wouldn't you agree? Halo platform is the only known masternode network where the collateral is inaccessible by the owner, this seems like an extreme counterparty risk.

Please tell me I'm misunderstanding how it works, or that an update that will fix this glaring issue is available. I didn't see this addressed in the recent Newsletter either.