Where Steemit Will Be In Five Years | A glimpse into the future.

in challenge30days •  6 years ago 

Steemit has first mover advantage of being a social media platform built on top of a blockchain technology leveraging a proof of brain in rewarding good quality content by upvoting it and earning Steem Backed Dollars and Steem.


From Unsplash - "My Life Through A Lens"

It is a haven for artists, musicians, writers, photographers, bloggers and people looking for gigs. With its relatively fast transaction speed and zero transaction cost for transfers it one of the most widely used blockchain technology through its SMT.

Organization and charities create their profile and using the gifteconomy aspect of Steem are able to raise funds for children, war-torn and starving nations are instantly given aid and the blockchain provides the transparency that goes to those intended thus changing the lives of many.

Artists and musicans are able to share their art and the notion of starving artists disappear as they are able to make a living through their passions.

Writers and bloggers weave their words and are appreciated for the depth of the stories and articles that they have created.

Steemgiggers are now prevalent in Steem as they use Steemgigs.org by @surpassinggoogle as a portal to offer their services, products, and talents. The words "Everyone has something to offer." resonates through the internet as people build their dreams on top of Steem.

Together we create our future.

Yet this was not always the case. Things were bleak at one point. Bid bots ruled the trending, the scarcity mindset was prevalent as self voting in the platform became the norm going as high as 80% for the majority of people.

Posts and comments were mere placeholders for self upvotes and bots to vote on what has been dubbed as the Haejin Effect,

It looked like we would never hit that 1 million sign up as more people were leaving the platform in search of other platforms that fit their beliefs.


From Unsplash - Enrique Vidal Flores

Then the Hivemind happened and communities were empowered to make changes. Moderators were introduced that were altruistic and truly cared for the platform and started sorting through the tags and post.

Delegations were given to communities like @promo-steem who would bring in more people into the platform and @promo-mentors, in turn, would mentor and retain people by supporting Steemians and making them the best possible versions of themselves.

We are a community that aims to get Steem to the masses by mentoring new Steemians, support projects, and initiatives that add value to the platform. Our discord server is a place where enthusiastic Steemians can connect with each other and collaborate on projects. Essentially, we are individual dreamers who come together to create something awesome using the Steem blockchain!

Introducing Promo-Mentors

Yet they were just one of the many communities that banded together and said that they do not need heroes and would save the platform by themselves.

People just stopped complaining and started working on correcting the behavior. People started believing in the abundance mindset that there is more to Steem than making a quick buck.

The selfish people left the platform looking for other green pastures to forage on as the system started to make it not profitable to be selfish.

The witnesses worked hand in hand with the different communities to flag the bad players.

"Enough is enough!" became the battlecry of the masses as the trending was cleaned up and plagiarism dealt with.

There was value in creation again. There was value in writing, painting, taking photos and providing proof of brain. Steem returned to the ideals it set in the whitepaper before all the Hard forks worked to disrupt it.

It did not have a single person that inspired people to fight back but it was the collective mind of every decent Steemian who wanted to be the change in the world. Our world, our Steem platform.

This post was inspired partly by my previous post on this challenge May 30 Days Writing Challenge - Day Seven: Name 3 Things That Must Be Done Immediately To Make Steemit.com A Better Experience

These things might happen and it might not but I will fight for Steem and will not just give up on it even with all the drama because I still see a lot of good.


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Well calling your own raise kiss-a*ss is that what you call our people do you mind asking who they are? where they came from? Base on your name you disgrace your own people if that's what you called your self then fine. Guys whats the point having an argument to a person who called him self stupid already ? We can say what ever we want here it is up to reader if they will like it or not. Imagine you have a friend even though he/she is not good on the aspect or things your good but still you like his/her not because of the things she can't do but the things you enjoy doing together, For me example I'm not good in blogging I really don't you can find error on my sentences maybe wrong grammar non-sense topics and many lapses but honestly I do convince many of my friends to join in steemit and start blogging they listen to me they laugh with me share their stories and all the things they want to blog and they respect me as a person , AND THAT'S ONE THING I LEARN FROM @SURPASSINGGOOGLE TO INSPIRE OTHERS!!!! maybe I maybe the worst blogger but still I'm not stupid pinoy.

More power to you @surpassinggoogle and to our community
God blessed to all of us and to those who mock us .

Matthew 5:44.


