The Blurt blockchain is a mighty thing, but not without accounts holding Blurt Power (BP). Powering up not only speeds up your own growth, but helps run the platform itself. Growth on Blurt is exponential, meaning any delay in powering up is a delay in growth that ripples outward in time. Don't stunt yourself - The best time to power up Blurt is NOW!
But don't take my word for it. Take my word one year ago for it, instead! New idea: Power Up Blurt TODAY!
So yeah, #letsgrowblurt!
This post is a response to my buddy @outofthematrix and his call for content promoting immediate powering up of BLURT! Go here to learn more.
If I'm one of the lucky winners, I'll gladly power up those 500 BLURT and use them to curate great content on this platform. In fact, the 500 would push me over to the next milestone on my journey to 1,000,000 BP in 2023!
Either way, I'm about to breach the 890,000 BP level within the next day or two. I'm at 888,888 right now. But blink and it changes, because I'm always earning for posts and comments, always earning curation rewards, and always accumulating compounding interest.
I power up everything I earn, and keep almost nothing liquid. Why? As I mentioned, it maximizes my growth. It's something we should all do. And secondly, Blurt has a short power down period - only 4 weeks, instead of 13 like on other blockchains. That means I don't feel like my funds are locked up and inaccessible. If I need money, I can pull it out reasonably quickly. So I just power up everything I don't need right away to pay fees, and have since the very beginning!
I don't know if I'll reach my million Blurt Power goal before the end of the year, but I'm doing my best. If my health allows, I'm going to step up my rate of content creation.
Power up today!
These are some of MY reasons for powering BLURT up, right away. What about you?
Thank you Tom for the contest, and to all the excellent creators and curators on the Blurt blockchain!