in charlesfuchs •  7 years ago 

A man only learns in two ways, one by reading, and the other by association with smarter people ~ Will Rogers.

Are You A Geek Like Me?

I'm going to talk something really different today and talk about Books. I never was a book reader when growing up until I seen a video by Jim Rohn in the late 90's. 

Who was Jim Rohn? If you don't know, no worries. He was a popular motivational speaker and if you want to look him up, you can here and/or Youtube. 👨🏻‍🏫

He once stated that “Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.”... that knowledge were in books. 📚

When I was around 20 years old, that quote changed my life... I started to study and became a reader since then. I probably read over 1000+ books in my life. (You should see my book library, Insanity). 🤯

Well since then, times have changed and it seems to me that people behaviors have changed and not many people are reading anymore. 

Books are getting replaced by Audio Books, Youtube Videos and different means of information getting distributed these days. 📹🔊💻📱📓

Regardless how people are getting their information, it's kinda like all the same. What I'm trying to say here is that if you want to change or become a better version of yourself, the information is out there and it's just your choice if you want to get it or not.

These days, I'm still a book reader and that may sound crazy to some people but there is something special about holding a book. 📕

Don't get me wrong, I still have tons of audiobooks but if I do get it, I make sure that I buy the book also. Just call me old school 🤣

So let me ask you this, If you had only one book/audiobook that you would recommend to someone, what would it be and why? 🤷🏼‍♂️

I'll go first, my go to book for #1 Overall would be by a fellow Steemian @grantcardone who wrote The 10x Rule. If you guys been following me for a long time, you may know why from my previous post.

I call this book, a life changer. It will change your thinking about everything you're doing in life and make it better, 10X better. I also recommend getting the audio book, it contains information that you would listen over and over again.... it's just that good. 💯

Heck, I'm currently playing the 10X Rule in the background while writing this, I probably played this audio book over 100X already. 😳

So once again, what is your go to book/audio if you only had to choose one and would recommend it to everyone you know, this should be very interesting! 😋

Keep On "STACKIN" Knowledge! 💞

P.S. For those who are interested in following my "Daily Activities" that I do in very "short form". Follow me here: @charles-fuchs

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I wish I liked reading , but it’s good to expand our knowledge and use it in the real world to connect and conquer

Totally agree 💯

this knowlege is very usfull than you

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I have been collecting books for a number of years now. Glossy, quality paper, with pictures. Yearbooks from my school & rival schools, with autographs, and students writing farewell, messages to there friends. Showed one to a friend, now 66years old, with his Mother in the 10th grade, in 1938. Perserve those old books.

Wow, you should share your books to the community, I know people would be interested in seeing them here 💪🏼

I'm a bookworm, I collect books, early editions, books on every subject. Every time I finish one I feel like I was gifted some knowledge. So grateful for all the wonderful authors, including the bloggers I follow on here :)

I knew it, a fellow book nerd like myself! 😂🤣


Love this quote “Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.”

Thanks for the heads up on 10X Rule!

It's a must get it, it will change your life, promise :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I love reading books since that's the way I learn the best. I listen to audiobooks though when I'm doing something where I can't read like working out in a gym or driving my car.

If I had to recommend a book, I would recommend Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco. While it may seem like a get rich quick book from the title, MJ really has a lot of great insights on how to retire soon (besides from just stackin a lot of cryptos) by using a business.

Bro, that’s a great book... Millionaire Fastlane! I think I got it like 8 years ago or longer. I wondered what happen to MJ 😀

He was a millionaire when he wrote it. He's probably even more wealthy now. The book didn't get Rich Dad Poor Dad popular but he's definitely living what he preaches and stackin large amounts of passive income from those book and audiobook royalties.

Trying to read at least for 20 minutes a day.

Doesnt sound like much but you get a lot of reading done in a year this way and reading = knowledge

I love my books and tapes, I have a collection that I have built up for about 28 years

Thanks for the recommendation, I will check out that book. I'm always looking to improve myself. The late Jim Rohn was a mentor to Tony Robbins, who delivered the eulogy at Mr. Rohn's funeral.

I saw @grantcardone on one of @garyvee's shows a few weeks back promoting this book, and I've seen him referenced a few times when people are talking about sales, or cold-calling.

Any particular reason you can give as to why you recommend the book? Like, apart from Grant being an awesome, successful dude, what's the underlying theme to the book? What's the one thing in it that really changed the way you think about sales/etc?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

No words needed lol :)

Indeed no words needed here,everything is clear here lol....Thanks for bringing @grantcardone to Steemit

You should write a book about it :)
I do like reading fiction, but so many books are full of fluff and padding these days. You can actually get away with accumulating the same knowledge from a few pages online as you can from some books. I think there is a place for both. Non-fiction books still need to tell a story and inspire you to be good.

knowledge power is more valuable than any other power in the world.....that's great to share..

love it.

