What’s The Best Thing That Happened To You Because Of Steemit?

in challenge30days •  6 years ago 

This is a hard one as Steemit has given me so many great things. 

It gives me Steem, which I love! because I really like crypto and love that it's been the first real chance of disrupting our very corrupt and monopolized global cash systems - the human race needs this!

...It gives me friendships, I've met great people from all over the world because of Steemit and they have shared their stories with me and continue to share a bit more each and every time they blog. Even though we are all different, its such a pleasing platform where people support each other - we all come here together on this platform and share our lives, loves, hopes, despair and dreams - I think this is truly amazing!

I love the contests and the challenges, in fact recently I won a Silver Steem coin and it was awesome and I want to say that's this is the best thing to have happened to me...

I love the local Steemit catchup's, once a month a bunch of us meet up at the pub and share our Steemit experiences - such a great thing and opportunity setup by @mattclarke

...BUT I have really enjoyed being a part of the IBT competitions which can now also be followed with the #IBT tag.....Ok, well you have to be a bit of geek to appreciate them and have a love for old abandonware games...but it's been so much fun running them and now I play as well..

It started as a simple competition, a 50/50 chance for people to win Steem funded from their own upvotes... Before  I knew it, people from all over the world came to participate and everyone brings along fresh ideas on how to make it better. Lots of people drop in with a wish to get involved and before I knew it, it is now a real Steemit community event....it takes allot of my time, but I enjoy doing it for my Steemian friends.

Apart from all the fun of building the competition up, what I love about it is that it is a win/win situation. 

People upvote the competition because they like it and then I give away all the Steem raised from the SBD (giving people their votes back) on top of this some really good Steemians who care about the health of the platform, see a clear benefit also sponsor the competition and donate Steem prizes as well...I am currently giving away 30+ Steem per competition now...amazing!

The IBT event just keeps getting bigger and better with each new one I host, here is the latest development post where I am now teaching myself to be a programmer and use a bot as we innovate further and attempt to make it a truly interactive and rich experience. 

Here are some Dtube videos with additional background for those with interest.

This post is  not suppose to be an advertisement for the IBT  competition, but it is vital to understanding why I think IBT is the best thing to happen to me personally on Steemit.

First of all, I've never run a competition in my life - Steemit provided that opportunity

Second, it's now a community event with recurring participants who all chip in, I've never helped to run a community event in my life - Steemit provided that.

 A few final reasons why I like it so much:

  • I love the idea of heaps of people getting a prize and not just one or two winners getting rich!!..
  • I love the idea of spreading wealth and everyone sharing in prosperity  vs. just a few rich people on the planet having it all! ...while no one is getting rich in this contest, it makes me feel good to give Steem away and make people happy.
  • I love the community spirit - each new IBT that is run more and more people come forward with ideas, and it takes in a new graphic, bit of code, game play ideas etc as it evolves into....who knows what?

I truly hope everyone else has had such a great experience on Steemit and if your just new hang in there, you'll be so glad you did!

All the best

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I discovered 3D printing through Steemit and that eventually lead to me winning a 3D printer and getting all obsessed with designing 3D models hehe.

Wow! hey that's different...Don't think I know anyone else who has one of those. Must be fun to use, could make all kinds of things.


Yeah... it'll be so fun to use... once I get it.

I won 2nd place in the competition, sadly that meant the prize was a pre-order for MakeX's latest 3
D printer that they were launching on kickstarter at the time.

The kick-starter succeeded and I should normally be hearing back about getting the printer soon, but it's been an agonizing 4-5 months wait since December, designing models and knowing I owned a 3D printer yet it hadn't been build or shipped yet XO

Arghh that's a bit crap! if you win something cool shouldn't take that long....but if it pre-order what can be done.

Fingers crossed it comes soon - look forward to seeing some piccy of the models on your steemit blogs once it comes and you churn them out :)

Not sure I can narrow it down to just one specific best thing.. so I'll give you my top three.

  1. I am able to write and blog- my biggest passion after my family and loved ones. I took a two year hiatus from writing due to an illness and then steemit popped into my life just as I had given up on ever having the desire to write again.
  2. I am able to reach out, interact and gain knowledge from so many members I have met on here and in Discord groups. I am a homebody and have no active social life so steemit and Discord have given me the chance to meet people with common interests.
  3. In my main concentrated areas (gardening, homesteading and recipes/diy) I have been able to learn new skills, techniques and become a more well-rounded person.

It's fantastic! for years I resisted all forms of social media, facebook, twitter, whatever....it was Steemit that finally hooked me.

So cool! thank you for sharing that (writing is so hard, I keep trying - but life just gets in the way)...hey you should look at the great work @dragosroua is doing, not sure if you noticed with my first tag but my post here is part of a competition. I'm sure if you did a blog on your reply here and expanded a bit, you might get a great upvote and lots of attention - I think people would be interested in your Steemit story :)

Interesting... I may have to consider adding that tag to my writing and posts. I'll check out dragosroua page and see what it's all about- thanks!

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