Learn Dhuha Prayer at Elementary School #Education

in busy •  7 years ago  (edited)


English Language

when Islamic religious lessons students do dhuha prayer exercise, this is very important because by learning early on, the students will understand more about the benefits of dhuha prayer and is expected later as they will be accustomed to do it themselves


Indonesia Language

saat pelajaran agama islam siswa melakukan latihan shalat dhuha, hal ini sangat penting karena dengan belajar sejak dini, para siswa akan semakin paham tentang besarnya manfaat dari shalat dhuha dan diharapkan nantinya saat mereka dewasa akan terbiasa melakukannya sendiri


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Alhamdulillah generasi islam yang kuat dengan pembinaan sejak dini

Iy bnr bg.. gnrasi ke depan hrs kuat dlm hal agama

Bantu vote balik ya @zulfan88

Luar biasa

Beautiful post and thank you for sharing. I really love your photo's!

Thanks a lot brotha. Glad to meet you

Salam kenal @zulfan88

Salam knl juga @ghanexs

Thanks for sharing this here.

Thanks for vote 😊😊

Your Welcome

Training is key to everything

Sure.. from now..