May 30 Days Writing Challenge - Day Nineteen: Name Top 3 All Time Favorite Movies

in challenge30days •  6 years ago  (edited)

please have a look at the introductory post. @dragosroua challenge.

This is the most difficult question they can ever ask me, I never remember, names, not of artists and not of films. I saw so many films because my husband is just a filmlunatic. Every day we see 1 or 2 movies. I always say I do not like Pif paf poef films, too much shooting or fighting aggression I dislike so much!

But I think my number 1 is the movie The gods must be gone crazy. the first one I liked the most, I have been laughing my socks off from the first to the last moment.

It starts with a tribe in the Kalahari desert that sees a coca cola bottle falling out of the sky. For them, a tribe that thinks they have the sight of everything this looks like a real miracle. The bottle was thrown out of a plane, but they do not know that. They think they have to get rid of the bottle, but where, from the end of the world would be best. On his way, they all have an enormous adventure. I loved this film.
the end of the world according to the tribe was a place called gods window

*****My number 2 has to be The never-ending story***** The fantasy movie is a real family movie, one for a rainy Sunday all cosy together with tea and snacks.

The Storyline is a little boy who lost his mum runs away out of fear because he gets pestered by classmates and even teachers, so he ends up in the loft from his school and starts reading this book. While he reads he feels a connection with the boy in the book. Things out of this film that touched me the most? the rockbiter image.png
(I took this picture of this link:

But also the loss of the horse brought me to tears. I know I know am a soppy thing, but hey I can not help it.
The fear that fantasy world is getting eaten by the nothing is real. Nice to see that people can visualize thoughts so children do understand the moral.

My third movie is difficult because then there are several, I have to do that different, I can say I love all movies with Tom Hanks.
THE TERMINAL (2004 steven spielberg), stuck at the airport, so brilliant !
FORREST GUMP The succes story about an authistic boy. Life is like a box of chocolates ... Tears of laughter and sadness a movie that plays with your emotions.

And there is noway that I can leave my other favorite actor out Robin Williams, I feld like I lost something very personal, when he stepped out of life. His movies Jumanji and Mss Doubtfire or his role in good morning Vietnam.

I am sorry @dragosroua I lose this challenge, impossible to talk just over 3 films. I do not mind which storyline as long as it has a good actor. During this story, my questions to my family, what was the name of that movie with the coca cola bottle? What was the name of that guy again who ran so fast? And the war film where Williams was dj?

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Forrest Gump was at the top of my list, so I'm glad you mention it, even though it's hard to choose just three. :)

Tom Hanks is tough to beat as actor. Castaway was good (I've not seen The Terminal), but I liked Big and Splash both. The voice of Woody in the Toy Story movies. I even liked him in Bridge of Spies, which is the latest film I've seen him in.

I've also seen The Gods Must Be Crazy and The Neverending Story, though it's been quite a while for both. I remember them both being really entertaining in different ways of course.

Nice that you enjoy that too, I say I do not think I have seen castaway , but they shout out here : Yes! you have... the terminal is fantastic, it is a must see :-)

You know, I've looked at renting it a few times, and just never did. Maybe the idea of being stuck in a terminal isn't all that appealing. I love to go places, but going through the airport and security is not my idea of fun, nor is the thought of being stuck in an airport. I've had that happen once and it was not a good experience. Sad thing was, my wife and I were the least of the ones affected, so it could have been a lot worse.

However, I know that there's plenty that goes on in the movie that makes it meaningful and entertaining, so I'm not trying to knock the movie in anyway. Just trying to explain why I haven't seen it. I will, though. I'll make sure to find time for it. :)

You will enjoy it, because the situation is so so awkward! :-)

Wow ... amazing .... this is really amazing ... I really loves it ...