The truth behind the world's most cutting-edge, fat-burning performance meal plan: the ketogenic diet

in cancer •  9 years ago  (edited)

Men's Fitness covers the ketogenic diet and it's advantages at a level that both benefits the newbie and people who have already started experimenting with the diet. In short the ketogenic diet can help you get in the best shape of your life, fight cancer, and wipe out diabetes forever.

Read the full article here

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Sounds very familiar to me. This is the continuation of what Dr. Bieler was teaching in 60's and what Dr. Mercola is telling us in his book Effortless Healing.

Thank you for the feedback. I will read up on both Dr. Bieler and Dr. Mercola. If you are interested in the topic performance through health and nutrition, then I would also recommend reading the Eating Academy blog of the M.D. Peter Attia: I've learned quite a bit from Attia and think you will enjoy the quality of his content.