RE: In awe of the Rothschilds...the beginnings...

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In awe of the Rothschilds...the beginnings...

in blog •  7 years ago 

the cheque is supposed to be in some library/museum or other - but I can't find actual proof of it, just hear say...

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I saw a pic of the check... will try to look for it again. Was actually in a museum, do not know if related to Rotschild or Marx but was a german one.

Looking for the pic I have found a very interesting theories

They talk about the checks here and was Natham who give them to him, they were in an english museum not a german one after one of the 5 brothers die.

3rd cousin is fact.

still can't find anything concrete on the check.

From what I can work out, it would have been when he was doing his writing in London...

... you don't have to pay directly... to still pay.

From the second link

Nathan Rothschild had given Marx two checks for several thousand pounds to finance the cause of Socialism. The checks were put on display in the British Museum, after Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild, a trustee, had willed his museum and library to them.

In 1867, Marx wrote the first volume of Das Kapital, which became known as the "Bible of the Working Class." Marx felt, that as the workers achieved various reforms, there would be a possibility for the peaceful evolution towards socialism. A little known fact, is that Marx' beliefs were gleaned from the writings of Weishaupt, Babeuf, Blanc, Cabet, Owen, Ogilvie, Hodgkin, Gray, Robert Thompson, William Carpenter, and Clinton Roosevelt; which he discovered from his hours of research in the Reading Room of the British Museum. The second volume appeared after Marx' death, edited by Engels from Marx' notes, in 1885; and volume three appeared in 1894.

Yes, he did wrote (a part at least) in London and there he recieved the checks too.

do we have any proof ? So many of the same stories are circulating. I havent seen anything as such..

I am trying to find the picture I saw (desperately believe me ;) ) but it looks like is gone ... since I saw it til now there have been so many new information laws .. I get a lot of this

Some results may have been removed under data protection law in Europe.

And I am in Germany so ... this kind of info is very restringed here if you search in Internet. I can not see a lot of videos in Youtube for example, just because I am in Germany.

I can not see a lot of videos in Youtube for example, just because I am in Germany.

Thats crap mate! - use a VPN?- should do the trick (I think)

Some of marx's original letters have been removed from online now as well - (I haven't seen them) ...

...but I wonder if it's because information in the original letters will now connect the dots...?

Thats crap mate! - use a VPN?- should do the trick (I think)

Yes it works ;)

Some of marx's original letters have been removed from online now as well

I saw the photo of that check by pure chance, investigating about the 2nd World War. The website was German. And at that time, there was not so much boom with all this conspiracy theories or at least not as much as four to five years ago to date ...

...but I wonder if it's because information in the original letters will now connect the dots...?

Of course,people are smart enough to connect the points with enough information for it and thanks to the internet it is now, more or less possible. And that kind of images ... too much information :P hehehehe

I still wonder how they have not put offline This web is a goldmine if you want to research history!