Booster is BACK - Need an UPVOTE? BOOSTER is LOADED! [LongForm Info & HowTo]

in booster-update •  7 years ago 


The ORIGINAL BENCHMARK UPVOTE BOT IS BACK! After a long weekend, ready for ACTION! Need promotion & attention? You came to the right place at the right time! Booster is LOADED!

Screenshot 2017-12-18 03.15.41.png

Tip: Make sure your post is not older then 0-48 hours when you vote for it! The newer your post is, the more attention it will get from others as well! We do support older posts as well (up to 5.5 days)

What is a full upvote from the BOOSTER NETWORK worth?

Ever since day one, people have tried to track and find out how much upvote-power BOOSTER really has. One of the factors is Boosters own SteemPower + Delegated SteemPower. Simple enough to track. However, BOOSTER has a secret weapon, the @frontrunner guild which is almost 1000 accounts strong with a very high collective amount of STEEMPOWER additionally added to your post before BOOSTER even vote for your post. Only a selection of Frontrunners are used in every round, so for outsiders calculating this is near impossible, but it is a lot!

Joining the FRONTRUNNER GUILD is extremely profitable, and that is why so many people have signed up at to get most of the 25% of the CURATION REWARDS that BOOSTER generates when he votes on up to 10 batches per day.

on STEEM & GOLOS - Accepting multicurrency

All bids coming in are calculated, so it does not matter if you pay with STEEM or with SteemDollars when you upvote a post on the STEEM blockchain. Same thing with GOLOS and GolosGold - even if they have different values in the marketplace, BOOSTER has been designed to audit each bid at voting-time making sure a dollar is a dollar no matter what currency you used to pay for your upvotes

The Most accurate & Advanced return-policy

Since day one customer experience has been the most important to design for. We want 100% satisfied customers. If we cannot deliver an upvote, booster will automatically issue a refund. Smart implementation also stagnates those who wish to "game the system".

Avoid using BOOSTER for "ShitPosts" of no value to anyone - Booster HAS a Blacklist

As STEEM & GOLOS grows, Quality of Content is more and more important. We have been very liberal in how our customers use BOOSTER. However, we reserve the rights to at any time reverse the transaction and remove upvotes on posts that bring no value to anyone whatsoever. Example is gambling addicts that will write 10-20 shitposts per day (copy/paste images and write a little paragraph of text that nobody reads) trying to "get something for almost nothing" by voting for these totally useless posts with small to large amounts of coins. It is better to keep the quality high and the quantity low if you want to be really successful on STEEM with your blog.

Booster UPVOTE is Blockchain Marketing & PR - It can be EXTREMELY profitable - It can go Break-Even - You can lose some money

Just like when you put an advertisement on a busy website, you may experience EXTREME profitability if you get what you want for what you sell, it could go break even if the cost of marketing is too high and your margins get squeezed or you can lose money if the marketing is too high and demand for marketing is higher then what can be supplied. This is something you must in every way calculate and decide for yourself what you consider to be a smart purchase from BOOSTER.

During a 144 minute window you can stack more bids on top of your article. Once you have received your upvote from the BOOSTER account, you can no longer bid on the same post, you will have to bid on another post as BOOSTER now will just issue refunds.

Easter-Eggs & Free Upvotes

Booster has a few Easter-Eggs built in. For example; it is possible to get a 100% upvote from Frontrunner + Booster if your bid is higher than the highest bid of the last 1000 transactions. Also, if you Witness-Vote @fyrst-witness you will from time to time receive some free upvotes since @fyrst-witness provide us with reliable private full nodes that enable us to function during peak-hours when public nodes can be laggy and cause difficulties for our customers. To vote for @fyrst-witness, go to

Smart URL recognising makes BOOSTER vote for your post no matter what frontend you prefer to use!

This means that you can upvote posts with ChainBB, busy, zappl, steemit, eSteem and any other app-url, it does not have to be a If however an error occurs, booster will refund you.