I definitely would go for a physical book over an audiobook if a could any day; however, most of the time, I have to resort to audio due to time constraints.

As for a book recommendation, the classic "Animal Farm , is such a great read. Not only is it genuinely entertaining but its deeper message on captialism, communism, and human behavior changed the way I look at the World.

Thanks boss! Great Meme 😀😂

I have this book that is really good and if you havent read it you should check it out. Its called OUTLIERS by Malcolm Gladwell. Its also talk about the 10,000 hours rule. Book are like alternatives for a mentor. Tai Lopez is a millionaire and he said he read a book a day which is insane but shows that books are powerful. Nice post @stackin

You are a smart dude, 10,000 hours to master in anything 😀. Apppresh boss!

I still love reading paper books too (I've got audio books as well). I gotta check out the 10x Rule book. Thanks for the bringing this up.

I tired using a kindle and ipad like 9-10 years ago, it just didn't feel right... that 10X Rule Book is powerful!

Of course people still read that hardcover books ^_~ .

Thanks for the recommendations, will check them out

I thought I was the only one these days 🤣😋

But but... found the audiobook LOL

You won’t regret it, after you listen to it... give me that awesome update! 😀

I have a 30 minute drive to and from work every day. That's my favourite audiobook time.

The most recent awesome non-fiction I recently listened to was "Lawrence in Arabia" - A history of T.E. Lawrence leading up to the end of WWI. He his fascinating, but the back story of why the war dragged on so long is fascinating.

The most recent awesome fiction I recently listened to was "Ready Player One". For all the geeks out there who grew up in the 80's and early 90's, I recommend giving this a read... before Spielberg releases the movie.

Thanks for sharing your recommendations to the steemit community 😀

I love the feel and smell of books, especially old ones that have had quite the journey all on their own.

I used to spend most of my time reading when I was younger and this post has made me realise I haven't read a book in years. I think I may actually try to make it a point to start reading again

Audio books are much faster these days but I know what you mean, I have to force myself to at least read a book once a month 😀

I have such a hard time getting into anything audio. I need to keep my hands and eyes busy or I get bored and drool on myself, but if I keep busy, I can't focus lol.

Since my childhood i am a book lover.I want a book to read even when im eating :) whoever that person is i respect him for this view of him " “Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.”..
nice to hear that it has changed your life :)

I love books and there is no way I can recommend only one. It so much depends on the time in life and my interests at the time. Right now, if I only can recommend one, it would be Permaculture - A Designer Manual by Bill Mollison.
It is a guidebook with all the information we need to regenerate the earth and its people.

Thanks for recommending that book, I will put it on the STACKIN list 😁

@stackin I like it!! One of my favs is the Power of Habits by Charles Duhigg. Great book. Quick story... I was in six grade (I believe) dad decided to build my sister and I a play house. She had her side I had mine. All I wanted on my side was a nice comfy chair and a bookshelf. I was determined to build my own library. I knew then, the power of knowledge. (those memories always make me sob). Great post!!! Steem on. Instead of a lambo, maybe I'll build a library intergrated with a walking closet lol.

Thanks for sharing me your story! You can be the female version of Tai Lopez 😋💖

Thank you :)

I love books, either digital and printed/paper ones. Though digital books is more convenient, there's really something special about paper books. Maybe because you it feel more natural to read paperbooks or because I grow up reading them. Also that 10X Rule seems rather interesting , I might look at it later. Thank you and have a nice day.

I totally know where I are coming from, you can fit thousands of books in a iPad and 1000’s of books can take up a whole room 🤣


TenX is best selling book by @grantcardone . i didn't read it yet but i will.

You better get it ASAP lol

My interest for book are those romance book only.

Is it Fabio 😂🤣😋

Totally not him... too good to be true..hahaha

This is what I always tell my kids --they can be superheroes by reading because knowledge is power. They get what I mean.

Good advice for the kiddos! They are going to be great kids! 😊

I read real book type books as well as the internet. I like the printed page. I saw this lady in the used bookstore who was scanning bar codes, I was like: Why are you doing that? She has app that checks if book is on amazon and how much it's going for. She buys 2 dollar books and sells them for 50 bucks on Amazon. So many jobs and sidelines to make money now, its crazy

That’s a good business model! Abrigtrage those books! 🤑

I need a new book to read, so I'll definitely check that book out you recommended. Always love to improve myself.

One of the best “Hustle” books ever created 😀

I agree with you...there is something special when you Hold a book. This might sound oldschool but I find it difficult to read online books..just love hardcopy.

