ZeroState: Emotional Intelligence Backed by the Blockchain

in blockchain •  7 years ago  (edited)

As humans, we have feelings and our innate feelings and thoughts are conveyed through our actions. When we get sad, we often frown and in severe cases, let out a tear or two.

Do you know you can actually trade your tears? Your smile is actually worth tens of thousands or some other denomination as the case might be. So the next time you want to cry, channel it well so you get paid for your tears. Your tears and smile should not waste because they’re actually sources of income if well utilized.

I want to introduce a platform that analyzes your emotions and makes good use of it. That platform is called ZeroState.

An Amazing Experience

ZeroState was developed specifically for the human emotions with the aim of using these emotions for adverts. The world today is filled with flourishing businesses and start-up companies. The key to their success if their scope. The scope of every business cannot be gotten from mere wishes; such businesses have to bring their products and services known to the public domain through advertisements.

ZeroState recognized the non-infinitesimal role adverts and marketing plays in business and hence, developed a platform that will analyze the emotions of its users. ZeroState is the pioneer emotional intelligence platform and it is here to help advertisers and marketers reach more audience.

How it works

The platform will use the blockchain in x-raying users’ emotions through a concept called Emotional Intelligence (EQ). ZeroState will collate users’ emotions using its mobile application and filter them into their different categories before leasing this information out to advertisers.

As a user, you get to earn some income when you allow ZeroState use data collected from your emotions. Through its mobile application, ZeroState allows you express your feelings as a feedback using emotionally-colored words that can reflect your emotion at the moment such as interesting, sad and fun.

The main target here is the user and the end-user is the advertiser or marketer. If you’re familiar with Facebook Adverts (Facebook Ads), there are options you have to select for your ad targeting. You can select your target audience using locations, age, gender and interests.

What ZeroState offers is much better than what you would get on Facebook and other advert channels. As an advertiser on the platform, you have the core interest of your target audience at your finger tips. You can determine which product and service is rated high by the user and which is not entirely favorable to the user.

Through the users’ feedback using emotionally-colored words (such as the emojis you get to use when you want to react to a post on Facebook), advertisers can now actually know which product and service that the user finds appealing.

This will in turn help the advertiser channel the right product when running promotions and adverts.


IMG_20180708_143732_743.jpgZeroState is mainly beneficial to the advertiser but in the other way round, both the user and the larger society have stakes in what ZeroState has to offer.

Benefits for the Society

For the society, especially social media platforms such as Facebook, ZeroState is here to add more value to your connections.

If you’re a Facebook user, you get to search for friends by typing the name of your institution, workplace or interest in the search bar. The result you get is based on the persons under the searched category.

ZeroState is bringing a new approach that allows you search for people based on their personality. So if you’re hot-tempered, ZeroState links you up with someone of the same personality with you.

We are used to searching for information on the net using the “what” keyword. ZeroState is now offering you the opportunity of using the “how” keyword. It had already partnered with the likes of Litres and iTunes to actualize this.
Marketplaces such as Uber will also benefit. ZeroState pays users for their reviews; especially reviews borne out of sincerity.

Benefits for the User

As a user on its platform, ZeroState credits you with its token, ZSC, whenever you take part in reviews. You might have dropped a comment or two on Facebook Pages. How many of them paid you for doing so? I’m sure none did!

ZeroState gives you the incentive of its token whenever you drop a comment as part of the review process of a particular advertiser. You can also seek for information and participate in advertising campaigns at no cost.

Advertisers’ Benefits

The advertiser is the main beneficiary on ZeroState. You are sure of having unbiased and quick feedback on your products. Your only work is to upload the product card alongside its image and allow ZeroState take over from there.

Your company or business gets rated as coolest or sweetest after users’ reviews must have been collated. You’re sure of having large customer-base because customers or users are certain of getting incentives on ZeroState’s platform whenever they participate in reviews.

Mobile Application

IMG_20180708_143936_336.jpgZeroState’s mobile applications are available on Android and iOS devices. The aim of developing is to spread the tenets of ZeroState to a larger global audience. So far in 2018, the applications have recorded about 70,000 downloads and an estimated 40,000 users are using the application on monthly basis.


Like every other ICO, ZeroState has its own token. The ZSC token will accept both fiat and tokens at its early stage. Once the number of users on ZeroState’s platform clocks 4 or 4.5 million, other currencies gets dissolved and the ZSC token becomes the primary medium of exchange.

The token is usable in many scenarios such as advert placement (for advertisers), campaign participation and reviews (for users) and will also be used to settle and incentivize both users and advertisers.

The ZSC token will be implemented through the Ethereum blockchain and will be run by the smart contract technology. The total supply is pegged at 100 million ZSC tokens. The smart contract technology will convert the value of the ZSC token to its Ethereum (ETH) equivalent during the ICO.

To find out more about Zerostate and the ongoing tokensale, kindly vusit the links below:


Writer: Collinberg
Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=1532780

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