In our present day, there are lots of upcoming and new ICOs as well as lots of cryptocurrencies. With such, came the rise of cryptocurrency exchanges that help out in the trading of these cryptocurrencies as well as digital assets. As time went on and on, we came to realize a lot of shortcomings of these trading exchanges and we are going to talk about them.
Numerous of our present exchanges don't provide adequate data for traders such as price and volume data. Even if the data are there, it may not be adequate enough for a trader to make full use of it. Crypto traders hate to do blind trades and prefer to have an insight of their future trades in order to make profits. They love to have exchanges that are very transparent and very efficient in their trades. With the difficult arena for traders on the present exchanges came a new solution in the form of the Ruby-X.
What is Ruby-X
This is a cryptocurrency exchange that was not only developed for the trading of cryptocurrency assets but also funds technology and others. The name was derived from the precious gem and it denotes passion to live life fully and provide encouragement to others. So with this exchange , traders can deal on it with so much passion and joy as they make a lot of profits from it.
The exchange was built on three core main values and they include Transparency, extensibility and its strength.
Transparency - We all know that Ruby is so clear and transparent and this gave the inspiration to the platform to be very transparent. All the fees being charged to a user as well as his transaction history are shown clearly and very visible , it's never hidden to the user. The profits being gained by a user, 5% of it is held in order to promote the risk management of the platform.
Extensibility - the platform was made to be very extensible as well as adaptable to numerous scenarios and marketing skills. It not only have a cryptocurrency exchange, it supports the exchange of the digital assets to fiat and back. The cryptocurrency can be traded against numerous currency pairs such as BTC, ETH, USDT and RUBY. It also has a multi platform support eg. Desktop, mobile devices as well as the Web application. The mobile app will have a widget function that pops up in real time. It also have support for startup ICOs where they can launch their tokens on it. Lots of information and technology can also be exchanged and traded on the platform. It will also have a adaptable Artificial intelligence that can support a trader to make more profits on it.
Unbreakability - The platform was made to be very strong and be able to withstand cyber attacks. It will also support a cold wallet that users can safely secure their digital assets and its supported by the BITGO and Coldlar. The exchange server is also secured by the AWS support that enforces its security and makes it able to support a very large traffic.
Finally it has a very great and active team that are working tirelessly to ensure the strength of the platform.
The exchange runs on its native cryptocurrency called the RUBY tokens and these tokens form the base of the Ruby-X ecosystem. The Ruby token can be traded against most of the cryptocurrency on the platform in the coin to coin exchange. Its also used to pay for fees on the exchange.
The Ruby token has the following characteristics and it includes
Name - Ruby Tokem
Ticker - RBY
Token type - ERC20
Blockchain type - Ethereum
Total supply - 20 billion RBY
Tokens available for sale - 2 billion RBY
CrowdSale Date - 10 August - 17 September 2018
Thus, with the Ruby-X exchange, it will provide a trading place for users to utilize with so much passion and it will offer a lot of transparency as well as efficiency as they make a lot of profit on it.
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Author's Bitcointalk Username: Jannyh
Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=1883625