I officially love this post.

The words "Everyone has something to offer." resonates through the internet as people build their dreams on top of Steem.

YES! So much of this is happening now. The more of us believe, and keep contributing, we can build the dream into reality. Steem on! 💖

Thank you for the kind words!! With the drama and negativity surrounding Steem not to mention its price drop I wanted to paint a more hopeful post about it.

I believe in the good that Steem can do and it just takes a few thousand believers to put things into reality.

I like the tone you've taken with this Mav, and like you, I am an optimist who believes in the good of this platform. There are so many groups who are working to support others...selflessly giving of their time and energy in the process. That is something worth fighting for, and I'll be right beside you doing just that!

I have to be optimistic as we have put a lot of ourselves in the platform. We have spent a lot of time and human connection to just abandon it.

I have faith in the good of people and of the diffirent communities that they will not let it happen that things will devolve and Steemit disappears.

I believe it is worth fighting for.

I do too! I just saw Asher's post regarding writing something to get on the Trending page, something showing how great steemit really is. I'm hoping things like that take-off too, as well as everything the different communities are doing. It's really up to all of us to try and clean up that Trending page I think; what an embarrassing first impression for an outsider looking in.

You are an inspiration buddy. I am riding the high that you have brought to life through your words in this article. If all these things come to pass we will be in a truly enlightened place, if only a few key things start to come to fruition steemit will still evolve into a place of strength and creative value. Unfortunately, if none of them happen I think that steemit will founder but with hivemind on its way I am hopeful :-)

Organization and charities create their profile and using the gifteconomy aspect of Steem are able to raise funds for children, war-torn and starving nations are instantly given aid and the blockchain provides the transparency that goes to those intended thus changing the lives of many.

I love this passage and the potential is here for concerted action by groups of minnows, dolphins + whales to make this type of aid happen. One day mate, one day!

Thank you Raj for this awesome comment I was going to do a dystopian future that Steemit was just a line of posts being bid post voted on and comments automatically done and self voted to over 98%
It was a chilling vision and I decided to dream of a better one that had a better ending.

We have all put in to much on this Platform to see it fail.

Hopefully all the problems that we are facing here get solved soon as possible. Spam, Phishing Selfupvote and Whales wars. If all the big accounts would give attention to whats happening and take action, we will have a better future for everyone.

I still have faith that Steem will correct itself. People will hopefully try to fix things.

This was the post I first thought about writing, then didn't. Thank you for doing it. I liked how things seemed to be in the present even though they were five years into the future. For a minute, I was thinking, "Wait a minute. Did I miss this?!" :)

I think I need to get a little more creative with my responses. It usually takes a while for me to come up with something, since thinking on the fly isn't my best ability. We'll see.

I really hope we get there. With more work and outreach, maybe we can.

To be honest I was going to write a dark, desolate tale of bots, no engagements and just plain mining of SBD and Steem.

But it bummed me out and I wanted it to reflect my hopes and dreams instead. .

I think that the League of Engagement is very important, communities and people are important.

We will be the difference.

A dystopian theme is definitely a reality, and where it would all seem to be going right now. Did you see the steemiblog's update on a few of the things they've done, and intend to do? Nothing about HF 20, directly, but they did talk about the small changes they've made to condenser and faucet. Plus a few other things. In one of the comments by Tim Cliff, he seemed to think that communities would take care of some things plaguing the platform. I hope he's right. If we're not going to figure it out ourselves, then the only way for it to happen is through code.

The Engagement League will be the leaders of tomorrow, if we all do our part.

Yes it is but one of the many possible realities of Steemit.

Yeah I did read some of the things on the condenser and faucet and of course more on SMT lol

Hopefully Tim is right in his assessment and coding it can help but end of the day it is the behaviour of people that will make things happen.

Well, and that's why I'm not been as keen as many others that code be used to solve the problem. Human nature isn't going to be solved by code. We have to change. We're the change agents. It's helpful to have tools and incentives, but ultimately, it's going to be what's in each and everyone's heart that's going to make or break Steemit, or any other platform for that matter. So, I agree with you wholeheartedly that it is the people.

Unfortunately, I feel like there are plenty of devs running around thinking they can control people's behaviors through game theory. Which, I suppose, works to varying degrees, but not-so-much when real life is involved, like finances.

yes a think we are in the braking point now. or say it like this if the bad Witnesses are not getting removed or are starting to help the ide of steemit we are going to be ok . if not we are doomed. or the hard working bloggers are doomed. but a think we are going to be ok. in 1-2 years.

