Returning to the Matrix 2: The Slingshot Effect

in blog •  6 years ago 

While we were in California, we talked with someone about sensory deprivation tanks. This person said that they were amazing; that they used one for 3-4 times a week for several months. They said that it got to the point where they could hear every bird clearly and crisply, regardless of how far away they were.

This is how it feels to return to a normal life with ready access to the internet and indoor plumbing. Do you know how you stretch a rubber band and release it, and the rubber band snaps back to it's natural position with enough force that it reverberates past that point of relaxed elasticity? That's what I am experiencing.

I'm writing so much every day. The words flow at the same rate, but I can sit and concentrate for so much longer. Part of that is the CBD I am taking, but this extends beyond that. My motivation to push the boulder up the hill is more empowering than ever before. I feel reborn; a phoenix spreading his wings from the ash.

What was a whole afternoon out in the garden is now just a quick task that I manage in between bigger tasks. I am sending job applications out like crazy, for jobs that I actually want to do! My resume is really polished now and I have loads of experience to not only allow me to do more, but also to better market myself in so many ways.

Traveling is a natural means to evolve our paradigms. The thrill of adventure comes from the ever-changing scenery, which ensures that our boundaries are consistently pushed. As a result, we grow ourselves just as working out makes us more fit. In a simpler time, without the advents of technology and the luxury of civilization manifesting itself in every reasonable corner of the globe, a pilgrimage was more than a trip from Point A to Point B. Aside from the wealthy who could afford such an excursion, a pilgrimage was an adventure that required several stops along the way. The average person traveling to some holy place would have to integrate into the communities they came across on their journey in order to survive. By seeing the relativity of their own way of life, a pilgrim would grow their cultural operating system, making them more actualized to their full potential.

Also included in the pilgrimage lifestyle are moral tales interwoven with the occasional fart joke

I feel this is what has happened with me. I've been stretched, and now the world I previously left is much easier than it once was. I have seen another corner of the world, and it changed me. Now, with eyes more open, I can see more paths stretching into the horizon. I feel that my future is bright. Not only that, but I am actively helping Awen and her family with their new business, and this makes me feel good about myself.

This is freedom. To think that all I needed to do to find it was fall into a completely different reality. I highly recommend worm-holes for this. If one ever opens up in front of you, take it!

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