CAE Cambridge-application letter model

in cambridge •  7 years ago 

You see this announcement in an English-language college prospectus.
Every year, two scholarships are offered to candidates from overseas who can show how our one-year course in English and American studies would help their career. Scholarships cover fees, accommodation and food, but not transport or personal spending money. To apply, write a letter explaining why you think you deserve a scholarship.

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing in response of the announcement from the English-language prospectus we received at our college. I would like to be considered for the scholarship of studying one year oversees due to several reasons.
In the first place, I strongly feel that I am suitable for this scholarship and the results I obtained at our college and especially at the English Olympiad can clearly prove this. Being one of the best students of our college at this particularly subject I was sent to represent our university at the country phase Olympiad of English where I succeeded to take the third place in our country. Consequently, this matters can prove without a doubt my good command of English and my desire for a constantly improvement.
Furthermore, I want also to point out the fact that after college I will do my master’s degree in English. This course could give me the needed experience and knowledge in order me to achieve this goal, besides this being a strong point in the CV for the employer to choose me. Unfortunately without this scholarship this course cannot be accomplished because of the high taxes I am not able to pay.
In conclusion, I am both suitable for this job as well as interested in a carrier in which this course may help me. I would be available for an interview at any time and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions.
Yours faithfully,
Alessio Corleone
Alessio Corleone Radomir

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