Hidden in Plain Sight

in blurt-141809 •  6 days ago 


Hidden in Plain Sight
Posted on December 18, 2023 by The Ethical Skeptic

“A groundbreaking and fresh perspective on the construction and history of the Khafre Pyramid, this article introduces novel and paradigm-shattering hypotheses. The contention that the differential erosion patterns on Khafre were caused by an ancient and sustained oceanic displacement, along with the innovative theory of the Sabu Disk being used in conjunction with the Sekhem-mu Machine in the pyramid’s construction, are particularly striking. These ideas challenge conventional understandings and open new avenues for exploration in the otherwise authority-privileged field of Egyptology.”



Is it possible that, the reason Earth took 800 million years to host a comprehensively advanced civilization from more complex forms of Eukaryote life, is that the Earth tends to topple every so often and set things back quite a bit? Rendering us a semi-stable planet, as opposed to our assumed stable planetary profile? A garden paradise with one essential disqualifying flaw. Perhaps this made our planetary resource ideal to serve in the role as genetic farm, but unsuited for permanent large scale habitation by higher-order beings (unless they were fleeing as outlaws)?



Owing to the pervasive influence of narrow-minded skepticism and a rigidly controlled narrative, humanity often finds itself disconnected from a true comprehension of its own nature and origins. The dating and age of the pyramids at Giza appears to play a pivotal role in unraveling the obscured chapters of human history. Consequently, these insights seem to have been deliberately omitted from our collective understanding by authoritative entities.


Had it not been for the distinct erosion patterns on the Khafre pyramid, I might have readily accepted the official narrative, relegating theories of an older pyramid age to the realm of mere speculation. However, my trust lies more firmly in my own ability to identify corruption, to infer and deduce, and to unravel mysteries, than in those who craft and uphold prevailing dogma. The reluctance of scientists to perform carbon-14 testing on the seemingly over-cooked red ochre paint within the Khufu pyramid’s relieving chambers raises significant suspicions. This hesitance regarding something so important, yet so straightforward, strikes me as a telling indicator of underlying malice.


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