in cats •  7 years ago 

Tiger had a ridiculous amount of energy today, not sure if it was the change in weather or maybe he slept really well? But he was sprinting around, wanting to play all afternoon. The other two were being extra lazy, and had no interest in what Tiger was up too, haha.

Here he is; he loves to grab my arm and push on it with his back legs... sometimes way too hard.

Photo Jan 31, 14 23 52.jpg

Here's Blaze, in his usual spot heh.

Photo Jan 31, 16 16 41.jpg

Cleo hiding under her own leg.

Photo Jan 31, 16 16 49.jpg

Here's Tiger. He never sits on this chair, today was a weird day.

Photo Jan 31, 16 17 03.jpg

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This cat photo is typical of what might be expected by proper cat ownership. Proper cats!


owo lovely cat pic thanks @grapther for beautifull photography

Thank you!

you wellcome @grapther

The cat click is very beautiful I like it very much @grapther

Thank you, glad you like them!

Looking so cute

haha yea i like that photo!

I love Blaze. She is looking gorgeous

Thanks! Blaze is a he, Cleo (the skinny black and white one) is the only girl.

Very nice cats!


Ha ha so funny your cat and cuteDQmXFdxqdVxCc7yCqBrcQ5usRMXpfU9bbxnpyU88KYmwh7G.jpg

Cats can judge within 3 inches the precise location of a sound being made 1 yard away.

Blaze is the chosen one.

Hello, very beautiful friend, is there Cleo, how cute, I uploaded a picture of my other pet, a cute little dog, do not you like dogs?

This is an art to show your vision, sharing how deep you see the cats and their natural laziness which makes me smile? thanks

Hah exactly. They are definitely a lazy bunch!

Good looking cats