Check Out This Website! The Design Work Is Mind Blowing

in blog •  7 years ago  (edited)

You can trust me on this one, especially since it was my wife who brought it to my attention. I make good movie recommendations but never give me the controller. Unless you too love C rated flicks. My guess is that my choice of outstanding websites runs along the same lines.

A Norwegen Banking Service Website

If you speak Norwegen, you'll be able to follow along with the site precisely. It's not necessary, however, in order to appreciate the work put into the design.

Image Source

Getting Going - You Can Flip Out About What Follows

The image you see above is a screenshot from the homepage of To get there, click on the image source link.

Once you redirect over to, click in the top left corner at the beginning of the progression line. This will open a new page which will direct you to navigate by scrolling your mouse wheel.

I Don't Want To Tell You How Cool It Is - You Have To See It!

I'm going to leave the website for you to check out and enjoy. Give it 5 minutes and you'll be astounded. I can't imagine how much effort must go into creating this kind of design. All I have to say is WOW!

Here is the site link one more time in case you missed it ->

What Do You Think Of The Site's Design?

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Pretty cool site. It's nice to come across sites that have elements that help it stand out when there are so many cookie cutter style sites out, like many WordPress sites. Not that there is anything wrong with those sites but its always refreshing when you come across something new and appreciate the effort that goes into the design. Thank you for sharing!

Well said. I know what you mean. :)

Where is the link to the website?? Am I just missing something, like my morning coffee??

Click on the Image Source link. :)

Nothing happening for me on image source!! Might be because I’m on my phone??

Pleasant site.

Looks like a lot of work. :)

Thanks for sharing. 😊
The design is mind-blowing. But it takes a while to load.
User may be impatient and abandon the site.

Very true and a good point.

Not what I was expecting :) That was very cool ... or should I say "mindblowing?" hehe

Haha, the head opens up into the house. Hadn't even considered the mind-blowing correlation. :)

I wondered if you'd used that intentionally ... since it doesn't really blow up ;) But I also didn't want to give it away. I'd like to see how they did that!

I ran it through 2 CMS detectors and neither has a clue.

And thanks for being considerate and not giving it away. ;)