Anonymous Functionality when paying from exchanges

If you upvote your post from Bittrex, Poloniex or other exchanges you will not get a message in the comments saying "this post has been upvoted with % thanks to @username" This is done in this way because the exchanges does not vote for posts, so it would be silly if it appears that your post was sponsored by Bittrex for example. However we cannot issue refunds if something goes wrong as we don't know your exchange-memo to do so. Booster will however keep trying and with 24/7 monitoring by humans we will eventually see your problem and you will most likely get your upvote. Remember you can always come and talk with us on @SteemSpeak Discord.

Screenshot 2017-12-18 18.56.24.png

Talk with the BOOSTER-TEAM at 24/7 - Good Luck, have fun!

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
If you enjoyed what you read here, create your account today and start earning FREE STEEM!
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I love it! I fully support this project and I look forward to its future growth!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@teamsteem Obviously i hope it's future rapidly growth, because it's marked and very trusted to us @booster

i have sent this post
twice wrongly

  • one before 18h and the other is now but no refund has made
    can you refund me 26.686 STEEM

dear booster,i have send you money for more than my 20 post.its 9 hour past but i didn't receive any upvote from you,even you didn't refund yet.
plz chech it and upvote me or transfer my money,
kind regard's -@sukhen1155

i am also like your project @booster

Yes I agree with you my friend

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

@teamsteem hey brother do you know if you can explain to me how this exactly works, and use an example from a post of mine to understand this better? Let me know, as I dont quite understand how delegation works and how to boost or figure out lets say, If I send 10.00 bucks of steem or sbd how will that reflect? Hope that makes sense? @booster @frontrunner

I would like to support and use it however the bot always sending back my bid and saying unable to accept the bid. anyone how to fix this issue?

This is definitely a great project; I can see it continuing to grow for the foreseeable future.

@teamsteem, I read your comment and I now I know that I am safe to use booster :-)

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I was really missing the randowhale since last few days, now the time has come to cherish. Thanx for the great tool.

i am also miss you @booster
thanks for come back

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Welcome back booster, it's time boost all post.. 🙂

yes friend @vlasmp
boss @booster back and boos @booster you are giving a great analysis wish you great time and your work is success..

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Really glad, as you are back, hope carry on to your perform that will be for long time, your service make us really proud to use @booster

hey friend @mohsin01 ,,,, absolutely i appreciate your comment .......................... and ,,,,
Great my friend @booster
Every Post I see on your steemit blog. I get something new from it all my respects, regards, and thanks

Thanks @steem-ripon, for stay with @booster, it' really good for us.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

This booster is helpful for us..Beacause this a great on steemit..Booster is running trougtly..

I love booster..Your working very 1st..I realize this..I wait for your new content...Best of luck...😄✌✌😘✌✌😘😘😘😘✌😃😃😆😆

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hey friend@booster ... i am very very glad,because you back in steemit site. i support your post.. it's always great to see your report and always have marketing to take the right decision for your post you really done a great work.
upvoted and resteem

@booster is great

I use it . Well come buck @booster
Ami also use my post boost and resteem @robert31

I absolutely agree with you my friend...I think the he is a great on of steemit..Carry on my friend..Booster ✌✌✌✌

hey @joy69 and @nnajmull ,,, you are right talking in @booster .... really friend @booster is a good man. i always flow your creativity and your crypto-currency and i love to your thoughts and all time of luck friend @booster ...have a nice day.

Yes you say right.. i think I always follow booster..Cause i like this every content..Carry on booster..

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Easily one of the Crown Jewels of the Steemit community.

Thanks a lot for what you do on here

It's a better bid for steemians

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago (edited)

wellcome and Thanks @booster for come back. your services for community are no doubt praiseable.i am glad to know that you restart your promoting services. love it. also thankful to @fyrstikken. keep it up. my tiny gift as a support by Upvoting.
"merry christmas" in advance.

