70% Fat 30% Protein 0% Carbs

in carnivore •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hey Everyone,

This is something I have been playing with lately.

70% Fat, 30% Protein 0% Carbs
To save money, and for a change, I have moved away from eating just grass-fed steak. I was finding it hard to find fatty cuts here in Thailand, as the butchers trim everything so lean.

Lately I have been eating more mince and sausage meat and wild ocean caught fish. I still have a steak every now and then.

Increasing the fat, decreasing the cost
I normally fry 400 - 500gm of sausages, Pigs in Blankets - pork sausages wrapped in bacon are cheap, lamb are nicer but 50% more expensive. I drain the fat into a little jar that I keep in the fridge.

At the market near where I live there is a family who make broth from boiling chicken feet. They make another one from pig spinal column and ribs. Many days I will order one of each.

I dont eat the chicken feet, but give them to my favourite street dogs with the pork bones.
I dissolve a big spoonful of fat from my jar into each broth. I can also add Ghee, (butter with the proteins removed).


The chicken feet soup is loaded with collagen, lately I am training very hard, especially on trying to gain hip flexibility, so I figure the extra collagen might help to prevent and heal injuries.

The Pork bone soup, I am hoping is full of minerals, electrolytes, either way, adding the fat helps me to get a huge high fat meal into my day.

So far I like the way this zero plant fibre, zero carbohydrate way of eating feels. After a celebration day, when I eat some cheese cake, pizza or ice cream, it can take several days to stop craving carbohydrates again. In general though, I enjoy eating only meat till I am full once or twice a day.

I drink water and for a treat I drink soda water, which I may add freshly squeezed lime to.

The only downside, (so far) is that sometime I get terrible body odour, mostly when eating beef. I dropped eggs and cheese out as these seam to make it worse. Fish and Pork seam to be better, no idea why that might be. I do not hear of any other carnivores sharing this problem.

Note: The top photo is of me trying to (and failing) perform a handstand, which is one of the reasons I am working on my hip alignment, flexibility and general body spacial awareness. I actually thought I was vertical, being off centre adds tremendous weight to our actions.

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I am always like heath related blog as i am little worried about my health ,now m feeling good after seeing ur blog related to health anyways you are looking such fit and fine person. Stay healthy .....just keep it up

@freemoceanisnow wow !!looking good.. nice to read something about health related.

Great. Looking so hard.

Even I can do that.
Well done

Keep steeming @freemoceanisnow I look forward to your next post I love chilcken feet too.

nice staunt

Never heard either, hmm maybe something with how the body sweats.

Great form Sensei. One w nature indeed. I use to could but not sure if my form was as good.

takes more strength to do it badly lol..
one day I will nail it :)

Now its more about spacial awareness and body alignment

Which hip is it? Have you checked if one leg is longer than the other?

one leg longer? probably.

Mostly though it is the pelvic tilt and general low flexibility I am working on. Its also amazing how much more aware we can become of the muscles acting as separate units rather than all locked up and dead.