This article is largely intended for non Steemians or young Steemians, an accumulation of information that has allowed me to be the Steemian that I am. Item send to around:
346 e-mails
734 Facebook contacts
157 SMS
Recipients chosen for their ideal profiles. The most motivated will go to the end of this article and especially to the end of the articles that I shared with you, which for me opened my way.
My dear Steemians, whales or planktons, family, friends and acquaintances.
Following numerous family, friendly or professional conversations, to boast the Steem ecosystem and the benevolence of its social network Steemit via the interface Busy, conversations (popularized) of the platform for the greater understanding of non Steemians.
Very different personalities, be they workers, executives, artists, singers, bloggers or even French or foreign Youtubeurs.
Of course to denigrate the centralized networks in particular Facebook and their infamous policy
In good commercial (^^), they have been conquered, but have trouble with the approach adopted for a potential community success or difficulty has created a creative routine, or even advertising, also on the sites tools I use myself, finally..., some of the sites has available or tutorial articles.
It could be that I forget differ point or two, do not hesitate to share it with me in comment, email, SMS or on the DiscordSteemAlsace, I will add the missing points.
As promised, (Laetitia, J.C, Sandra, Mourad, Sufi, @mapcompass, @aliasman, @elbarto, @brice-koeniguer, Nico, Richard, Marie, Jeny, Ilias, JB, Wallas, LCK) and others interested, obviously I can not quote everyone and I apologize.
It's important that you FASSIE YOUR OWN SEARCH, but you don't know what to look for? Where? When? How?
I wrote four headlines in this article:
First Act -- Create an Account -- Communities, Creations and Ads -- Fun Tools, Frequent Money Questions
I guide you on some of the articles that have been beneficial to me, other articles just as relevant are available, it's up to you to dig into the topics.
So I will take this opportunity to thank the authors of the articles who gave me the desire to continue Steemit via the interface Busy.
There's a lot to say, but I'll try to optimize my orientation and sources, but also my experience and routine for a first foot in the Steem ecosystem.
Hang on, don't let go and follow the links, links, even if it means getting lost, stored a maximum of knowledge about the Steem ecosystem. Go far back in the creation of the ecosystem for a potential understanding of the fundamentals!
I am like you A PLANCTON that is to say a young Steemian, I reassure you, it is not easy to start. I've been studying the ecosystem for 64 days, I still have a lot to learn about the different technical aspects or for a higher quality editorial quest.
It's clear I won't give you the keys to wealth on Steemit viaBusy, (I don't have them).
On the other hand, take this article as a gateway to a new vision of qualitative content sharing, on a largely decentralized ecosystem. I share with you the tools, articles and advice that have been given to me and that seem most relevant to this potential success on the platform.
Although the profit potential is a great selling point and nobody spits on money, I use the platform in the form of passion, a game by constantly improving my experience, I put a honor point on the altruistic side more than the greedy aspect, which is a bad way to approach the Steemians course.
Given the time passing for writing a quality article, do not imagine getting rich with articles of three lines, the community is very selective, especially groups of curators who are third people, Steemians who work for meter ahead planktons and their articles. I quote below those who crossed my path.
Some examples of my discussion centres in general : @steemit , @steem , , , @busy , @dtube , @Steem-plus , @steemconnect , @steemitboard , @steemauto , @curation , @discord , @witness , @steemalsace, @curie , @muxxybot , @aidefr , @fanbasefr , @asapers , @etc…..
First Act:
To begin I would like you to read the different thinking, visions of the authors in the following articles:
(especially for you who share qualitative content on Facebook).*
Author : @ekitcho
Article date : 01/01/2018 - 19:52
Article : My last words (wishes) on facebook
2018 will be the year of sharing, collaboration/cooperation, collective intelligence, circulars, generosity, benevolence and altruism. This is the best way to fight!
Happy New Year to all!
Author : @roxane
Article date : 09/09/2017 - 15:47
Article : Why I prefer steem to Facebook and other social networks
I alternate between the two. But every time I spend too much time on Facebook, I say to myself Go, drop it, go back to Steem, where everything is to be built and on a platform finally in line with your values…
Once you have read and approved the testimonials you must create an account:
Who founded @Steemit?
The project was founded in 2016 by @ned Scott and Dan Larimer ( @dantheman), Steemit is a social network where people can be paid to publish, share, comment and vote on qualitative content. A team composed in part of: @zuvarnic, @andrachy, @wmougayar, @cass, @sneak, @jamesc, @val-a .
Steemit competes with traditional social networks, I advise you to read the following articles, to soak up the project.
