Finally. Some sign of progress. In more than one way.
Okay so...remember what I said before about being unable to afford the Protein intake I need? Well, one way or the other, that's taken care of now. Progress can resume, and while it won't be the lean muscle I'm wanting (The Muscle Milks tend to puff me out as quickly as I can chisel and refine. At least...somewhat.) it will be moving past that dim threshold of 80 lbs with every lift, level 7 on the Elliptical, and levels 6-11 on the bike.
I was told something about "Too much cardio" that has made me very paranoid about my mega cardio, so...I'mma do somethin' different with how I increase the cardio. When I go up in level, I'll go back down to 30 minutes with that machine, then build up by, say...10 minutes a week? That should work out, since it's giving me 3 weeks to increase in level. That's more than generous, right? >:D
Anyway. The line-up tonight. My right thumb still hasn't healed since I injured it on truck. The joint is what can't bear the pressure for now...(Though at least I'm back to where I can do minor things like hold boxes in place while I hulk SMASH them or push buttons with it)so I left the fingertip pushups out indefinitely. Considering going with my idea of single fingertip pushups as soon as it heals.
Incline Elliptic Machine(Cardio): 30 minutes at level 8/30 difficulty. In line with my plans from last time and what I did on Friday last week, I did this one last, after I had finished sweating for the night. Nice and smooth. I started sweating again around 17 minutes in, but it never got to the point of dripping into my eyes until I was already getting in the shower. GREAT SUCCESS! >:D
Maintained 147-155 RPM.
Bench Press (85 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. Thought I was going to cave on this one in the 20's...wound up finishing moderately strong. Still showing the effects of cutting back on the Protein...
Pec Fly(80 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks.
Abdominal Fuse (80 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. Every rep was agony, but not the agony of when I first started this. P.S: Did each rep with my grip closer to my neck on the handlebars, for maximum strainage/manvancements.
Leg Extension(80 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. I thought I was gonna cry like a li'l betch. I didn't. I only cwied fo', like, 10 minutes mang. Youknowmang?
Seated Leg Curl(80 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. I breezed right through this one. I know. Considering how I had torn my hamstrings getting all excited about kicking high again (Read; Being able to kick high again), I'm just as surprised as some of you might be.
Leg Press (80 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. This one was a rollercoaster ride of uncertainty and confident surges. Just when I thought it felt easy, my legs threatened to give. Just when I thought it was difficult, I found the reps easy again. Life's crazy, yo.
Chest Press(80 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. I was blastin' the Powerwolf for this one. This workload never stood a chance.
Shoulder Press(80 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. My arms started going all flimsy on me before rep 20. They went flimsy on me before rep 25. I still did it.
Lateral Pull-Down (80 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks.
Lower Back Fuse(80 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. It was difficult to maintain my dim focus on the rage-force as I did this one. Too refreshing and relaxing at the same time...managed. But it was a close call. I kept yawning the entire time around this point.
Seated Row(80 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. I did it, but barely.
Bicep Curl(25 lbs): 30 reps, no breaks. I wound up turning off my music player just after the halfway mark in the set, so I didn't have the advantage of that...(It keeps turning itself off.) I couldn't help but notice how these dumbbells feel a little lighter every week, even without the Protein milks...
Tricep Extension(30 lbs): 30 reps. 15 emphasizing the left arm, 15 emphasizing the right arm, no breaks. This time, I remembered to pull the shorts up and slide the sleeves up so that my arms didn't pull the shirt as much. My shame was properly covered the entire time.
Back Raises (Best description I can think of: Basically I'm draping myself over this acute angled device with a stand so that my upper body is dangling down...and then raise up using my lower back muscles for a rep.): 30 reps, no breaks. I didn't use weights yet...I want to be cautious with my back until I can be certain I won't fuck anything up.
Rowing Machine: 500 Meters, Level 1, 9:32 minutes. The owner told me of her record on level 1 being 6:03-6:21. I will now strive to defeat this as I strive with all things: To the Umpteenth.
Bike(Cardio): 60 minutes. You goys know the routine. Starting at level 6, increasing by 1 difficulty every 10 minutes. My finish was weak, averaging 84-91 RPM for the last 10 minutes, but the first 40 minutes I remained averaging 110 RPM. Ye-heahhhh....bad-ass. I'mma wait to upgrade this one until I'm level 10 on the Epilleptic machine. Mmkay? Mmkay.
For tonight's jam? Our favorite Lord of The Rings tribute band, Blind Guardian. This track actually came to me at a time where I was first finding my groove in fast food, ever. Right before I got a good concussion while trying to push said groove. "Time Stands Still At The Iron Hill" details the epic duel between Fingolfin and Morgoth, while he still walked Middle Earth in physical form.
This duel was epic because Morgoth was basically LOTR Satan, and Fingolfin, straight up banging on his door and saying "GET YO ASS OUT HERE AND FIGHT ME HOLMES.", wound up wounding him seven times in that fight before he was eventually beaten by the superior constitution, reflexes, and brute power of Morgoth. Obviously, he was not left in a state to gloat over his achievement.
But Morgoth never quite healed from his wounds in that duel. He was said to walk with a bad limp afterwards, to his last day alive. He never took to the field again, if I'm remembering my lore properly. And he never answered another elf's challenge on his doorstep while that elf was coo-coo for cocoapuffs on natural steroidjuice. The first one was lesson enough.
Anyway! Nerding aside. The song.