Fuck who has time to think about judging others

in blog •  7 years ago  (edited)

I lost an uncle.
I broke up with my boyfriend.
I cried at home, not in the square, because my pain does not need to be seen.
On Facebook people have been telling me I am an arid carelessness individual.
Now imagine to translate this behavior into reality: a woman loses a husband or a relative and does not leave home for days. A few thousand people go to his house and screams: bitch, infamous, go out and tell us that you are suffering!
Because if she stays at home, shut up, out of the way, it means that she is attached to the bottle of whiskey and has a secret lover waiting in the cellar.

A demonstration of pain - selfie


We live in a present increasingly similar to an episode of Black Mirror.
Do you know what?
Fuck people.
Fuck who can not think of himself/herself and has time to think about judging others.

Come with me if you want to live

come with me if you want to live.jpg

Once upon a time, silence was seen as a sign of respect and as the maximum manifestation of pain.
Today if you do not make your post on Facebook with the photo of the dead, you're one who does not suffer.
Instagram is the certification of deep and intimate mourning, not what you say at home, what happens inside you, the tears that cry in silence.
We have the duty to demonstrate.

Saturday night movida


This year I did not write anything on the occasion of my dad's birthday neither for my parents's anniversary..
So, I have to assume that I do not give a shit about them?

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I'm so sorry for you loss. I hope you can take the quiet time you need and you needn't really worry about what other's think, especially on Facebook, heavens.

I think so much of life is wasted on wondering, worrying, or even carrying and noticing what others think or if other's think this or that. I mean one does need to be aware of others feelings and not be mean, but to worry that others might think this or that about you is just more time taken away from YOU to just look for your own joy. Paint a picture, read a book, look out the window, sit in a fountain in your sequin dress, whatever makes you tick, is far more important then even considering if anyone thinks one way or the other about you.

Again, sorry for your loss. They say the only constant in life is Change, so knowing that go forward and look for the good in any change coming your way.

Ohhhh, aren't you sweet? <3
I am not worried, I am annoyed by their crap on me. I am not interested to it, so they keep it for themself, as I don't need to show my feelings to them.

Fuck em all!

^^^this X 2

Sorry to hear about your uncle, but am glad you are making hard decisions on life. That guy sounded like he gave you more pain than happiness. Breaking up is the worst but you will pull through. You got all the things you need. You got you. Soo be good to you and leave the haters at the door.

I am too good to me. Sometimes I think being too good doesn't help to push myself further. But then, what do I know?
That guy is sexy as fuck. I think it is all about that right now for me. (Yeah, I am an idiot, go on..)

Stop thinking with your vag, things always get easier after that.

Dicks get men in all types of trouble and the moral of the story is... don't follow your genitals into the dark.

Oh gosh, I am such a pervert dark then. I know that what you wrote is wise, but sometimes hard to do when hormones are in the air.

Normally only Nice and sunny, pretty and good things are available on the social media.
It is good that people share emotional things as well if they would like. I think that is not the case.
The case is that other people always judge, and that is strange.
So there is only one thing; let it go, let it go. Do what feels good and Thats how you are.
Leave it up to others how to deal with that.

I am letting it go. I don't want to think how I should behave, but just do it.


Hang in there Sandrina - you will re-emerge


You do what you need to do. ...

Fuck fuckbook - bunches of narcissistic virtue signalers are of no use to anyone...

Are you on facebook? LOL
Just kidding, dude.


That is one of the reasons I don't have facebook...does that mean I simply dont exist at all? :)

My condolences (with an awkward hug).

You must be an alternative hippie then. Not on facebook? Are you kidding me?

Its always difficult for me to read birthday cards online, especially the ones that allude to stuff that we are all supposed to pretend didn't happen.

Its weird to me. But hey, I read personal blogs and that's just a different kind of nosiness...

Personal blogs are deeper (sometimes or sometimes not).
I see so much judgement and regiment on Facebook. Fuck that.

You do you, bud! Screw what they think! Your reality isn't based on what others feel about it! As long as you're happy with what you're doing and you're not damaging others, you're all good!

Yeah, not damaging others for sure, just enjoying life ^^ heheheheh

I am drawn to you because you strongly remind me of a good (in-person) friend of mine. Lots of your posts I can imagine her having written, including this one. You have an American counterpart.

When I joined Steemit I unintentionally got inactive on Facebook, and I have found that I am now exempt from providing well wishes, etc. When you are never there, no one expects anything of you :)

Hope you get to feeling better soon.

Who is this American pal? You are so sweet!

She is red-headed and originally from Northern Italy. You two would probably like each other, or hate each other. Who knows? :)


<3 <3 <3 sorry for your loos Sandrina ,

<3 thanks for passing by, darling.