Author : @dantheman
Article date : 16/06/2016 - 21:09
Article : Daniel larimer co-founder of bitshares steemit
Author : @ashe-oro
Article date : 31/08/2016 - 20:30
Article : Hello steemit i interviewed ceo ned scott
Author : @planetenamek
Article date : 14/12/2017 - 18:59
Article : Steemit what is it to me #1
On Steemit since one hundred and fifty-four days, I'm going to write you a few things I would have liked to know about this platform when I arrived here and that I had to learn by living day after day adventures more rocambolic than the others.
To find out more :
Who founded @busy ?
Founded by @fabien and @ekitcho in July 2016, supported by a Professional team, with several members :
Team : @ekitcho , @fabien , @sekhmet , @gregory.latinier , @kpdesigns , @jm90mm
Code contributors : @mkt , @ryanbaer , @eastmael , @ne3l
Moderators : @espoem , @ntony , @itharagaian
Our goal is to connect billions of people to the best social networking platform that can bring value to people in a decentralized, peer-to-peer way using the power of the Steem blockchain and cryptocurrencies.
Author :
Article date : 17/11/2016 - 20:56
Article : Busy your next gen social network platform based on steem blockchain
Author :
Article date : 22/03/2018 - 00:23
Article : Busy v2.4 release new features that will make you love
There are now exactly 40 fully translated languages on it's huge!
Thank you to all the translators who helped :
@tibonova , @katteasis , @valchiz , @buzzbeergeek , @damzxyno , @mrrifat1 , @coffeenut , @splash-de-angs63 , @umelard , @wallsnow , @julee , @sakhone , @santigs , @cryptotrader2017 , @incrediblesnow , @freddyfish , @andreia.loops , @samhamou , @eastmael , @ntony , @tarekadam , @macchiata , @moorkedi, @inoue , @simnrodrguez , @cannabissativa
Author : @siavach
Article date : 08/04/2018 - 18:25
Article : : Présentation
I advise you to use Busy to publish your articles rather than Steemit, the interface is much more ergonomic and much more personal, you can also get a vote from them if you use the #busy tag, not negligible for a plankton.
Adapting to my use I can no longer do without Busy as we say trying it is adopting it, what I particularly appreciate on Busy is the Activity part where we find a good part of our interactions on the platform.
Also the writing aspect super think well:
Obviously everything is well thought out, these are not the only hyper fun functions, I let you discover the work that is done so that we Steemians, we can optimize our use of the Steem ecosystem.
To find out more :
How to create an account ?
Click the Registration link on Steemit or Busy to start the steps.
Or use the direct links I prepared for you :
INSCRIPTION - (link ref=busy)
Do not use Busy alone!
Invite new members to today using the link below and get 10% of their pay for 30 days.
Start by choosing a user name. You will be known by this name on Steemit and all other Steem applications.
You will be asked to enter your email address and verify your phone number.
Once your information has been verified, you will be added to the waiting list to receive an account. You will be notified by email once your account is approved.
After receiving notification of approval of your account, click the link in the email to complete the account creation process.
Make sure you save and save your username and password.
Advice :
It is very important not to lose your password, the handwritten password on a sheet of paper is preferable.
There is no way to recover your password or access your account if it is lost.
Once you have registered and saved your password, tap the Create Account button.
Here are other alternatives for account creation :
Author : @roxane
Article date : 12/08/2017 - 15:53
Article : How to create a steem account without using steemit
Advice :
For the use of the sites tools or the applications connect to Steemit I advise you always to pass by, please do not enter your key anywhere, you risk losing everything if your password is stolen.
A project Steemit Inc and Busy, develop for the Steem blockchain, those that allow you to connect to authorized applications securely and easily. gives you full access to the Steem ecosystem without having to give away your private key. Don't take any more risks by entering your password on a malicious or potentially insecure third-party application. Act as a trusted intermediary offering you all the security you need.
You will have understood, I use Steemit and Busy but not only here are the ecosystem tools I often use:
@Steem-plus :
For the use of the version Steemit I use @steem-plus, this extension is essential, an extension Chrome, Firefox, Opera. Additional features available on the Steemit interface version. Follow the links for more information.
