CHEF'S LIFE REALITIES 01 - A Professional Chef's Meal : One of the hard realities of a CHEF'S LIFE!!!

in chefslife •  7 years ago 

For me, a chef's job is the most passionate work that exists in this world! Anyone can become a great chef...well...only if you have that inner culinary passion and creative mind, + energy to work super long and odd hours + patience + always updated + nearly zero family life + always available etc...etc...

Yes my friend, despite being the most passionate job in the world, a chef has a lot of sacrifices to make in order to live his dream/passion : COOKING!!!

In a Chef's Life...there's a lot of hard realities that a chef has to face!

Based on my 16 years of experience in the world's top hotels kitchens and restaurants , I will from time to write posts on these realities and share with the world of Steemit with the title of CHEF'S LIFE REALITIES!!!

For this first one, I will talk about the most common professional chef's meal!!!

Well guys, I'll be straight here...It is nearly impossible to see a chef having a proper dinner when at work!


The photo above is one of my most common dinner after a hard day doing the service! It looks really nice, but not fit for a dinner at all!

Let me explain; a chef can cook and make extraordinary dishes to hundreds/thousands of guests and make them all happy...but he never finds time to cook for himself!

So finally, only rapid cooked foods - within couple of minutes to be ready - form part of a chef's dinner or lunch, don't mention we never have it...instead we are always busy preparing for our guests!!


I simply sautéed little onion, herbs, diced tomatoes, salt and pepper in olive oil...
Added an egg, season little bit + top up with some fried onions/herbs...


Cover for 30 seconds and my dinner was ready...
The most rapid food in the world!!!


Among other common quick foods that I usually after a hard day at work eat are; noodles soup, sometimes only bread and butter, very often a glass of milk or tea + cigarettes, or simply some chocolate/sweets!!!

I know this is not a good practice...but that's how it it is so well quoted : You need to be in that person shoes to know the reality from his perspective!

I would like to read from anyone working as a chef and blogging here on Steemit or anyone else who can relate to this post!

Please do share your views/experience with us in the comments section below!

Stay tuned for another chef's life reality coming up soon!

I encourage you guys to use the tag #chefslife if you wish to write up a post and share some realities of a chef's life to us! Do drop your post link here!

Till then, have a great weekend ahead!

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Haha really? So you dont eat any of the food you cook for the guests? Then I prefer to cook at home, because that way I know I can eat the food I cook, and try it for improval. One of the best thing about creating recipes and to make beautiful food, is to eat it;)

Hahaha! Hmmm I do taste all the food I am cooking for sure, but I am not so much interested in eating a full plate of the food I have cooked for guests.
Glad to read from you here my friend!

I think your participation in steemit is very interesting to tell us a little about the life of the cheff.- We really know little about them, and it is good to know because today many people are encouraging themselves to study for cheff without really knowing what is happening inside. of a kitchen. It has surprised me to know that among so much food you almost do not have time to eat a more complete dish. Is incredible. Thanks for your post.

What a lovely and very well written comment! Thanks a lot for this my friend!
You are so right, there's a lot of young studying food to be chef but they don't know the real life of chefs! My advice is to first ask yourself if you really love this job, then start!
But despite all the difficulties...I love my job!

The life of a chef is such an interesting one, I know its quite demanding and tasking knowing fully well that any lapses in concentration could have negative effect on the whole final product.........I am quite sure are in love with the Job.........It requires creativity and also innovation to stand out

I really love this job my friend, without love it is impossible to do this job!
Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting mate!

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