Thanks @fyrstikken for continuous support.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Good service thanks for your update

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment


tnx for upvote

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Boooooster is Back!! Fantastic!
I give you 100% upvote~

100% upvote again @booster is back

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Hi @booster , I wasn't sure where to ask this so will try it here. I placed a bid in your previous round and my transfer was returned with a message that you were unable to accept the bid. I was just wondering if you could tell me why?

My dear friend ,Mistakenly I sent 1 SBD with the wrong URL .Wrong URL is refund me 1 SBD i wanna Transfer again. @booster

SBD pump brings the return of @booster and @randowhale. Coincidence?

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas @fyrstikken

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Hi sir @booster.i sent 1sbd 3hr ago.But,i didn't received any upvote.please upvote or refund.

URGENTE! #booster..

por favor es el tercer pedido de devolucion de DINERO enviado para Upvote y no fue correspondido por favor regresar los SBD especificados aqui:

Devolver los 4 SBD enviados que no hicieron el upvote... prueba de ello anteayer Transferir 4.000 SBD hasta @booster

After some hour your vote come, I do not know why 1 post was upvote and one not because I send STEEM in the same time for bouth, but is good now is upvote the second.
Thank you!

Good afternoon! Mr. @booster I sent 1 SBD 4hr ago. But I didn't received any upvote. Please upvote or refund me!

Hello @booster i didn't get upvote in 3 of my posts. And you didn't refund also. Please check that.

my favorite bot. thanks for sharing this. good to know you can use steem as well as sbd. but my problem is voting time which sometimes takes too long. what time can one use @booster and get the fastest time to upvote?
and which is more profitable, using steem or sbd?

Yes, stay connected with this bot, i think future will be more grow from here, thanks @booster

Good to know and am always with @booster as I used your service few hrs back. Any Xmas Bonanza upvotes using steem? Thanks

tnx for resteem

Just the needful and d way I can support.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

@fyrstikken @inertia great to see it online hope you guys are good big luv resteemed

well come back @booster
you are the best

Are you still accepting Steem for payments?

yes, did you not read the post? lol

Aw, mostly...
The whole "shitpost" caught my attention tho. I see it now - accept multicurrency

it's time boost all post.. 🙂

@booster @fyrstikken

Booster always running😆😆😄😆😆✌✌

This is great, will join FRONTRUNNER GUILD wanna get boost! Thank you for sharing this. Voted for @fyrst-witness on! :)


great news

Welcome back @booster, it's time boost all post.. 🙂

Thanks a lot for sharing..😊😁✌✌
Resteemit done..

Hi booster I have not received upvote on this post Pls check and upvote thanks @booster.pls check

Please refound 3 SBD, link incorrect
2 часа назад Перевод 3.000 SBD к booster

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@booster The days was so missing, welcome back, we are stay connected for both win, from this post i can realize that you are a beloved one for our steemians, our all so love you!

We thank you for the quality content.

Please upvote me..i paid to you from 3 hours but you didn't upvote me

may be i reasteam your post

every steemitar use @booster , wellcome back again @booster

Voor post of luck..

reasteam done please check my profile

i use your survice , it help my work

nice postings my friends like, upvote me is my friend

I totally appreciate to your blog
.Please carry your activity..

Your post is too good

reastem done

upvote complete

may be a question sir

already reasteam done

I appreciate to your blog...When create your new blog sir??

may be a question dear

tnx for sharing.

upvote done sir

I am send 0.30 sbd 3 hours ago but you not upvote me this post-

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

The only reliable and most trusted BOT at the Time at steemit @booster
Forget all the hurdles which you faced recently and move on. All the best for your superb service. Stay Blessed!

Great post @booster
I like..
Thank you...

Great news! There is one question from what minimum payment rates are accepted?

tnx for upvote

Keep the good work
Thanks for update
Keep it up

i liked in your post dear

reasteam done please check my profile

Can I your best friend??😊😊😊😊

awesome and thanks!