Toggle in one click between Steemit, Busy, Utopian, Steemd with the Steem-plus button :
Chrome link of the extension I use : Steem Plus
Author : @stoodkev et @cedricguillas pour @steem-plus
Article date : 04/04/2018 - 14:41
Article : steemplus 2.8 : steem sincerity
Author : @roxane
Article date : 06/03/2018 - 13:53
Article : Interview with a French-speaking expatriate witness in Asia
@Steemd : is a blockchain explorer for Steem's blockchain. You can find details of all items, votes, transactions and details of each Steem block. Also the details of users and Witnesses, a tool created by @roadscape. It is the program used by witnesses and minors to execute the Steem blockchain.
I use @steemd not just Witness, but to check in real time my bandwidth (BP) and voting power (VP), as well as my account or fan interactions.
(A question that comes up often, I share with you the articles on BP, V.P and the different monetary aspects below, but it's up to you to dig, if you've dug so far is that you're on the right track.)
Advice :
When you click on a Steemian account name or article, if you want to see the details on of the URL you are visiting, just delete the " it " from the address www.steem >it< then replace with a " d " and type " Enter ".
A page is displayed with most of the account history or URL, in reverse chronological order, since its creation.
Author : @pfunk
Article date : 25/11/2016 - 17:28
Article : Secrets of the blogchain a guide to using
Author : @pharesim
Article date : 15/09/2017 - 10:04
Article : Public steemd cluster by pevo online
To find out more:
Steem Center - Steemd
Steem Center - Steemd Software
Another alternative to track links, and any changes :
steemdata The tool was created by @furion .
Author : @furion
Article date : 13/02/2017 - 23:23
Article : This app shows you edit history for any post
Here are the three main pages opened by my browser during my use, but without the creation of folders in favorites it would be difficult for my memory to remember all the useful URLs, so here is my organization of use :
Communities, creations and advertising
At this point, you can start thinking about your community, your creations and ads. The essential tool at this stage, for me, is Discord, you find an incredible number of communities or support between help and Steemians seasoned, as well as all the curative groups, each of the servers has rules that their own, in general you would find a channel dedicated to your advertising in each of the servers.
Advice :
Please read the rules before getting reprimanded about how you use the server.
Discord :
To make a community and its publicity, it is necessary to communicate, interact with its fans, comment on the articles that you appreciated, vote, share, write articles of quality and answer the comments, it is essentially the base.
But this is not enough for a better visibility, you will have to get acquainted with your community and it is largely safe Discord.
International Discord Servers article, list, which helped me enormously:
Author : @planetenamek
Article date : 19/12/2017 - 00:53
Article : But where are the steemians hiding? A small list of places where you can find them
Author : @pivx100
Article date : 16/07/2017 - 16:57
Article : Top 5 steemit discord server
Author : @aschatria
Article date : 08/01/2018 - 15h45
Article : Resources steemit discord server list 50 steemit related discord servers
Author : @zonguin
Link : liste discords francophones
To the long list of discord servers in the excellent articles above, I can add the : Discord SteemAlsace

Steemit mutual aid community based in Strasbourg, open to all Francophones: Promotion, Upvote and sharing of qualitative posts of the Fr. Witness Support Fr. Organisation of Meet-Up Steemit and on Strasbourg.
I share with you the discord servers I've joined so far:
[FR] :
Discord Steemalsace - @steemalsace - Curateur
Discord Francosteemvotes - @francosteemvotes - Curateur
Discord Franco Partages - @aidefr - Curateur
Discord Francostem - @francostem - Curateur
[ENG] :
Discord Asapers - @asapers - Curateur
Discord Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) - @minnowsupport
Discord Curie - @curie - Curateur
Discord Steemstem - @steemstem - Curateur
Discord The Writers' Block - @Muxxybot - Curateur
To know more about discord:
Creations :
For a quality article formatted, research is needed and transparency on the sources and images used.
A site that I advise you to read and listen entirely, which will allow you to answer your many questions, which also interrogate me, it is :
The Comprendre-Steem team allows us to approach our adaptation to the platform requirements more serenely. We are not on Facebook, we must provide content in line with the quality of service provided.
I like to say that I am the fruit of their tutorials, but also thanks to a will of performance and learning.
Here are two of the articles that helped me:
Author : @kingswisdom
Article date : 16/08/2017 - 17:47
Article : 5 tips for writing a quality article that will make your readers happy
Author : @sebbbl
Article date : 03/04/2018 - 09:33
Article : Yes, the quality of an article is quantifiable
To improve the quality of my articles, I mainly use :
Markdown :
It is a way to format your text on the web. You control how the document is displayed. Formatting words in bold or italic, adding images and creating lists, etc.... projects markdown
Spell checker and grammar corrections :
[FR] : - [ENG] :
Translators :
Once you have put your heart into the work, and your article is finally finished, you can publish it.
