DailyCelestialChallenge-The Love Of God!

in celestialchallenge •  7 years ago 

The love of God
That Everlasting love,
Oh! that evergreen love!
Refreshed every morning
Have you ever wondered?
How we survive amidst the strife and chaos in the world,
How we end up victorious despite all odds.

It is the love of God that gets us through,
the love of God prompts his mercy upon us
Just as a parent loves his/her child dearly,
so also God loves everyone of us.

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Yes, we might feel neglected by him,
but he always comes through to save us from the worst of fates.
Why? Because he loves us!
When we as humans, we would do anything for those we love then imagine God the creator of the universe and the things he would do for us.

If you are familiar with the story of the fall of Adam, you would know how God cursed the human race,
The same heavenly father also sent his son jesus Christ to redeem us John 3:16.
Oh, how marvelous sending his only begotten son to pay for our sins
he left his heavenly status and was born as a commoner as opposed to the king that he is, all for love.

If this seems as a far proof of his love,
think about nature, the greatest gift from God.
A gift so beautiful yet versatile
Entwined into nature are so many other gifts,
Like mother nature which provides us food
the skies and the clouds,
they house the sun and the moon that gives us light during night and day.

The everflowing rivers, oceans and seas.
Imagine a life without water? Terrible indeed.
Imagine paying for an oxygen tank in a health facility for just 24hours, it cost a lot.
Yet God gave us breath and is still giving us without any charges.

God has made everything for our comfort
because of his love for us.
Because of his unconditional love for us,
he gave us a means to protect our legacies, procreation.
Imagine, if everyone in the first generation had passed away without producing offspring, we wouldn't be here today.

Next time you think no one has your back,
Remember his love is everlasting and in it our hopes are founded.
In his love our dreams are established,
in the light of his love, we thrive.

If he caters for the carefree birds of the air,
if he provides a beautiful habitat for the fishes and every other aquatic life,
then think of what he would do for us humans,
made in his image and likeness, oh wonderful!!

image source

Bible Text: john 15:7-12, Matthew 5:43-48, 1 John 2:4-11

I will not fail to acknowledge @sirknight for initiating #celestialchallenge, thanks a lot and God bless you all.

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Yeah thats why as reasonable humans we ought to draw close to God almighty so that he too will draw close to us.

The truth is that God owes us nothing ,but even at that while we where yet sinners he loved us and he sent his only begotten son to come pay a propitiatory price in our behalf;that is the ranson sacrifice. What greater love could we ever get!

😊😊 thanks buddy

No greater love than the love of God

We may wander far and wide but God's love still remains
His love is ever sure

yeah his love is everlasting

The love of God is truly everlasting

yeah thanks

His love, set us free! Hallelujah!

😊😊😊😊we are free indeed.

God's love is divine and unconditonal.

This is beautiful! Thank you, and God bless you :-)

As the deer pantheth after the water brooks, so should we long for God.
Thanks bro.

This is very nice. Indeed.. The love of God is everlasting

God's love is never failing