Bodybuilding or weight training is an activity which has become ever so popular today. This is because nowadays people have become incredibly health conscious. If you are someone who has done bodybuilding in the past, then you would know how gruelling yet fantastic it is. However if you are someone who is wondering whether weight training is something meant for you, then given here are some of the reasons why bodybuilding is something you need to try your hands at, at the earliest!
Effective in hardening bones and tendons
One of the major pros of doing bodybuilding is that it helps the bones and tendons get stronger and more resistant to pain. People who lift heavy weights (more than 70% of their body weight) are less prone to injuries. This is owing to the fact that their body has become less sensitive to wear and tear.
A new study was published in the January 2013 edition of the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. Its title was Maximal strength training in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis or osteopenia. It studied the effects of strength training on the bone strength of a group of postmenopausal women.
The study revealed that the bone density (specifically around the spine and the hips) witnessed a significant increase in the women with osteoporosis and osteopenia when they followed a maximum strength training protocol for a twelve (12) week period.
If you want to build strong bones, you should follow an exercise program that requires consistent, regular strength training that involves a maximum effort.
According to another study conducted at the University of Arizona, the best physical activities for increasing bone size and density are those that involve weight-lifting exercises, especially bodybuilding. When your muscles are subjected to increased load resistance, they pull on your bones. This push and pull effect over time, leads to stronger, bigger bone tissue. Moderate training will also help you build your bones, but the strength of the bones would directly depend upon the amount of stress you put your bones into.
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