Learn to How to Properly Hit a Speed Bag Like a Champ!---------(Follow 2 B Followed)

in boxing •  8 years ago 


Practicing boxing for many, I have mastered plenty of its critical aspects when it comes to training. Jump rope, double-end bag, the true use of a heavy bag, slips to mitt work. If there is one thing that I have learned that plenty want to learn because of it true elegance is the speed bag. I get stopped all the time at my local gym by many that want to learn. I see others try and then just look at me with amazement. The speed bag makes you look good, but it can make you look like a fool if you don't know how to use it. Here are tips on how to become a master at the speed bag!

I want to also clear something up. The speed bag isn't to improve your speed. Yes, it has the word speed, but it is because the fast pace of the workout. The true meaning for the speed bag is to improve accuracy, most importantly, learning to keep your hands up and having the endurance to keep them up.

-Get the bag eye level
-Hit it with the meaty outer part of your fist
-Always keep your hands up
-There are two ways to hit it, machine gunning it or the normal way, I prefer the normal way and most boxers too as well.

  1. Understand! You Will Look Stupid at First!

I see many hop on the speed bag and try to Rocky it right away, to just meet failure and walk away with somewhat shame. Don't walk away! Keep trying! This is a skill that you won't master overnight. Give yourself 5 minutes a day and NEVER GIVE UP. You will get frustrated at first, but with time and patience you will become a master.

  1. Establish Your Rhythm

Start by gaining a rhythm that you are comfortable with. The slower the better. Stay with that rhythm, don't then try to run it when you feel comfortable with rhythm, I see this all time, slowly build off it. Steady with that pace, pick up the speed little by little over time. You just pick up your rhythm, then with out noticing, you will be hitting it like a champ!

  1. Hit the Equator

Always try to aim for the middle flush and centered. This is critical due to that fact if you don't the bag will go all over the place. You want to control it, don't let it control you!

With these tips, I promise you that you will be the Champ!


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