in burn •  6 years ago 

Over the past few months, there has been several deflationary tokens under different blockchain network which has the power to self destruct a certain percentage during each transaction due to it’s name (deflationary). Most of these token couldn’t make it to the limelight due to the team’s mission and goal for the project but Blockburn’s own is different. Which is why I will be unveiling the unique features of Blockburn Project.


Firstly What is Blockburn? Like I said earlier Blockburn is a unique deflationary token that self destruct 2% whenever an individual carries out a transaction. The project came into existence in the late Q2 of 2019 with a total supply of 2,000,000 burn token and now has about 1,959,500 burn token left. Blockburn is built on the foundations of a novel deflationary technology to deliver blockchain promises as a better store of value. As a deflationary token which blockburn is, no ICO/IEo was held which was why the team planned on giving out 50% of the total supply to the community, 10% to the team which is locked for 2 years, the development phase has 15%, Blockburn advisors and partners also has 10%, another 10% will be for marketing burn and finally there’s a reserve of 5%, this shows how transparent the team are with the tokenomics. Within the first week of launching Blockburn, burn token got listed on two popular DeX exchange which was Ddex and Forkdelta, moving on from these two exchanges burn got listed on coinlim exchange, mercatox exchange, coincodex exchange, metamorph pro exchange, Altilly exchange and finally the unexpected happened, Burn got listed on one of the CMC top 10 exchange which is also got listed on CMC.


Next is the community members, after getting huge exposure in several crypto channels, the team decided to expand it’s community group which now have a group for Bangladesh and Philippines native speakers. The team move ahead to secured partnership with other huge blockchain technology platform such as SWFT with the aim to bring more liquidy to Burn token where users can swap Burn with over 180 crypto of their choice also is the partnership with FUZE which is another popular deflationary token. Among the team’s roadmap is to create an app which comes with different features, the team released a teaser video on the 31st of July showing how the blokcburn app will be and the features on the app includes:

  1. Wallet: This wallet can be used to store various cryptocurrencies with the deposit and withdrawal option.

  2. News Feed: This feature gives burn users to opportunity to know the latest happenings in the crypto space and get paid while reading.

  3. Staking: The feature is what most burn holders are waiting for, where they can easily stake their burn token to earn more.

  4. Games: Burn users will be able to play game and earn extra tokens.

On final note, the app is scheduled to be on both IOS and PlayStore this quarter.



In conclusion, most people tag faceless team's project as a scam project but they forgotten that bitcoin which is the king of all cryptocurrency has a faceless team and still it is accepted globally same way Blockburn's team has proven themselves to be group of experienced blockchain personnel with the aim to see Blockburn as the top deflationary token in the crypto space.

For more information about Blokcburn and latest updates, visit the links below.

CMC link:

Author Telegram ID: Moshaid

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