Knowledge is Light and Power.. Even Scripture tells us:
"Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge:..."

We got the same problems, if it’s a book, got to be physical 📚😀

wow, you amazed me boss.

this really hit my bones,

Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune

self education polishes you to become a better you.

despite the general mantra that says:

readers are leaders

you need to read because if you read, :

  • you expand your vocabulary box.

  • many secrets are hidden inside books, unless you seek to read, you can never grab it.

  • when you read, your perspectives changes positively from a non reader and you act differently. etc.

never giveup reading, if you are not one start now to become one because reading boost your confidence.

thanks for sharing boss.

thanks boss, I do appreciate

Thanks Bossman, I can agree with you 100%!

I read Gifford on Courage as a kid and it has had a lasting effect on me.

Never heard of it, will put it on the list! 📚😀

I wish I still spent a lot of time reading like I used to.

One of my favorite books that I wish everyone would read is called "Code of the Streets". Really great nonfiction book about inner city struggles with identity.

I’ll put that in the wish list 😬😀

I love to read books! There's a certain kind of happiness whenever I smell books, there's a feeling of excitement. Thank you @stackin for letting me know of 10X Rule I will definitely get a copy! :)

Once you get it, tell me what you think 😬

Sure I will😊

I got to steal this banner from ya 🤣📚

Be my guest. Just remember you got it from a little minnow. Followed you today so maybe your success on Steemit will rub off a bit.

I´m not much of a book reader to be honest so cannot really advise you any good ones ... I´ve been told by few friends that Seneca should be pretty good to read and having few deep thoughts about life in general in it .... so far proabably the only one book I really am going to get at the moment.

Give the 10x book a shot, I’m telling you right now, it will change your mindset on everything. 📚😀

ok, I believin you... ordered on AMAZON! I hope it holds what promissed :)

information control is more profitable than some other power in the world.

Upvoted and resteemed

Yes! There's no place better to learn than a book. I definitely want to read more this year, but I'm definitely happy with the books I read last year!

Here are my top 3:

Napoleon Hill - Think and Grow Rich
Tony Robbins - Money: Master The Game
Russell Brunson - Dot Com Secrets (I read this whole book in a day! lol don't ask me how)

Much love guys, and keep reading!

Those are all Epic books!

Yes they are! I spent many years before now reading books on spirituality and self realization, such as Eckhart Tolle's Power of Now, The Secret, Abraham Hicks, etc, but this last year I've been diving deep into books that help with finances!

I still read books! There's nothing like holding an actual book and turning the pages, no matter how convenient ebooks are.
I can't choose just one book, honestly, and I really want to read more books, but I was greatly inspired by Love Wins by Rob Bell and I reference it all the time. In life, love wins, literally.
I will have to find The 10x Rule!
Btw, you should share your book library at some point! 😁

We must be old school haha... there is something about holding a real book these days. You should get the audio book, it’s just $15 and it will change your life 🤑

I read some however honestly I don't learn that well from them or it takes me a while to really get the information out of them. I tend to learn better via video or being hands on so given direction and putting it into action. I am testing out audio books next to see if I retain it better then reading it myself.

Yeah, everyone transitioning to other means these days, give that 10x audio book a try Bossman, it’s that good!

i think yes ...people do read books there is its own pleasure of reading books .., while not reading socal media i mean my father he love books and he kep reading them since ever .. and my father best friend he always take 5 books with him self to read so its good

Books Rule! So Does Grant Cardone and you! Warren Buffet reads 6 hours a day! I wrote a post about books today too! That's cool!

Always keep that brain workin 😀

I read every day, but I am not into motivational or self help books, mostly I read to entertain myself, detective, thrillers, old novels, some history. I don't have a favorite book, I like most of what I read.

I should probably make a post about this, but I would recommend Ayn Rand’s book named Atlas Shrugged.

Why? Because this book will help you believe in yourself and believing you can acomplish anything

Great book! Atlas Shrugged is a classic! Too bad the movies they created about it a few years ago was pretty aweful but at least they made it :-)

Thanks for this great article.
In the past I was reading only sometimes. I would say I was not soo much into reading. In October/ November 2017 I decided to change that. So I started with Audible. And guess the first book which I listened to was The 10X! Oh yes this audio book is great! Kick ass book! After this book I also listened to his book "Sell or be sold" - also great!

Since October I am reading/ listening to one or two books every week and its so good for my mindset! :)

Your on your way to total wisdom my friend haha

Thanks :) please share more of your fav. books :)

i think i am the only one who don't read that much lol

I'm trying to get through the book "The Tipping Point" But this crypto boom has almost all my attention.

Actually you know .knowledge are best strong power in the world.

Book reading is my hobby
am addicted to it.
upvoted !

