Eye exercises - 10 easy exercises to increase sight and eye care

in busy •  7 years ago 


To keep the body healthy, such as exercising, eye care needs to be kept good. To keep eyesight and to look after the eyes, it will not be dependent on eating. Our current life style is such that the eyes are easily affected by various problems. Standing in front of the computer for a long time, watching TV and looking for a long time on the mobile screen are putting these permanent effects on our eyes. Due to this, different types of problems occur in the eye, including blurred vision, dry eyes, burns, headache, or eye-spasm itching.Extra care is needed for the health of the body. Eye exercises are more important for those who are looking for long computer and mobile phones. Let's look for the comfort and wellness of the eyes. Some eye exercises are easy.

Eye Exercise 1:
Keep the eyes closed for a short period of time. Hold hands palm at your hand and keep it close to the eye. Keep the palm in a way so that there can not be any light inside. Keep your eyes closed for 2 minutes. Do this several times a day. It also increases eye blood supply and the eye muscles are active.

Eye exercises 2:
Those who use more and more computer and mobile phones have trouble seeing their eyes drying up. Exercise for them is not seen continuously and often eyelashes. Use frequent eyelashes when compared to normal computer and mobile phone use. It will help you to get rid of the problem of dry eyes.

Exercise of the eye:
Look at as far as possible on the left and once on the right while keeping your head firm and relaxed. Keep looking for five seconds on an object on the left. Let the eyes fall naturally several times. Follow the same process right. Please do this 10 times.

Eye exercises 4:
After resting, one finger should be kept in mind, leaving 10 inches away from the mouth. After that, a long breath will have to pay attention to anything from 10 to 20 feet away. After the breathing every time, the exercise must be continued by changing the focus. The focus or vision given exercise is the internal muscles of the eye.

Exercise 5:
Eyelashes with eyesight in the eyes, increases the moisture of the eyes and gives the eyes calmness. You can massage the eyelid with three fingers gently. Do the massage at 10 times clockwise and 10 times in the opposite direction. You can massage three times between the two leaves of the eye.

Eye Exercise 6:
Keep looking at the pen directly with a pen with one hand away. Then gradually brought the pen closer, until the pen appears to be darker. Then again, take the pen slowly away from the nearby. Keep in mind that the eyes are in the direction of the pen.

Eye Exercise 7:
If you sit in front of a computer for a long time, then after a few minutes of two-and-a-half-minute eyes peep it. This exercise will help to increase your eyesight. After a while, this exercise will get benefits.

Exercise 8:
Close the eyes and keep the eyes closed. Slowly let the eye glow two above once and down. Please do this 10 times. Benefit for the comfort of the eyes.

Eye Exercise 9:
Keeping the head fixed, rotate the eyelid twice to the clockwise 10 times. Then, in the same way, the clock rotates the diameter of the diameter 10 times. Draw triangles, quadrilateral and other geometric shapes to turn the eye's eye.

Eye exercises 10:
If you feel excessive pressure on your eye, close your eyes and relax. The excessive pressure on your eye muscles will be reduced slightly.

References: Internet

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