1 Business outline (purpose)
- field of business
- Business background (purpose)
2 Environmental analysis (reduce strengths and weaknesses according to economic conditions and overcome weaknesses and threats)
-Market condition
-Market prospect
-SWOT Analysis
-How to overcome weakness/threat
-Other strategies
3 Business analysis (setting the current status, targets, etc. of the project to be planned and analyzing the surrounding environment and real estate)
- Current status and analysis of homogeneous and similar industries
- Current status of competitors and trend of competitors
-Peripheral analysis of business sites
4 Business competitiveness (write down my abilities and strengths of products/services)
-Competitiveness of products, companies, and organizational members
5 Cost analysis (an analysis of how much money will be spent and how much profit will be made).
-Initial input cost analysis
- Analysis of sales trends compared to operating expenses, etc.
*Exit strategy – getting out of the current situation after meeting a scheduled goal or to reduce the loss of failure
*Successful people calculate risks, and failure people worry about risks.