Merry Christmas..I wish happy life spand always my friend..

it s a great post

i follow your post dear

reasteam done dear

i follow your all post dear

Thanks a lot ..You enjoy of merry christmas time..

nice, upvote my account booster

thanks booster, i ask for upvote again

i use this is the best all of the booster availabe in play store

wow ! wow ! @booster is coming. i am very excited your post and loving to your blog... all time support you and your thoughts
upvoted and resteem

upvote and reasteam already done

already reasteam your post

When create your new blog ???
Cause I follow you always..😄😄

Can u help me please?

sorry i send 5SBD and forgot url
can you fix it
this is the url for the upvote

hello sir please refund of three posts i sent but did not get upvote take a look of my wallet 0.200,0.200,0.200 sbd three amount for three posts please refund

I have sent 0.10 SBD about 1 hour ago to @booster but i not received the upvote yet. And new bidding cycle is started approx half an hour ago. Please, look into the matter. link is this

@booster Now more than 3 hours gone, Nor i received upvote and nor refund. Please, do the neeful @booster team.

I have sent 0.10 SBD more than 5 hour ago to @booster but i not received the upvote yet. And new bidding cycle is started approx 4 and half an hour ago. Please, look into the matter. link is this

I have sent 0.10 SBD more than 8 hour ago to @booster but i not received the upvote yet. And new bidding cycle is started approx 7 and half an hour ago. Please, look into the matter. link is this

Guys you made a mistake I believe

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I send you 4.1 STEEM to upvote my post and vote never come
Meme challenge 51 - Entry 2
Please upvote or return my STEEM.
Thank you

i have sent this post twice wrongly

  • one before 18h and the other is now but no refund has made
    can you refund me 26.686 STEEM

I will receive 17.00% voteing but I received 5.09% voteing???

I I haven't received @booster upvotes in my previous 4 bids.Someone help

Ehm, hey how can I contact you? I think something did go wrong. I didn't get the upvote.

Hello booster, I'm sorry. I want to complain a bit about my post. I have already sent $ 10.0 with the memo. But I have not got upvote until now. With delivery age is 15 hours.

Please upvote my post !!!

Kindly refund as you didn't upvoted
Transfer 0.170 SBD to booster
hi @bosster
is there any technical problem
i have missing upvote for this URL.I have sent bid almost 14 hours ago

please sir refund sbd , i sent yesterday 0.700 sbd for this post :

i sent second time sbd for this post by mistake but i did not get refund of 0.700 sbd

Sent 5 sbd to get an upvote, but I didn't receive the upvote or a refund.


Got the upvote finally, but several hours after the round.

Hey, is it possible to get back the 40 STEEM I sent you? I accidentally double sent on a same post :)

hey dude! You have people HARD abusing your bot! You cant just bann those users? Im talking about these

170sbd + 170sbd + 141sbd

Just that day after day... that bastard is using your bot to compense spam post since two weeks from now... ¿Dont you see it? Somedays he just full the bot the entire f***ing day...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Welcome back booster,
Great post..thanks.i like this.
I will follow,upvote and restreemed your post
Please @booster check my profile once

@booster, I sent a bid but not received any upvote from you. Please check below post. I'll lose money if you won't upvote or refund. 0.5 SBD is worth 4-5 dollars. Hope I get a refund as I deserve it.

3 days ago Transfer 0.500 SBD to booster

sorry sir, i just make a mistake, i send 9.9 sbd to @booster, but the memo isnt right..


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hello @booster . I received diminished returns when your bot was working at 50% . Hope this time I get the accurate upvotes as shown in the bot tracker. Last time I got less than 1/4th of the estimated value! Will test it again for the last time and see how it goes.

Upvote Done

Very cool post bro..✌✌✌

Thats. A great booster

hello Booster Team, i am new here kindly guide me how i get followers..

Sir i bid twice with .20 11hours ago, but you didnot upvoted me. Kindly check. Thanku...

I sent 0.7 sbd for a 1 hour old post but still haven't received an upvote

Great work @booster.

I like to see your project & thanks to share

Love and respect for you guys :)

Stay passionate, stay blessed !

i love this! it is highly needed most especially for we fingerlings here.