Signs of low estrogen levels

in body •  6 years ago 

Estrogen is the hormone most commonly associated with the female body and is of great importance to the health of the ladies. Estrogen is responsible for sexual development during puberty. Controls growth of the uterus during menstrual cycle and pregnancy. It is also associated with cholesterol levels and metabolism. It is because of its important importance to female health, if its levels in the body are low, it is good to take timely measures.

What do low estrogen levels mean?

Since this hormone is produced in the ovaries, everything that affects them also affects estrogen levels.

Risk groups that may experience low estrogen levels are girls who have not yet entered puberty, as well as women approaching menopause. But this hormonal imbalance can occur at any time and at any age.

Some of the most common symptoms are:

Hot waves;
Mood swings;
Headaches and even migraines;
Concentration problems;
Urinary infections;
Pain during sex due to lack of vaginal moisture;
Weakness in bones or frequent fractures (because estrogen works together with calcium and vitamin D, its deficiency may lead to a reduction in bone density).

How To Increase Estrogen Levels?

First of all, you should visit a doctor and do research to determine if you really have a problem with hormone levels.

Stop the cigarettes. Smoking has a detrimental effect on the endocrine system and may limit the body's ability to produce estrogen.

Change your diet. The endocrine system needs a healthy body to produce adequate levels of estrogen. Eat healthy. Emphasize foods that contain phytoestrogen - soy products such as tofu, soy nuts, blueberries, apricots, broccoli, sunflower, linseed.

Try to reduce your sugar intake as excessive use is often associated with hormonal imbalance.

Drink herbal teas. Some teas are able to raise estrogen levels. Black and green tea contain phytoestrogens that can increase the level of estrogen in the body.


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Good info.

Posted using Partiko Android

Great article. Bio-identical Hormones work incredibly well. What is needed to receive these is an alternative Medical Doctor who understands them and a compounding pharmacy to make them for you. Do your research, it is out there. Also Flax Oil. It is your best friend. Take it everyday.