Toke Back with the Weekly Recap #28

in cannabis •  6 years ago  (edited)

Welcome Back to the Weekly Recap

Hello again everyone. Here we bring you some of the weeks top cannabis post that ended up receiving curation by the @Canna-Curate account. Enjoy!


Now on to the Recap!

Rain ☔ in Summer!

@hansdewet has prayed to the South African rain gods and they have blessed him well. We wish you luck with the season ahead.

Veg Room Update #51

Here s a long awaited and truly in depth look into the garden of @jonyoudyer. The new strains and old are looking stellar!

Maine Rally For CBD and Hemp Farmer Rights

With the push by the local government in Maine to get shops to stop selling CBD products, @chadmichaellibby and the citizens are ready to rally against the government for their right to use CBD.

Awesome New Discord STEEM Bot!

@moneymind420 is helping to spread the good news of a Steem tip bot that runs on discord brought to you by Canna-Curate! Go check it out if you're running a discord server!

New smoke post about stocking up for the Chicago Polar Vortex

When the polar vortex sets into your neighborhood you better be prepared. We can see @rawpride is stocked up and ready to weather the storm!

Smoking, Sweating and Dancing for Love: RAISE YOUR HORNS.

@yestermorrow bring the Green Dragon to the table with his entry in to the Natural Medicine - "Love it Up" Contest. What is the Green Dragon you ask? You'll have to come check the post to find out.

Garden Update #2

@gingerninja bring a second garden update to the Steem community with this post. More than just a great hydroponic system, this garden even has some huge green monsters growing in the yard!

The blueberry seeds that started

@borofreak showing off 3 of his blueberry kush plants that he started from seed. Lets cross our fingers for him that he gets some girls!

Solo Cup #6

Have you been keeping up to date with the solo cup challenge? Here is an entry by @batman0916, looking not bad, now lets see yours!

Strawberry Guava 🍓🍈

@greenfooteco is not stranger when it comes to growing spectacular sensimillia. This guy hits it out of the park on a regular, check his blog for more amazing pictures of those exotic strains.

Botany With Tryp: Cloning the Next Generation

If cloning is in your near future @tryp's post here is a must read. Everything you'll need to know to get you a nice new set of babies is right here so don't miss it.

Cancer Patient Says Cannabis Oil And A Sugar-Free Diet Saved Her

@doitvoluntarily bring you a testimonial of some amazingly powerful healing. We don't wish cancer upon anyone but it's best be armed with all the information to fight that battle as you can get, here is some of that crucial info.

Week 7 day 4

If you have not had a chance to check out @cowboyblazerfan you may want to give him a follow, he is one of the greatest growers on Steem and ready to help others with any advice they may need.

Steem OG flowers caked with trichomes (see photos)

These is no doubt that @drutter knows how to work a camera especially when he has some beautiful ladies in front of the lens.


Don't miss the Swoop Show, presented by @soundwavesphoton every Friday @4PM PST on the Canna-Curate discord.

IN LOVING MEMORY: John Galton - Husband to Lilly DeVine -Help Lilly Get Legal!

We got some sad news this week that a fellow Steemian has been taken from us. @surfyogi goes over some details as they came about. Farewell John Galton, this blunts for you.

Steemian murdered. Just got the news and heartbroken! John's last garden. Prayers!

@ganjafarmer pays tribute to the fallen Steemian John Galton with some picture of his gardening work.

Starting a curation collective // Cocainum-curate

@lordbutterfly's comedic hy-jinx show us the protagonist side of the cannabis rebellion and war on drugs.

Cannabis Is Nothing Short Of Amazing

In this post @doitvoluntarily lists off some of the many ailments cannabis is currently being prescribed for.

Canna-Curate Community Up-vote Discord Bot

@Canna-Curate presents our upvote bot. This discord bot will upvote your steem posts with our canna-curate account. Come to our discord for your upvotes today!

CANNABIS : A widely missed market by mainstream

Join the discussion with @fracasgrimm about cannabis going mainstream in the United States with ever expanding legalization across the states.

Introducing Sensi-Pot Open Source Automation Hardware for Indoor Gardening

@learnelectronics goes over this awesome opensource project for automating your entire garden environment. A whole set it and forget it style gardening.


Mouthwatering pictures of cannabis are what @cowboyblazerfan is all about so if you don't like them then get outta here. lol

OG Kush Dank Vape Experience

An excellent review of Dank Vapes OG Kush brought to you by the one and only @jcsteem.

Weekly Update With @jackdub

Our main man @jackdub keeping us up to date on the latest cannabis news from around the Globe!


@chronik-n-coffee is about to be back on the air at its new time and place Tuesadays @6PM PST on the Canna-Curate discord. Don't miss the fire.


Delegators: @alchemage, @amymya, @ArtisticScreech, @battleaxe, @billmega, @berniesanders, @Bluntsmasha, @cannabiscurator, @conradino23, @cryptohustlin, @darkprince66, @davedickeyyall, @deanpiecka,@derangedvisions, @derekrichardson, @dynamicgreentk,@dynamicrypto, @d-vine, @ELAmental, @ericwilson, @fatkat, @foodforestbot, @fracasgrimm, @futuremind, @fknmayhem, @ganjafarmer, @goldendawne, @hotsauceislethal, @jonyoudyer, @kid4life, @kimmysomelove42, @k0wsk1, @krazypoet, @lyndsaybowes, @mandyfroelich, @marksheppard, @movingman,@msp-creativebot, @netgodbeerus, @olafurthor, @pataty69, @pharesim, @paradigmprospect, @phusionphil, @rakkasan84, @rawpride, @realkiki85, @runridefly, @SammoSK, @sgt-dan, @skylinebuds, @soluce07, @underGRound, @qwoyn, @dylanhobalart, @yogajill, @wxzurd

Trail Makers: @jonyoudyer, @Bluntsmasha, @conradino23, @ELAmental, @netgodbeerus, @cannabiscurator, @realkiki85, @doctorspence, @darkprince66, @cannaqueen, @hiatus, @tilestar, @naturalfox, @canna-collective, @deary, @foodforestbot, @nikema, @Tafgongthe1st, @loryluvszombies, @spicedlife, @gjones15, @mrunderstood, @benzeta, @stoned2thebone, @cannafarms, @thegreenhouse, @cultivar, @liquid-mike, @brockmorris, @ganjagirl, @MadPotters, @chey, @growingassets, @the-haze, @skylinebuds, @gingy710, @growroom, @kootsmedtree, @cowboyblazerfan. @suheri, @imammudarifqi, @grow-pro, @winnerchris, @twirlspin, @pdxlove, @cannabis-news, @cannuration, @steem420, @socialmisfit, @ambiguity, @phoenixwren, @batman0916, @greenfooteCO, @ceattlestretch, @njweedman, @superwoman916, @movement19, @bengiles, @growroom, @elderson, @hemp-lord, @deadisdead, @coffeebuds, @gregorypatrick, @asonintrigue, @freedomtribe, @bembelmaniac, @mango-juice, @oh-high-mark, @stonerfeed, @kaz2305, @veteranforcrypto, @rebeccaryan, @bigriffsbongrips, @spicedlife, @a1-shroom-spores,, @dilwhosaskin, @argenisapaz, @sapphic, @paradigmprospect, @vegangod, @qwoyn, @borofreak, @sunnydays-r-over, @kawa23, @caperf35, @yogajill, @dynamicsteemians, @khackett, @zuculuz, @soundwavesphoton, @cannajess, @theywenttojareds, @moniroy, @offgridlife, @mjgeeks, @cannabisrawuncut, @cannacannacanna, @koh, @ghro, @kennyboobs, @forstellaford, @eatmeat, @ssdgm, @too-short, @turd-ferguson, @npcvegantifa, @sharkmonsters, @uptoker, @theduskinus, @highdoulikememes, @buysmoke, @em3di, @vaporrhino, @prettynicevideo, @props4crops, @mary-jane, @badasshomelife, @highroadseeds, @cody758, @fixedbydoc, @pennsif, @samuelbooth86, @twistedcheshire, @hashkings, @tyler-ai,, @annitakoxx, @midgeteg, @steemitsmokeout, @moneymind420, @appalachain


Hit that banner, to come network, and chill with like minded people.

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These are some great cannabis posts from the past week :)

Thanks for the mention! 😍

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