I kinda feel it is. The thing is it is hard to remove some of the witnesses because of the Delegation Proof Of Stakethat if they have someone with enuough SP they will not be moved out.

I agree that even with things like this Steemit will not go and burn.

I really like your optimistic view of how Steemit will be in five years! I deeply want to believe that it's going to be just like you said, with great content being in the centre of it, and curators that inspire creators to keep going. It is already like that, if we focus on the good things. There's still a lot of 'dark' going on, though. I do think that the good will prevail, if people like you keep inspiring and writing content like this. :)

Thanks Juli! I am crossing my fingers and hope it will happen! Right now we have a lot of content creators and not enough curators.

With all the drama around we need to focus on the good stuff like meeting you :)

thank you so much for allowing me to take a glimpse of what steemit will be years from now. I am always thankful for sir @surpassinggoogle for always thinking of others before himself. It is his talent. Many have loved for that and was moved by how selfless and compassionate he is. I am sure that there will be more opportunities in the future for Steemit and I can't wait to have access to it :)

Indeed Terry is one awesome person and I believe that he will be very important in the Steem Platform. With everything that he is doing he will continue to build dreams.

so true!

People just stopped complaining and started working on correcting the behavior. People started believing in the abundance mindset that there is more to Steem than making a quick buck.

There is no need for people to do HYIP anymore. Very-well said.

Yes Steem gives a lot of opportunities for people where they would not need to do HYIP.

I am pretty new here, but I have heard the stories of how it was before. There are still some problems with steemit, but I hope those are just the echos of the past :)

Yeah the number of hardforks did a number on us and we are still feeling it's effects.

So hopefully some of the newer ones will help fix it or we might see a worst case scenario.

Hello @maverickinvictus, nice to greet you. Good post! Thanks for sharing it, and thanks for voting auralucy post. Greetings.

No worries :) you are welcome.

You got a 1.64% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @maverickinvictus!

Want to promote your posts too? Check out the Steem Bot Tracker website for more info. If you would like to support the development of @postpromoter and the bot tracker please vote for @yabapmatt for witness!

While the entirety of the post is good but there are some points that are biased and just promoting these so-called communities. Nothing resonates on Steemgigs, its just used by many just to get quick upvotes from @surpassinggoogle.

A sh*t post can get instant SBDs just because its posted on the platform. I see flocks of kiss-assers on Steemit in the next 5 years.

plus about people's motives, you dont have all the data. in real life, try encounter strangers and even as much as question their motives and wait to see their physical reaction. let's take a walk around ph together and lets watch you do it. among the beauty of blockchain, is a privacy paradigm. yes it is bare but must you peer each time? the bank door was left open, must you walk in? plus, dont conclude that everyone is here for the same reasons. some come here just because they want a private place away from facebook. some join to dent their legacies into permanance into the blockchain. some come here simply to be spectators. some come here just have a wallet. some come here to build a dream using their blogs, some come here to beat seo worries etc. yes some people can use a tag because of what it represents or cos they resonate with the personpost behind the tag. if you decide to sound conclusive about everyone's motives, you have very limited info. the steem blockchain is bare, on the scene. people's motive is behind the scenes. people can seem out blockchaij to experience a measure of freedom away from governance etc that is part of the beauty blockchain was created for, so as for motives, you csn never really know those for sure

It's really not about you, try to dissect that very short comment of mine. It's really not about you.

if you saw shit on the road somewhere, you will walk past. you wont stand there to discuss its color, its texture, its cracky look. you won't go sit somewhere and ponder wonder what food created it or what gender hosted it. so I dont see shit here. plus if you want to say shit be bold about it and use the word, spell it out or are you having reservations? further evidence that there was no shit involved here. and why involve me? I t doesnt matter what community you are in, if I come across you, I will look to inspire you. about content, there are bigger things than content, there is also a reputation paradigm to keep behavior in check, among many other factors. yes, the quality human involves count to, at least according to me

no worries. I will pause here. you mentioned me. I didnt dissect stuff. I look at the context and looked to educate you. cos if I saw you in person, I will sit you down like brother and we talk, then we will have you experiment call a brother on the streets of ph stupid and lets see where it leads