Lets put the GeoEngineering Chemtrail Planes on the air traffic control blockchain where missiles take down any planes the stake holders dont recognize. Tokenize the nanobots, MEMS, GEMS and RFID smart dust on the Blockchain, make it rain, nanosilver

in chemtrails •  7 years ago 




Hey maybe weather control is good? Maybe we should just all get in on the action! Lets tokenoze HAARP so we can each take turns controlling the weather like online hunting with robots or asttonomers renting out big telescope time or super computer or particle accelerator time. Now we can trust the free market to be rational and whoever has the most money will buy the HAARP weather control time and theyll only use it to rain over farn lands, stop hurricanes, and do GOOD helpful changes to weather and not use it as a weapons.

We can just make our own private HAARP facilities and heat up the ionosphere at our leisure. But it would only be rational and we would see if theres any changes. We can modify the planet, ita OURS we can change with it and upgrade and machines and nano tech are not evil or satanic ots just machines just more biology its just evolution so why would it be evil? were just changing and adapting and its beautiful, just dont have irrational fears and dont watch too many fucking movies and stay off the flat earth shit lol there is no dome, i have fucking laser pointers and night vision goggles and i would have fucking seen the lasers from mt palomar observatory hit the dome... i will challange any of you flat earthers right now! Come on I know all the tricks, i know aboit the Jehovian anunaki worshipper santos bonacci who hates technology and wants us to stay like basic bitches, while im trying to explain flat earth is a probobly a catholic church deception because it makes sensd as they have always been flat earthers... they burned people at the stake for questioning their FLAT reality. All flat earthers do is talk about God and Jesus as if thats the righy jesus, dude jesus was one of many high level avatar rishi extra terrestrial interdimensionals that pass through eartg, dont worshio him, he taighy ascension mechanics and just chill on the worship of jehovian anunaki they are not God its just anunaki ok? dont worship them they just probobly feed on us... the concept of God itself feeds on it.

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Wouldn't it be better if everyone were just a little bit nicer to everyone else?..you are very nice...

I think this great for weather control.
Thats should be helpful for us.

It is something interesting what you say but I do not need to worship "God" to be good person or do the right thing lol