11 Tips For Creating Quality Content / Kaliteli İçerik Üretmek İçin 11 İpucu

in blog •  6 years ago  (edited)

qualıty content_.png

Since the first day I became a member, I have come across dozens of warnings about producing quality content at Steemit.

I have two questions about quality content: what is the quality content and how can I create it? Over the years I worked as a marketing professional, I had the opportunity to practice about content production on the occasion of various projects I took part in. In this article, I will try to offer you concrete suggestions on creating quality content in the light of my marketing background and my experiences at Steemit.

1. Offer Comprehensive Content To Readers

The majority of the prominent writers in Steemit publish very long blog posts. Beyond Steemit, when I search any topic through Google, I see that the content at the top is the one with most comprehensive content. There are two problems about long posts. Writing longer means spending more effort, and there is a risk of unnecessary talking. I can't think of a solution about the effort. Efforts can be made to work efficiently. Of course, it is necessary to avoid unnecessary words. It can be a convenient solution to put all the material on the table in a comprehensive way and then prune the parts that do not create enough value.

2. Use Visual Materials Effectively

The human mind is processing visual data hundreds of times faster than the text. In the short period of time when the reader decides to read or not to read our article, the most important factor is the image that we use on the cover. In addition to cover images, I use additional images in long texts. Beneficial sites I use for images:

  • https://pixabay.com:This free app offers really high quality content. It is not compulsory, but if you want to pay for the work of those who prepare the visuals, you can buy them some coffee. In practice, you can search by topic. Each image has information about how many people like it and how many times it is downloaded. I would recommend taking advantage of these statistics.
  • https://www.pexels.com/ : Another platform that provides free images. You may need to use it as an alternative for pixabay.com
  • https://giphy.com : I don't normally like GIF file format because the same image is repeated several times. I use GIF files that create a continuous stream impression through this application. People like it.
  • https://www.canva.com : Sometimes we want to write something on the image we use. You may need to create a banner, card or logo. For these purposes I use this free site. I select the ready-to-use designs on the site, click on the text boxes, add my own text instead of the original articles and download it to my computer.
  • https://imgflip.com/ : Free site I use to create memes. It has lovely visuals. If you like to create funny content, it's for you.

3. Write On the Topics That You Know Well and Make You Exited

Even readers who are not experts of the subject understand whether the author's knowledge of the subject is profound or not. It is also clearly understood whether the topic you are talking about is creating excitement in you. You don't have to write about cool stuff. As long as you have mastered the subject you write and talk about the things you love and care about, it is ok.

4. Beware of Writing Rules

People who deal with writing and have a habit of reading at a certain level are very sensitive to the rules of writing. The fact that the dots and commas are in place affects readers as much as content. After writing and completing the article, it is necessary to read at least once, to find and correct typos, and expression disorders.


5. Do Research On The Subject You Write

Don't forget to do a research on the subject even if you know it best in the world. Both search engines and content on the internet have matured over the years. When preparing the article, you can be assured that you will have access to many important information that you can't think of. Research also provides tips to better communicate the topic.

6. Do Not Hide Information

We live in an age where information that requires profound expertise can be easily accessed on the internet. There is no need to hide it because information is not a diminishing commodity. On the contrary, those who share what they know with others with complete transparency stand out as authors.

7. Make a Personal Touch When You Write

When information is transmitted directly, it can squeeze the readers. When we transfer the information and refer to its relationship with us, the person who reads it feels that she/he is facing a human being and she/he may like it. Or she/he might not like it. I prefer to add a personal touch to my blog.


8. Enrich Your Content With Links

The link to the subject we write is an element that enriches the content we create in the article. When we do this, we can offer the reader a road map rather than an article. These links may belong to what we wrote or may be content created by others. Thus, we will be able to present to readers a comprehensive index about the subject through. The articles I have written about Steemit content is listed below.

What Should I Write Today?

Using A Title That Grabs Everybody's Attention

9. Master Markdown Codes

Steemit text editor is not a user-friendly interface. To be able to use bold characters, change font size, create a list, create a table, resize visuals, you need to have control of the use of Markmark codes. You can have a look at the article below by @gmichelbkk to learn about markdown codes.

5 Markdown Codes You Can Learn and Use Today

10. Write About Topics People Are Curious About

Although writing is a personal occupation, it would be a good fit when our personal agenda overlaps people's agendas. We can consider every topic we think of writing as hypotheses. Is the topic that we will work on will attract people's attention?

In order to understand this, I use https://kparser.com/ which supposts many languages, including Turkish. I can see both the searched words and the densities on the site that I am interested in.

Another favorite site https://answerthepublic.com/ clearly shows what people are wondering about a topic. You can reach all the questions the public is curious about.

11. Specify The Resources You Are Using Explicitly

Specifying the source while using other people's content is one of the most important issues in Steemit. We need to state our source on the complementary visual and the excerpts we use.

To be consistent with myself, I checked my writing in accordance with the article I wrote above and completed the deficiencies. I think the article is ready to be published now.

Thanks for reading.

Image Sources: https://pixabay.com and https://www.canva.com/

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Kaliteli İçerik Üretmek İçin 11 İpucu

Üye olduğum ilk günden beri Steemit'te kaliteli içerik üretmek gerektiğine dair onlarca uyarıya denk geldim.

Kaliteli içerikle ilgili olarak aklıma iki soru geliyor: Kaliteli içerik ne demektir ve onu nasıl üretebilirim. Pazarlama profesyoneli olarak çalıştığım yıllar boyunca, görev aldığım çeşitli projeler vesilesiyle, içerik üretme üzerine epeyce pratik yapma olanağı bulmuştum. Bu yazıda pazarlama geçmişim ve Steemit'teki tecrübelerim ışığında kaliteli içerik yaratmak konusunda sizlere somut öneriler sunmaya çalışacağım.

1. Okuyuculara Kapsamlı Bir İçerik Sunun

Steemit'te öne çıkan yazarların büyük çoğunluğu çok uzun paylaşımlar yapıyorlar. Steemit'in de ötesinde herhangi bir konuyu Google üzerinden araştırdığımda en üstte yer alan içeriklerin konuyu en kapsamlı biçimde açıklayanlar olduğunu görüyorum. Uzun paylaşımlarla ilgili iki sorun var. Uzun yazmak daha çok emek harcamak anlamına geliyor ve gereksiz laf kalabalığı yapma riski bulunuyor. Emek harcama tarafıyla ilgili aklıma bir çözüm yolu gelmiyor. Verimli çalışmaya gayret edilebilir. Gereksiz laf kalabalığından ise elbette kaçınmak gerekir. Önce tüm malzemeyi kapsamlı bir biçimde ortaya koyup ardından yeteri kadar değer yaratmayan kısımları budamak uygun bir çözüm olabilir.

2. Görsel Malzemeleri Etkin Kullanın

İnsan zihni görsel verileri yazıya göre yüz kat daha hızlı işliyor. Okuyucunun makalemizi okuyup okumamaya karar verdiği o kısa zaman diliminde elbette kapakta kullandığımız görsel en önemli faktör oluyor. Kapak görsellerinin yanı sıra yazdığım uzun metinlerde mutlaka ilave görseller kullanıyorum. Görsel kullanımında yararlandığım siteler:

  • https://pixabay.com/ : Ücretsiz görseller sunan bu uygulama gerçekten kaliteli bir içerik barındırıyor. Zorunlu değil ama görselleri hazırlayanların emeğinin karşılığını vermek isterseniz onlara birer kahve ısmarlayabiliyorsunuz. Uygulamada konu bazında arama yapabiliyorsunuz. Her bir görselin üzerinde o görselin kaç kişi tarafından beğenildiği bilgisi ve kaç kez indirildiği yer alıyor. Bu istatistiklerden yararlanmanızı tavsiye ederim.
  • https://www.pexels.com/ : Ücretsiz görsel sağlayan diğer bir platform. pixabay.com'a alternatif olarak kullanmak gerekebiliyor.
  • https://giphy.com/ : Aynı görüntü sürekli tekrarlandığı için normalde GIF dosya formatını çok sevmem. Ücretsiz GIF dosyaları sunan bu uygulama üzerinden sürekli bir akış izlenimi yaratan GIF dosyalarını kullanıyorum. İnsanlar beğeniyorlar.
  • https://www.canva.com/ : Bazen kullandığımız görselin üzerine bazı şeyler yazmak isteyebiliyoruz. Bir tür afiş, kart oluşturmak ya da logo tasarlamak gerekebiliyor. Bunun için bu ücretsiz siteyi kullanıyorum. Sitedeki hazır tasarımları seçerek metin kutularının üzerine tıklıyor, orijinal yazıların yerine kendi metinlerimi ekliyor ve elde ettiğim görseli bilgisayarıma indiriyorum.
  • https://imgflip.com/ : Caps oluşturmak için kullandığım ücretsiz site. Çok sevimli görseller barındırıyor. Esprili içerik yaratmayı seviyorsanız tam size göre.

3. İyi Bildiğiniz ve Sizi Heyecanlandıran Konularda Yazın

Konunun uzmanı olmayan okuyucular bile yazarın söz ettiği konu hakkındaki bilgisinin derin olup olmadığını hemencecik anlıyorlar. Ayrıca söz ettiğiniz konunun sizde heyecan yaratıp yaratmadığı da net bir biçimde anlaşılıyor. Mutlaka havalı konular hakkında yazmak gerekmiyor. Yeter ki yazdığınız konuya hakim olun ve sevdiğiniz, önemsediğiniz şeylerden söz edin.

4. Yazım Kurallarına Dikkat Edin

Yazı işiyle uğraşan ve belirli bir seviyede okuma alışkanlığı olan insanlar yazım kuralları konusunda çok hassas oluyorlar. Nokta ve virgüllerin yerli yerinde olması, küçük büyük harf kullanımlarının doğru olması okuyanları en az içerik kadar etkiliyor. Yazıyı yazıp tamamladıktan sonra, mutlaka en az bir kez okumak, yazım yanlışlarını, düşük cümleleri, anlatım bozukluklarını bulup düzeltmek gerekiyor.

5. Yazdığınız Konu Hakkında Araştırma Yapın

Yazdığınız konuyu dünyada en iyi siz biliyor olsanız dahi o konu hakkında araştırma yapmayı ihmal etmeyin. Hem arama motorları, hem de internet üzerindeki içerik yıllar içinde çok olgunlaştı. Yazıyı tasarlarken aklınıza gelmeyen birçok önemli bilgiye erişeceğinize emin olabilirsiniz. Araştırma yapmak ayrıca konuyu daha iyi aktarmaya yarayacak ipuçlarına da ulaşmayı sağlıyor.

6. Bilgi Saklamayın, Cömert Olun

Derin uzmanlık gerektiren pek çok bilgiye internet üzerinden kolayca ulaşılabildiği bir çağda yaşıyoruz. Bilgi başkalarına verildiğinde eksilen bir meta olmadığı için onu gizlemeye gerek yok. Aksine, bildiklerini tam bir şeffaflıkla başkalarıyla paylaşanlar yazar olarak öne çıkıyorlar.

7. Yazdıklarınızda Kişisel Bir Dokunuş Olsun

Bilgi kuru kuruya aktarıldığında okuyanları sıkabiliyor. Bilgiyi içselleştirip bizimle olan ilişkisine de değinerek aktardığımızda bunu okuyan insan bir insanla karşı karşıya olduğunu hissediyor ve bundan hoşlanıyor olabilir. Hoşlanmıyor da olabilir. Ben kendi adıma yazdıklarına kişisel bir yorum katmayı tercih ediyorum.

