RE: Experience Korean Buddhism in Seoul, Jogyeosa temple.

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Experience Korean Buddhism in Seoul, Jogyeosa temple.

in busy •  7 years ago 

Buddhism is a philosophy, not a religion. Why do people keep getting that wrong?

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for some people, religion, for some one, philosophy ?

Buddhism was not a religion and should not be confused with a religion. Although the wiles of the devil would have you think so.

No religion was religion in its inception. Although Buddhism has some special characteristics, it still aims to achieve a religious goal - salvation (enlightenment). In doing that it transcends philosophy because philosophy cannot reach salvation, rather it stays in the labyrinths of the mind. It's irrelevant how do you define Buddhism. The important thing is to live it fully, instead of just admiring it intellectually.

The wiles of the devil are hard to come around, and it takes faith to see the truth. Religion can offer man a deeper understanding of truth, when approached from the correct angle. Every religion tells you more of how the devil operates. Is enlightenment your salvation? Is that your purpose? To be enlightened, and perish?
What purpose is enlightenment without salvation? Does it bring any good?

"Devil" is a concept invented by the ego to avoid responsibility. We should stop pointing fingers around and blaming others, real or imagined. Think about that. Enlightenment is salvation, but not heavenly salvation which your ego yearns for. It is a salvation in this very life. What is fictional will perish, such as our deluded ego and his grandiose wishes of eternal life. I'm not saying eternal life doesn't exist, rather it doesn't exist in the individual form. The whole of Being is eternal, everything inside it is in constant flux. Just my opinion.

Your statement contains several severe logical fallacies, which I will attempt to explain.

"Devil is a concept invented by the ego to avoid responsibility"
The devil, at least according to the Bible, has nothing to do with avoiding responsibility. In fact, the Bible specifically emphasizes that we ARE responsible for sins we commit.

"We should stop pointing fingers around and blaming others, real or imagined"
I absolutely agree! We ourselves are absolutely responsible!

"Enlightenment is salvation"
From what?

I challenge you, find one error or inconsistency in this book and you'll be a rich man:

Thank you for your time,

Philosophy can redeem itself, but the salvation of philosophy may need new meaning. We understand that Buddhism and religion are essentially the same,

It depends on the person. There is no only one Buddhism, nor only one Christianity, but many. People understand ideas in their own way. Are you Buddhist?

In my opinion, Buddhism is more like a psychological dependence than belief or philosophy.

In a way, I agree.