Running Matters #12

in blog •  6 years ago 

When life gives you lemons … Grab tequila & salt

Reality kicks in

Slowly but surely, I’m getting things in grip again. I did not expect to come back from holiday and feel so drained, but that’s exactly what happened to me last week. Then when I returned for my first day back at work, my back pains even came back, so I went to see my doctor last Friday. He gave me some meds and prescribed me fysiotherapy, so I am slowly but surely getting back to my old ways. The interesting thing is that I don’t have pains when I run, it is only when I am in the office in those crap ikea chairs and desks.

I know I have not written about my holidays in any details yet and I have done this purposely as you can imagine that my focus lies elsewhere ever since I’ve come back from holiday. My main priority has been my health, second is working on my CV and doing job applications. Then I’ve been occupied with the fact that our witness @swisswitness went live this week, so you can imagine I had some other stuff on my plate then to write extensive travel posts, however I do hope that I can do my first part some time next week.

In the mean time I can also say that my CV is now for 99% finished, I just need to write a little introduction/synopsis. Although that’s probably the hardest part as this is really where I should sell myself in a few sentences.

On Wednesday I had my first job-interview, which was more like an informal conversation with someone I met at a fair last year. He expressed his ambitions to move his business to Switzerland and we’ve stayed in touch ever since. In February of this year his company made the first steps into making it official, however now other steps have to be undertaken to ensure that the business can build up over here in Switzerland and scale out to other countries.

Image Source:

He asked me to put my ideas to paper and send that along with my CV and salary expectations to him. The weather was really bad yesterday, so I had a good reason to stay indoors in my little 'laboratory', mix some potions, work up some formulas, compare some notes and then work my ideas out and put a little concept together.

So that was my week in a nutshell.

My highlight of the week!

Depending on the outcome of my work on the concept I am going to say for now that the highlight of this week is the fact that our witness @swisswitness went live last Saturday.

I have always been dedicated to the platform and the community here and this is my way to extend this contribution, build it up even more and eventually I hope I can even give something back. Which I am doing anyway with the monthly competitions that I’m running.

Speaking of which, I launched a new competition on Tuesday to design a logo for our witness so far we’ve had 3 entries, but none of them have blown our socks away, so if you have a design talent show it to us and have a chance to win 25 SBD’s. For more information about this competition, have a look at this post.

My posts last week:

I am not a Steem Witness. Image Source

What am I planning for next week?

Next week, my first priority will lie into applying for jobs, so that’s going to occupy a lot of my computer time. In the rest of the time I will keep up with my runs and hopefully I will get a few invitations for job interviews to attend.

I currently have plenty of inspiration for posts, but I need more time to actually put my thoughts to paper. I even have difficulty making strings of more than a few days of posts after each other. My wife also deserves some time of my attention. So please be patient with me as I’m going through this transition phase, eventually I will have more stuff to write about!

Vote for me as your witness

If you want more information about what the witness is about, have a look at my post Swisswitness is Alive!

Please vote for us as your witness, the easiest way is to click on this link and click on 'continue'.

Another way is to go to this page: and scroll down until you see this box:


Type ‘swisswitness’ and click on 'VOTE'!

If you don't care about witnesses, give me your proxy vote and you will automatically vote for the witnesses that I vote for. To set a proxy, follow the same link and scroll until you see this box:

Type ‘wolfje’ and click on 'SET PROXY'!


Doron 🐺

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I hope you feel better now. Sure can't wait to see your travel stories.
Why CV? I thought everyone's aim is to quit jobs and face Steem. What do you think?

As long as crypto's aren't mainstream accepted as the way to pay and as long as I don't have enough of them to make a living I won't give up my day-job. That's my thinking behind it. Off-course you can make a living off them, but you need to make it a full-time job and do a lot of research/analysis and with a family at home I'm not risking all that yet.

Yeaaa... So true. We sure can't put all our eggs in one basket. Its good to diversify. Thanks for this @wolfje

When life gives you lemons.

You take the lemons and you eat them

I don't like lemons ... I'd first have to make a soda from them or use them in a different way 😉

That sounds exhausting, I hope life gives you more breaks soon.

Not until I stop training for the marathon, the schedule is 4 times a week 😉