Everyone knows it, a minimum of publicity for its own article is essential to a potential remuneration for the editorial, photographic work, etc..., to carry out.
This is where Discord is very useful, join servers that correspond to you, introduce yourself, get acquainted, respect the rules of self-promotions of your articles, accompany your articles with a catchy description, for better visibility.
Steemians, Bot anti plagiarism, or groups of curators read the contents of the community every day, they check if it is not plagiarism, or spam, because it is what we like least about Steemit.
If you do quality work and persevere you have a great chance to come across one of its fabulous groups that showcase undervalued items.
I had the chance to meet some groups I invite you to follow them, understand their projects and support them.
The other fun tools I use:
SteemitBoard is fun. A little challenge in the ecosystem, it is the place where you can receive awards in the form of trophies, obtained for your interactions on Steemit and Busy.
Example :
Project Designer: @arcange - Web Designer: @techybear - Graphic Designer: @captaink
You can see your own table or the other users table:**
SteemitBoard - Home
My SteemitBoard :
An easy to use and accurate tool to calculate your Steemit rewards, pending payments, incredible voting statistics, an ideal tool forSteem ecosystem.
Develop by: @dragosroua
Author : @dragosroua
Article date : 17/02/2018 - 11:11
Article : update : rewards breakdowns for individual posts
Steem Activity :
For this last tool I use, it is to know more or less the best time to publish his article in terms of economic activities of the Steemians.
A tool created by @jga.
The articles about the monetary issues that come up most often :**
The question that always comes up with a no Steemian is the question of winnings: where does the money come from? How are the rewards calculated? What's Voting Power?
I invite you to read the following articles to know all about the potential remunerations on Steemit andBusy
Author : @dragosroua
Article date : 12/08/2017 - 16:57
Article : Can you really make money on steemit ? 5000 posts later my answer is : "yes, but"
Author : @dragosroua
Article date : 08/06/2017 - 10:07
Article : Steemit newbie faq - rewards : were does the money come from?
Author : @ilyastarar
Article date : 21/01/2018 - 14:08
Article : Understanding steemit : know how steemit reward system works and how rewards are distributed!
For more information :
Steem Center - Steem tokens
Steem Center - Steem Dollar (SBD)
Thanks to the Witness and developers for their incredible work and tools. Here is the list of witnesses who benefited from my vote:
@good-karma , @timcliff , @someguy123 , @netuoso , @clayop , @hecryptodrive , @blocktrades , @aggroed , @smooth.witness , @dragosroua , @anyx , @pharesim , @jerrybanfield , @pfunk , @furion , @riverhead , @curie , @xeldal , @busy.witness , @liondani , @teamsteem , @yabapmatt , @wackou , @evildido , @roadscape , @gmuxx , @mahdiyari , @exnihilo.witness , @arcange
For more information on Steem Witness :
Steem Center - Steem Witness
Steemd - Witness
Voted for witnesses : ICI
Thanks to the @steemit inc, teams for this [Steem ecosystem] wonder (**
Thanks to @roxane, @oroger, the whole team behind and the contributors for the site Comprendre Steem, I am the fruit of your tutorials!
Thanks to @someguy123 for the project and all the collaborators of Steem Center - @steemcenterwiki
Thanks to you, authors, for allowing me through your articles, to show me the way on Steemit / Busy, thanks for your help and your welcome on discord, thanks for your development projects, thanks for your collaboration proposals.
Thanks to all followers!
Special thanks to all @steemalsace members for trusting us by contributing to the project!
Thanks to @louishugo and the whole @steemalsace team for their support, their trust and their kind suggestions for us planctons !
Thank you to all the delegates without whom nothing would be possible.
Here are my friends and family members, or anyone I have helped voluntarily or not, who have asked me a little help on my way of doing things, I hope I have been altruistic enough about my Steemian routine, for any clarification on a specific point, you have the information to contact me, I would be happy to develop in the form of chat, verbal discussions, or articles.
You have to board the Steem Rocket, future Steemians of exceptions, we await you, come many!

Well done ✅ thank you for sharing
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Your post is very complete!! very good.
Thank you for mentioning my tool, steem-activity!!
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Thanks for your super effective tool thanks for your comment and up vote. I appreciate your support!
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Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by lartist-zen from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, someguy123, neoxian, followbtcnews, and netuoso. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows. Please find us at the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.
If you would like to delegate to the Minnow Support Project you can do so by clicking on the following links: 50SP, 100SP, 250SP, 500SP, 1000SP, 5000SP.
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