in busy •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hi friend steemit all, how are you? God willing all friends are always given health by Him.Today we are planting trees so that the school environment becomes Green School which is the arrangement of school environment in order to create a beautiful, cool, clean, healthy atmosphere that can support the implementation process of Teaching and Learning Activities (KBM) will be more comfortable and healthy atmosphere. With the greening program at the school, the teachers can explain in more detail in giving explanations to the students about the need for greening around our environment. And students are more confident and aware of the need for greening and cleanliness in their environment to stay clean and healthy.Thank you all friends, do not forget the votes, comments, and resteem also yes .... !!!!

Hi sahabat steemit semua, bagaimana kabarnya? Insya Allah sahabat semua selalu diberikan kesehatan oleh-Nya.
Hari ini kita sedang menanam pohon agar lingkungan sekolah menjadi Green School yang merupakan penataan lingkungan sekolah agar dapat terciptanya suasana yang asri, sejuk, bersih, sehat, yang dapat mendukung terjadinya proses pelaksanaan Kegiatan Belajar Mengajar (KBM) akan lebih nyaman dan suasana sehat. Dengan adanya program penghijauan disekolah, para Guru dapat menjelaskan lebih detail dalam memberikan penjelasan kepada siswa tentang perlunya penghijauan di sekeliling lingkungan kita berada. Dan siswa lebih yakin dan menyadari atas perlunya penghijauan dan kebersihan di lingkungannya agar tetap bersih dan sehat.
Terima Kasih kawan-kawan semua, jangan lupa votes, komentar, dan resteem juga yaa....!!!!


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each and evry one need plant tree

Thank you.

oman, dro neuh go..
pajan ka bak steemit,
by Kautsar

Hahaha, Alamdulillah na gure lagoe...
Baroe ban Kausar, hy neu bi info2 bantuan beuh, hana that muphom loem nyo.

ikot beh.....

nice job for world

Thank you my friend