RE: The Master's wisdom # 20 – the child within

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The Master's wisdom # 20 – the child within

in children •  6 years ago 

The virtue of trust for example.
A child trust that everything in his life will be ok. All the needs will be provided at the right time.
Adults are full of worries, which eventually affect their morality.

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Well, wouldn't that be immoral if that "wise" naive person would wrongfully go with his trust when others are dependent on him?

Sure too much worry can negatively affect judgement and ultimately morality as well, but notice why that effect takes place - feelings put the person out of balance - he temporarily losses his faculty of rational and may no longer be considerate, he may no longer see the moral option, he is forced to subject himself to his feeling and his alone.

A child doesn't even have the experience of overcoming his feelings, his moraly is more of a coincidence than a conscious choice of the good of others.

Wouldn't a person who has many dependent on him be rightfully considered responsible to worry and double check his decisions? Wouldn't that person be rightfully considered immoral if he decided to drop all worries and go with full trust on his gut feeling?

Would you trust a surgeon who says that he's gonna let intuition dictate the course of your operation?

I get the impression that our definitions for morality differ.
You came up with several issues, but this venue is too limited to discuss them all, unfortunately.

What venue limitations?

You brought up at least ten topics that although related still require a separate addressing from my end.
I'm traveling at the moment, for a few more days, and cannot dedicate the amount of time and attention that your comment deserves. Unfortunately.
I enjoy to follow your line of thinking, and if you are interested let us have a raincheck on these subjects in later posts.
Then we may want to begin with setting a common glossary. morals, emotions VS. feelings, mind, intuition, and so on and so forth.

on the technical side, the platform here makes lengthy discussions, in a form of chained replies, difficult to read and follow. This obstacle, however, is solvable.

Sure man, address whatever points you like, whenever you like. This is the great advantage of async communications.

Hope your travels are fruitful and that you and your dear are all well.

Take care.

the platform here

Which client do you use?

I was trying to continue our discussion but there seems to be a technical problem as the newer comments between us are not shown, and this directly relates to what i said about the venue.
Perhpaps in later posts we will manage to do that.

I think I see what you mean - did you try to scroll all the way down and click "Shore more comments"? You might need to do that a few times until the entire conversation shows up.