The Sky Was Supposed To Be Blue Today

in chemtrails •  6 years ago 

I’m not the conspiracy theory type. Honestly I’m not :). I don’t even believe chemtrails are a thing.

However, walking out into the sunshine today I couldn’t help but notice the unusual amount of traffic in the air. I could count up to 15 airplanes in the air all the same time. That’s not too unusual for my area. However it is unusual to have this amount of airplane condensation clouds. Every last bit of the sky was covered with the stuff.

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It could be the time of day, the angle of the sun, the gasses in the air or the temperature of course.. but maaaaaybe it could be a conspiracy haha.

Hey, why not? Have you seen what’s going on in the world lately? Every one is revolting. Have you seen what’s happening at our doorstep in France? That would scare the heck out of any establishment power. It’d scare me for sure if I were, say, the British King. My ancestors survived the revolution in Europe unlike their French cousins who promptly lost their heads. I would take immediate action to control the masses wouldn’t I?

I’d make such moves like; increasing the brain numbing chemicals in the water and dose the air with some calming stuff. I mean, it only makes sense right? :)

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Peace and Love ✌🏿

All copy and photos are original content by me.

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Honestly, I find these trails left by planes somewhat disturbing element. I definitely like the sky better without them. I have also noticed the dramatic increase of the air traffic, even over rural and remote areas. But I don´t want to be hypocritical as I fly quite often...

I think the rules changed recently about how close the planes can be to each other due to technological advancements. It used to be super-rear (and alarming) to see two plans flying side-by-side, but that is something I see all the time now. Even from the air!

There not chemtrails it's just god setting up naughts and crosses in the sky.

I didn't even know there was a conspiracy with chemtrails going to have to read about them now.

nice post :D

Well say goodbye to the rest of your productive day if you're going to read about chemtrail conspiracy haha.

I glanced through some of the theories and I can understand why people would think this way, but to me it is just vapor from an airplane that creates them.

Or is it??????


Nice post, @adetorrent; what was started in the beginning, tagged as "conspiracy theories" to make them seem out of touch, rebellious, etc.has now been proven to be "conspiracy" alright, but there are no longer "theories".
Among all the noted scientists that haven't given in to the agenda of those propagating the "condensation" explanation is a gentleman in Redding, California, uSA by the name of Dane Wigington. The man has been studying this phenomena for over twenty years.
He runs a website with the URL of https://
As I recommend with all investigations, it must be researched diligently and for all to reach their own conclusion about the validity of the subjects.
Take care my friend...

How interesting. I would have thought it would be easy enough to grab a sample of the gas via a weather balloon for testing. But then, there are laws against flying balloons past a certain height.

Oh well. What ever they're pumping into the air, it better be at least some good happy chemicals :)

The FAA limits private airspace to 400 feet. Dane has take soil samples and we are watching multiple fires that are starting almost simultaneously, and seem to fit a designated pattern on the maps especially here in California, and entire tree stands are dying out ( not ruling out other helping factors though).
One more piece of the puzzle can be obtained from 1pacificredwood on you tube. He was a GovCo meteorologist for many years, and explains certain patterns being used extensively.

Just some random thoughts.....

           The sky today was blue
           As usual I had no clue

            To find my way back
         I had lost the only track

          Then I saw a chem-trail
         looking like evils entrail

      So I followed it to a forest green
       In it I found some water clean

       It took me a moment to remember
That something dirty brought me to this ember

Damn bro. I could put a hip-hop beat behind that.

Shit! would love to hear it :-)

Looks perfectly normal to me.
What are you? Some kind of conspiracy nut? 😎

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Hahaha. Somehow I was thinking of you when I typed this.

Aha. So it was you who woke me up at 0100, and made me check my phone?

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That's normal. This is retro.

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Hehe. Sorry :) .
Omg, look at that vintage sky.

Yo, grandpa Ade, is it true, that in your times, the sky used to be blue?

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Ah, I've heard tales of it. Legends of old. Apparently that were days when the sky was blue as far as the eyes could see. Not sure I totally believe it.

As a photographer, you'd have experience with lighting. Strange how the moon has such a localised effect on the clouds from 239,000 miles away, huh?

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LOL. Shouldn't you be sleeping? haha


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Yeah. It's a lot worse that it looks. Every bit of sky is covered as far as the eye can see.
Feels like they're preparing us for war times or something.

wao, a lot of activity in the sky today where you live, here that would be abnormal, and in these times would be alarming ... the topic in Venezuela these last days is a foreign intervention, so such a sky would definitely alarm the population.
By the way, your pc was recupered?

I can imagine. It must be very scary for people to see planes in the air in that situation - especially if they look military.

Yes the computer has woken up. I am typing on it right now :)

Oh what good news! I'm glad it's working :)

Have a great day!

Wow, holy smokes I have never seen that many trails at one time. Quite amazing. Thanks for sharing @adetorrent

Amazing shots as I have not seen that many ever. The way the world is working definitely make you think the reasoning about things we see more often. While most may not be anything material, I am sure a handful hold some interesting facts.

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And did they calmed you?? I mean they've done a good job trying 😆