The Path
When we speak of spirituality we must give context and historical accounts of what we call "the path". Throughout this human cycle, we have seen many types of systems and practices manifest for the sole purpose to develop our spiritual capabilities. The idea that there is only "one true path" brought upon by human logic is but an ancient relic of the past. Indeed the Egyptians had their path, Muslims had their path, the Buddhists and Christians had their ultimate path, but for what purpose were these practices separate? The separation of practice was due to different information given by various class of beings such as angels and bodhisattvas. This entailed a variety of practices but the information was still provided by source.

Each order and practice was and is a stepping stone to source. It provides a mechanical system which gives an increasing rate to reach source faster. As we see in the 21st century a variety of practices is in abundance for anyone to pick. In Buddhism you must spent countless years in retreat which rare individuals have the karma and ability to pursue, nonetheless the higher Devas have provided more evolutionary teachings of the path. The path has evolved in which a system of unification is now being birthed. The path is no longer a Christian path. The path is no longer strictly a Buddhist path. This path is an unification of past and present. This gift of the ultimate path is the Dharma, truth. The necessity of the separation of each path in the past brought forth different masters in various regions to provide karmic mitigation and blessings. Some of these blessings gave rise to new technological modalities of each age and generation. As the merits became stronger this separation of esoteric religious practice was decreasing.

The path today will open up evolutionary properties to all individuals. We have already been provided an opening to more benevolent beings and faster evolutionary processes for our time. In order for the path to continue to evolve the human race must continue on their highest divine life path. We must do our part in order to serve the Masters, Angels, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas that have provided the gifts of our time. We must do our path of virtuous actions to help one another. The path still continues to grow so practice well, diligently and with faith and surrender!