Shifting my focus regarding my blockchain activities - And making plans

in blog •  6 years ago 


Less engagement, more focussed on translating

Maybe you have noticed that my engagement level has dropped by a ton in the past month. It's not that I don't love engagement anymore, but it's because I found this new passion: translating. I wanted to submit an application months ago (in the round before I submitted my application that is) but then I decided not to do so. Why? Actually a quite stupid reason, that should have been no issue after all: the audio files. This is what made me skip applying for the "job" because I don't want my voice to be on the blockchain for others to find. I'm not anonymous just for fun, because I can, I actually have valid reasons for this. So I decided to skip applying, and sort of forgot about it afterwards.


A new application window for translators

Until @misslasvegas left a comment in our Dutch server a while ago, mentioning the new application window for translators. As I know she is a nice and very helpful member, I decided to ask her if the audio files could be sent in a private message. Luckily for me, this wasn't a problem. Everything said and done, a few weeks later I got "hired" for the role of Dutch translator. Unfortunately, it took several weeks before I actually could start focusing on translating because of several reasons. The reason was mainly called: my toddler :) but once I started I soon began to like it, a lot!


Translating is very educational and fun

The past years I've looked for translating jobs several times, but the simple fact of not having a credit card at the time (that was mandatory to complete my profile to actually find jobs on those websites) held me back. I love exploring new things, especially when I get to learn new things too. You're never too old to learn, right? At this moment I'm actually considering to find out if there is a possibility to become a certified translator in the future.


You may wonder why

First of all, because I want to continue learning and broaden my horizon by developing my translation skills. Second of all, because we are seriously considering moving to another country (I won't tell which one yet) within the next couple of years, and this time we would like to be as prepared as possible. So that means doing a lot of research and considering the options, and not to forget calculating all the costs to get things done. We both know that we will have a serious better chance of getting the visa's if I also have a diploma of something that I love to do, instead of only work experience gained after the schools that I finished (but really not want to work in those fields).


Working towards goals

Lately, I find myself a bit lost, not seeing where we will end up in the future, how I will execute certain (quite important) plans for the future etc... The fact that it's winter and getting colder doesn't help me either, it makes those feelings worse actually. To keep myself going, and motivated I need things to look forward to. Things that make me happy, because to be honest, taking care of our daughter who is in her terrible two's at the moment can be quite challenging. And I'm really looking forward to the moment that she will be going to school. Because that means that I have more time to focus on what I need and want to do. With winter around the corner I know we'll be more inside the house, and I can honestly say that I'm already looking forward to the end of winter.


Luckily we have made a plan

Where we were first thinking of moving to another country maybe next year, we will now move to another district once our lease ends because that way we get our deposit back. I don't want to spend another summer with a possible ongoing heatwave in an apartment like this, in a dirty district where our daughter can't even play outside. So I will be looking for another district where I actually will enjoy living, and we will stay there for another year at least. If we will be staying another year, we want to have a better living environment for all three of us. Our apartment is quite big, but the area sucks. I'm aiming to find a better one in the next months. Other important things I will be focussing on, is finding out if we can make it happen to move to the country we both prefer. I'm not telling which one until our plans are final. Until then, all options will be open because we also are the people that take opportunities as they come. Although nothing is certain yet, it feels good that we have agreed on taking a bit more time so we can be fully prepared this time. Because moving countries is quite a hassle, especially with a child. :)

PS The chosen picture has absolutely nothing to do with the country of our choice, I just wanted to create a summer feeling :)

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