We need to upvote your steem power 😉

Sorry but i can give you this only.

Here u go, call me Peter Pan lol

@stackin I also have a same opinion on books. Even if I read a book on my Kindle or on audiobook but still I always try to keep that book in hardcopy also. It not about being about old school or new school but depends on once choice. Still from me laying down on my couch reading with my book on my chest is great joy for me.

excellent writing,i like it
thanks for good sharing

awesome post .Your thought is extremely good.Knowledge is power..
Upvoted and resteemed

Knowledge is power when it applies. Excellent post. Thanks

isn´t it all about the knowledge one may gain? not sure whether one actually has to read a book in order to become a better version of itself. I could imagine reading and gathering information from anywhere will do pretty much the same trick as long as one is really investing some time and effort to investigate on a certain topic.

I believe the information is available everywhere one just have to go get it...

... besides I can understand that the "old way" is still used a lot - especially when sitting near the oven over a hot cup of tea during the winter months.

Great post sir.Your thought is very good.Knowledge is power.If one mane have no knowledge I think he/she have no power.If we want to increase our knowledge we need to read books more and more.

I'm an avid reader (in my younger years while in school I was the proverbial library geek). Instead of going out Friday or Saturday nights with a date, you could find me in the library.

I have thousands of books (in-print), am on a first name basis with the librarian, own two kindles (both loaded) and one Samsung tablet. My amazon account is registered for prime and the kindle prime... yeah... I READ!

I love fiction but also read historical, political and anything gardening and homesteading. My brain is a sponge and I soak it ALL up!

wow i didn't know that Grant Cardone is here, thanks for that:)
I also like to read and most of the time I read e-books but still like to read the regular books.
My last post is about Chinese futuristic library and my thoughts on e-books and regular books. You can check it out.
Thank you for interesting post. Education is power, lets make us a fortune:)

thankss, very nice

Well I read books really but not that much ...But ya whatever is there youtube and all Still Reading Books gives peace and are more interesting ..in my Opinion...So Many times over youtube and video I prefer Books !!

there is no alternative way to gain knowledge with out reading book and you have a great habite.

Great post.I wish I liked reading , but it’s good to expand our knowledge and use it in the real world to connect and conquer.
Thanks for sharing

time to read some books they are my friends :)

I would recommend: Sam Walton: Made In America
cheers @stackin
wish you a great weekend

You said, only one book. Well then I would have to say the Bible. I am listening to the old and new testaments both at the same time with the new testament louder than the old testament in the background. I play them through one of my computers day and night.

I have made a lot of bad choices in life. I see that if I would have kept to what was written in the Bible my choices would have been wiser.

I like all the things interesting and useful, plus if I can try them myself then even better. For that purpose I like reading tutorials, message boards and watch a tone of videos.
I believe that knowledge is the most important thing in the world, besides the health.
We will probably spend a lots of time perfecting something, for example making a chair.
But, once perfected, even if we end up without the first good chair we made, every second one will be better.
With knowledge, the opportunity arises out of anything.


I was.But not anymore.My father wanted me to read books.So he gave me a book for every week and asked me to read it and summarize it.It was not a request but an order.So I had to obey him.At 1st it was a nuisance to me.But with the time I found it to be interesting.Now i m a book addicted one.Life changing order of my father

I am a comparative literature student and I couldn't agree more. Books and info we read, they way we accept them in our lives is really fundamental.

I like books as well. i like fiction books when I was younger, but right now, I prefer non-fiction books like the one I'm reading these days called "The Personal MBA" by Josh Kaufman.

I used to be reading about 4 books simultaneously, I could never read enough. I've read thousands. It's a year since I've read a book cover to cover. My car has Bluetooth and my phone unlimited data, so I now stick on a YouTube video and listen while I'm driving. I pick ones where the pictures don't matter. My hour long commute flies in listening to a TED talk or a Sunnydecree livestream etc.

If there's just one book in the world, it would be a short story collection from Roald Dahl. Just because we need a little bit more black humor in this world ^^ Try "lamb to the slaughter" or "way up to heaven".

And of course: read books, all of you, damit! ;)

This post resonates deeply with me. I'm a big reader and firmly believe that if you are not learning something new every day you are wasting your time. I am currently reading a book that talks about this as well (which is why its resonating so hard) but focuses on your financial education.. learning every day about money and finance and how it all works, something not really taught in school but essential if you want to be financially successful. Right now I would recommend that book. Its called "rich dad poor dad: What the rich teach their kids about money - That the poor and middle class do not!" - and if you have kindle unlimited its free on there.

Its fascinating as it highlights the different ways the rich and poor think about and approach money, and why it makes the rich rich and the poor poor.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment