Do you know which trees to plant to capture Carbon and save the planet ?
Does planting Trees really save the planet ?
I’m not sure but I certainly love living along the River surrounded by Trees.
In fact I have planted hundreds of trees, and lately I have been planting White Pines, Spruce, Sugar Maple and Apple Trees.
So I was curious to see what kinds of Trees are the best to plant to capture Carbon… you know, act as a Carbon Sink… I did a quick search and found the Following Information:
Consider planting these tree species
There are no single “best tree species.” Every region has a species that suits it best. Most parks will contain examples of local trees that do well in your climate.
With that said, a few of the best trees for carbon sequestration are the following:
Pine trees work pretty well. In fact, out of all conifers, they store carbon most effectively.
In northern regions, consider planting the blue spruce.
The horse chestnut tree is well-adapted to city life. It has a broad canopy that adds shade in addition to its carbon dioxide capturing abilities.
Another excellent choice for a city’s green space is the London planetree. It has the added benefit of being resistant to the cold and disease.
Two smaller trees that can store an immense amount of carbon for their size are the black walnut and dogwood.
Some Trees I have have planted on the Homestead …
White Pine …
Colorado Blue Spruce …
Empire Apple and rows of Spruce …
Some red roses my kids planted …. Still blooming in -10 Celsius ???
So strange …
Some apples from my Empire Apple Trees …