8. Verdiğiniz Linklerle İçeriğinizi Zenginleştirin

Yazdığımız konu ile bağlantılı linkleri yazının içinde vermek yarattığımız içeriği zenginleştiren bir unsur oluyor. Bunu yapınca okuyucuya bir yazıdan ziyade bir yol haritası sunabilmiş oluyoruz. Bu linkler kendi yazdıklarımıza ait olabileceği gibi başkaları tarafından oluşturulmuş içerikler olabilir. Böylece yazımız aracılığıyla konu hakkında derli toplu bir fihristi de okuyuculara sunmuş oluyoruz. Bu vesileyle Steemit içerikleri hakkında yazmış olduğum tüm makaleleri aşağıda sıralayayım.

Bugün Ne Yazsam?
Görsel Temini İçin Kullandığım 3 Ücretsiz Uygulama
Öyle Bir Başlık Kullanayım Ki Kimse Yazdıklarımı Okumadan Geçmesin

9. Markdown Kodlarını Ustaca Kullanın

Ustaca formatlanmış biçimde sunulan yazılar bir okur olarak çok hoşuna gidiyor. Steemit metin editörünün kullanıcı dostu bir arayüzü olduğu söylenemez. Koyu karakter kullanımı, yazı karakteri boyutu değiştirme, liste oluşturma, tablo oluşturma, görsel boyutlandırma, görselleri ortalama gibi işleri yapabilmek için Markdown Kodu kullanımına hakim olmak gerekiyor. Markdown kodu kullanımı hakkında @sauronbey 'in başkaca birçok faydalı bilgiler de sunan bu efsane paylaşımından yararlanabilirsiniz.

10. İnsanların Merak Ettiği Konular Hakkında Yazın

Yazmak her ne kadar kişisel bir uğraş, bir tür dışavurum olsa da, kişisel gündemimizle insanlarının gündemlerinin örtüşmesi hiç fena olmaz. Yazmayı düşündüğümüz her konuya bir tür hipotez olarak bakabiliriz. Onca emek verip yazacağımız bu yazı acaba insanların ilgisini çekecek mi?

Bunu anlamak için Türkçe'nin de dahil olduğu çok sayıda dil desteği olan https://kparser.com/ u kullanıyorum. Site üzerinde hem ilgilendiğim konuyla ilgili hem aranan sözcükleri hem de aranma yoğunluklarını görebiliyorum.

Bir diğer favori sitem https://answerthepublic.com/ İnsanların bir konu hakkında neleri merak ettiğini net bir biçimde gösteriyor. Sitenin ne yazık ki Türkçe desteği yok.

11. Kullandığınız Kaynakları Açıkça Belirtin

Başkalarının içeriğini ya da görsel malzemesini kullanırken kaynak göstermek Steemit'te en çok önemsenen konulardan biri. Kullandığımız tamamlayıcı görsel ve yaptığımız alıntılar konusunda kaynağımızı belirtmemiz gerekiyor.

Kendimle tutarlı olmak adına yukarıda yazdığım maddeler doğrultusunda yazımı kontrol ettim ve eksiklerini tamamladım. Artık yayınlanmaya hazır olduğunu düşünüyorum.

Okuduğunuz için teşekkür ederim.

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Providing a good writing is what makes our way towards to success here. Making oneself valuable is the thing we neex to accomplish. Our great effort will lead to something in one or another. I saw your point making a long post sometimes we may tell pointless or unnccessary things that makes our post saturated. Thanks for this post

Beautiful, my friend
Who works hard deserves
For more creative guys..

You make some great points there about content creation! Thanks for putting this together for all us steemittians :))


Thank you for the great tips on writing a good content. I'll try to remember these when I write going forward!


Well said! I would add one more point:
12 . Post with a motivation of sharing knowledge and helping the community, not with motivation of making money!


I have both ☺

muratkbesiroglu, thank you for introducing www.answerthepublic.com website. It is a very handy tool for locating information quickly. I also like this site www.quora.com for questions.

I like your perspective toward quality content. Im especially happy that you didn't mention "follow your passion" in writing blogs. That phrase is overused on the internet. Being happy to help others be more productive and achieve their ends makes me want to write helpful articles concerning strategies and ways to be successful. However, it's difficult to write long post without rambling on and boring my reader. Yes, cutting out unnecessary words is important. And I like the analogy that you used " pruning your blog like I like to "prune my rose bushes " so that I will have more lovely roses. Thanks for sharing all the resources. Unsplash is also a great place for royalty- free images.

Buzzsumo is also a great site which I forget to mention☺

Thanks, L'll check out buzzsumo.

muratkbesiroglu, do you know of a good post scheduler that works on here? Streemian has gone out of business and buffer doesn't work on Steemit. Thank you.

This is every writer's problem. How to create that perfect reader friendly yet interesting content thet can grab your audience attention keeping them hooked and wanting for more. These points re perfect especially for beginners with no idea where to begin. Having the right and good contentent for your readers makes a whole lot of difference, it can take you from 0 to 100. Great post i must say. Thumbs up @muratkbesiroglu

Yup this makes sense. Very thorough, where a lot of users can refer to.☺


Thank you for the guide this will help me as Im new on steemit.

thanks for sharing such amazing tips

Interesantes consejos, los tomare en cuenta a la hora de realizar una publicación, te agradezco la dedicación al respecto, no soy muy diestro al momento de utilizar Master Markdown, me cambia los textos y hasta el sentido de la publicación, necesito mas orientación,

Thanks a lot! The post is simple and very useful. I saved all the links that you have included among the google favorites and I began to use them ... hopefully good !!


I, as a beginner in Steemit, will say that this is a very useful post !!! Thank you!!!

Hello, great post.

You are so right my favorite is when you mentioned that you must write with a personal touch. I wrote an article on storytelling when it comes to online marketing but like you said you have to put your personal touch on it.

We all have our own writing style. That shoud come out when we write.

I have seen a ton of posts here on Steemit that look like they were just written by a robot to generate content.

Keep on writing and doing what you are doing. I am following now.

Your post is awesome . I have got lot of valuable information.we want more tips . Thanks a lot .

I'll be back with new tips☺

OMG, I'm a beginner in steemit. I often wonder how to start writing in steemit. Recently i read various guides gor it. This post is vey helpful for me start writing.


amazing and informative article and a nice post. proved really helpful


Thank you very much for this excellent apote! I am interested in particular, because I want to improve my results on the platform, reports like this one help people, I congratulate you!


Thank you !! Will really keep it in mind. Very helpfull !

Great post. I have been on the platform for a little over a year now and at first, I was very motivated. I have lost a lot of that motivation as I struggle to get views on my posts. I will be making use of some of these tips in order to become an active Steemian once more...

If you support quality contents using bots to promote, you would have better results

Thank you for the tips @muratkbesiroglu!!

This is very informative and a big help to us, begginers.


Thanks for taking the time to write this up!


You really did a good justice to this... just learnt something brand new

Wow..thank you for sharing..good job👍😀


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The Seattle-based exchange, one of the largest in the world, will roll out USD pairings for BTC, USDT and TrueUSD
Initially only available for corporate customers in some states, Bittrex intends to expand the service to retail customers

Bittrex, one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges, has said that it has made banking agreements that will allow some of its customers to trade crypto for US dollars.

According to the report in Bloomberg, the Seattle-based exchange is working with New York-headquartered Signature Bank to provide the service for corporate clients in certain states - with the bank and some other firms holding the dollar funds.

In an interview, Bittrex CEO Bill Shihara explained how this move is a significant milestone not just for Bittrex, but for the industry as a whole:

“It’s been a long path. It’s not just about banks being able to trust Bittrex. It’s about banks being able to trust crypto in general. And I think it’s really showing that crypto is turning the corner in terms of mainstream acceptance.”

Bill Shihara
Shihara also explained how the traditional banking industry is wary of the cryptocurrency market:

“They really do look and pore through the entire business. They want to make sure that we’ve got robust AML/KYC processes, that we’ve got the right controls on our finances. They do background checks and everything. They really look at our business soup to nuts.”

Bill Shihara
Set to launch fiat trading on Thursday for Bitcoin, Tether and TrueUSD, these pairings for regulatory reasons will only be available to corporate clients in California, New York, Washington and Montana. According to the report however, the exchange intends to expand to retail customers in the future.

With Bittrex offering one of the highest number of crytpocurrency pairings in the world, and a customer base of 3 million users, the new announcement is an important development for the fledgling industry as it pushes more and more into the mainstream.

Hey, bütün yorumlar İngilizce. Süper.

but always remember


For sure🤓

Thx for the guidelines. And what is your opinion about having a style of his own and sharing wholeheartedly despite clumsy.

Rehber için tşk. Kendine has bir stil ile yazmak ve içten ancak acemice içini dökebilmek konusunda fikrini almak isterim Murat.

I agree wholeheartedly 😃These features make your article a piece of art

thanks for yours tips!! you are amazing!! ♥ ♥ you have my vote and reesteem ♥

I have been criticised lots of times about my writing, but I believe it will be a thing of the past from now on. I do much love this piece, it will help me even outside steemit. Thanks a lot.

Thank you so much for this post! I'm really loving the 'answer the public' tool you provided! It's already helping me so much with inspiration for my topics! I felt so confident a first, because I know I'm a decent writer, but then I kept seeing posts about keeping to your niche in order to grow your reputation without overwhelming yourself (or your audience) with a bunch of topics and it intimidated me because all of a sudden I felt like I could only use one topic. I hate feeling pressured or forced to choose one thing, so naturally writers block set in with even the simplest articles. I couldn't be more grateful for the tool that shows me what my audience wants to know. Thank you!

Posted using Partiko Android

Great post, i learned a lot !

That is what i was searching ! thanks for sharing such amazing tips!


It's really very informative.thanks For that

Loved this, sheds light on quality.

Say, you have a typo in headline " 3. Write On the Topics That You Know Well and Make You Exited"

Following, thanks again for publishing this.

I couldn't find ☺ How would I change exactly?

Edit is displayed under your post. Click that and scroll up to 3, change exited to excited!

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Yazım kuralları ve görsel malzemeler gerçekten çok önemli. Elinize sağlık


The current ecosystem of Steemit is unsustainable,and why just a very few makes money on it: https://steemit.com/steemit/@mindreader/the-current-ecosystem-of-steemit-is-unsustainable

I agree with you. Organic upvotes are more important to decide about the quality of content.

It's always pleasure to know about how you think about your article and how you express your feelings in it. btw nice post..i just upvoted..cheers

Hi Passing by and Upvoted you :) !
“Many millions of pregnancies—many if not most of which have each led to the birth of at least one child—were each used as nothing but a conspicuous means to a secret end called the evasion of abortion.” ====> Mokokoma Mokhonoana

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I 'II check. I am not aware of such a downvote.

nice...keep it up

Useful information thank you

Cok guzel anlatmissiniz kabul etmek gerekli fakat akillardaki soru isaretlerinin tamamina cevap vermeyebilir bu paylasim . Bu sistem dikkatlice incelendiginde sadece ozgun paylasim ozgun resim ve yazilarin da yetmedigini gormeye basladim . Suregelen farkli dizilimler mevcut bu sistemde ve nedense cok para kazanan insanlarin hicbiri asil bilinmesi gereken ve kilit konumda olan bu sirri vermek istemiyor . Etiketlerden kimse bahsetmiyor mesela . Ilk sirada paylasilan etiket o paylasimin ana omurgasi oluyor ve o etiketi secerek arama yapan insanlar sadece paylastiginizi gorebiliyor . Burda benim dusuncem yuksek rutbeli kullanicilar arka planda calisan komplike uygulamalarla ortak bi paydada yada sistemde bulusup oy cogunluguna ve sisteme yon veriyorlar. Bu topluluga adinizi duyurmadiginiz surece steem icinde bes para etmez bir hesabiniz olur sadece kaliteli paylasim yapar bes kurussuz gezintiye cikarsiniz . Belki konudan bi nebze uzaklasmis bulundum fakat bunlari dile getirmek istedim tesekkurler ..

Düşündüğünüz gibi bir sır yok. En azından ben kendi adıma tüm bildiklerimi paylaşıyorum. Tag seçimi önemli gerçekten.

Evet bende bundan bahsediyorum tag secimini duzgun yapabilmek ve steempower i tavan yaptrabilmek butun mesele . Ben onca guzel resim foto paylastim hepside kendi oz cekimim orjinaldir fakat halen daha 1 dolarim dahi yok aslinda bicok insanin oy verip bana sistemin dolar olarak donus yapmasi gerek ama bu sistem boyle islemiyomus bunu anlamis oldum . Simdi ise surekli yorum yapiorum ve ara ara paylasim yapmaya calisiorum

Sizden ufak bi yardim almam mumkun mu ? Paylastigim bloglar yok olup gidiyor daha cok kullaniciya ulasmama yardim eder misiniz ? Resteem yaparak rica etsem en azindan bi itici guc olmus olur benim icin :)

absolute gem , Thank-you for the information


Thanks a lot for your sharing! Just wanna add 2 more source of free images:
I usually use these 2 and pexels.com !!! :)))

Thanks for the contribution

OMG, I'm a beginner in steemit. I often wonder how to start writing in steemit. Recently i read various guides gor it. This post is vey helpful for me start writing.

OMG, I'm a beginner in steemit. I often wonder how to start writing in steemit. Recently i read various guides gor it. This post is vey helpful for me start writing.

Excellent post sharing dude

Thank you for this write up. trying to add value to steemit through my write-up is quite important to me. reaching out to my followers and steemit community is what is always at the back of my mind each time i sit at my keyboard to type.Followed, upvoted and resteemed.


Effective post for beggeniers

Thank you for very attractive explanation. I'll do my best!!

Thank you for the tips :)


Excellent post friend, always following your work, from #Venezuela supporting you and learning every day more with your publications ... success

This is a great article. I resteemed it to save it on my blog for future reference. Thank you so much for this helpful page.

Thank you for the good positive guide in steemit.

We expect more like this from you.......

On average attention spans have plummeted to about 5 seconds. Ever notice the scene changes in the average TV or movie show? Must written content suffers from the same hit and miss scanning or headline read only. About all most modern viewers can handle is a meme.


Elinize sağlık hocam, çok detaylı bir bilgi kaynağı olmuş. İşe yarayabilecek birçok şey bulunduğu için favorilere aldım.

I will keep this in my mind thank you.

Excellent post sharing dude


Thank you @muratkbesiroglu for sharing some useful tips in writing quality Steemit posts. As a newcomer, this is given me more insight into my expectations about preparing and drafting Steemit articles. I will especially bear in mind to do sufficient research before writing to be sure that I convey accurate and the most updated information.

Excellent!!! The content, format and information is spot on. I am new, not brand new, but new enough and continue to read great information that is helpful for both new and old.

One great point that you mentioned is the length of a post. Longer does not always mean better. Your article is clear, concise and easy to follow.

Congratulations @muratkbesiroglu!
Your post was mentioned in the Steemit Hit Parade in the following category:

  • Pending payout - Ranked 4 with $ 670,7

You got a 32.26% upvote from @upme thanks to @muratkbesiroglu! Send at least 3 SBD or 3 STEEM to get upvote for next round. Delegate STEEM POWER and start earning 100% daily payouts ( no commission ).

And always remember: rules are made to confine your creativity. Let your creativity run free lest you die with your soal full.

As a novice on the site, this article means a lot! Thanks for putting all this together, I'll make sure to take as much of these tips into my future posts.
Thanks once again! :D

Very good informative post. I've bookmarked it for future reference and of course given you an Up vote

Thanks for a very informative and interesting article 💚

Gracias por los consejos, siempre es bueno aprender de los que tienen experiencia y aceptar los consejos con humildad.

I need a better way to save and come back to articles, lots of good information.

Waoh. Thanks so much for this great insight about content writing. Originality is the soul here. Well done

Great post! Definitely useful for a newbie like me.

Based on the fact we see from our view all that science comes from various writings, information, and news. So I really like to read about news that makes me interesting and want to read it over and over again .. Like that make this news. Thank you for the very useful news


This is the most important in steemit

Thanks, good post

As a very new user, this information is on-point! Many thanks for providing us with insight and planning to create great content.

As a web developer I will be writing content about my journey into Functional Programming with a language called ELM.

Looking forward to adding value to other peoples lives!

I just started steemit and was confused about how to produce quality content.. found lots of tutorials, guides in google but nothing i can relate to.. bookmarked this post and will follow whenever i will write something... mucho gracias from a newby..

Mucho gracias 😃

Great article... I like content based on experience, emotional expression, and even an idea put out there for discussion. Isn't that why we share this stuff on Steemit? Ha ha


Thanks for this useful information! I will use your information as a guide for me to create a quality content. Have a good day @muratkbesiroglu!


thank you for showing me how to make a good post. I feel the post that I created is still very far from it should be. I will try to learn to make a better post again. your post will be my resteem so that other people can learn it again. Once again I thank you

Thanks for your positive feedback🙂


Interesante post, gracias por tus recomendaciones, las pondré en práctica al momento de publicar. ya que soy nueva en steemit.

Thanks for this post. thanks for sharing the resourses. I am new, you help me with your knowledge. I will try to remember these.


Thank you so much for this great tips, i will surely put them into action while compiling my next post. Thank you


Thank you for such a clear, concise, and easy to understand post for those of us new to this format. I wish more bloggers under the "steemit tab" would provide the same kind of high quality information to users. Thanks again


Thank you for this, I’ll have to bookmark it on my computer for reference with the next post I make.


great post :)

Great insight. You hit a lot of the points I was thinking about addressing when I write.


Thank you, very helpful article for starters like me. / Teşekkürler, benim gibi yeni başlayanlar için çok yardımcı bir makale.


Beğendiğinize sevindim😎

Great summary and useful info!


thank you for the very useful news

Thank you for the mention @muratkbesiroglu.

Thank you for the great content

tüm bilgilerin faydası yanında özellikle grafik ile ilgilendiğim için çok katkısı oldu teşekkürler

This article is a very helpful one for users like me who are still learning to get into the league of bloggers who really stands out. You have used your exoerience of past writing and these points that have been made are very useful for writing quality content. The resources you provided within the article are also very helpful. I personally use many of them like pexels.com or canva.com for many of my needs.

A big thank you for this awesome post!

Excelente artículo, muy completo y un buen aporte para los que comienzan en este mundo

Great tips! Many are common sense - be genuine + nice though I love the well research Steem specific stuff.
And two languages, really practicing what you preach.
Thanks @muratkbesiroglu !

@muratkbesiroglu thanks for that! I'll share it with my friends. thank you for sharing your experience, it is very kind of you :)
