The Master's wisdom # 20 – the child within

in children •  6 years ago  (edited)

When you were a child enlightenment and love flew naturally to you, more than they do today!


Legoland park, Denmark

credit: nomad-magus

Why do many of you remember fondly the times of childhood? Why does the society protect children so adamantly? Why do we smile when we see children play?

It's not because you miss the sandbox, the runny nose or the sweet candies. In your hearts you, the adults, remember the innocence that you walked with as carefree children. You remember virtues like Trust; Dreaming; Focus; Enthusiasm. You remember how you fell in love with all your hearts; how your days were full of play and laughter. As children, all your needs were provided and you allowed the world to serve you.

As children you allowed your future aspects to return in time to guide you.

As Children you knew mastery.



Legoland park, Denmark

credit: nomad-magus

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It's very true. As we learn new things, we forget old ones. And children, who are not very wise in the ways of adults, are very, very smart when it comes to feeling and acting and mainly being.
As we grow up, many of us find ourselves running away from "being" (because being is scary, and sometimes doesn't seem as important as life's worries), and get ourselves stuck in the "doing". I believe you discussed it a while ago, in a different post about running away from our physical reality.

I see many people who can't live without their smartphones, for example, because they need the constant noise, the constant drawing of attention from things that can really worry and affect them, like being.

A few years ago, when I moved abroad, I decided I wasn't going to have a phone, at all. I stuck to that decision for 9 months. In those months, I wandered around the new city, just me and my camera, for many many days. I found myself slightly returning to childhood, in the sense that I felt my heart expanding, I was looking at things differently, I wasn't occupied by anything external and could maintain the wonders I was feeling, contain them and process them. I think that we, as adults, can still be like children in that aspect, even though we know better than to trust anything and anyone. We just have to practice it, and try to be and not to do.

Like you I have love-hate relationship with the Portable electronic devices. It serves me greatly for work purposes, but it needs to be left aside more often. Facebook for example. Since I have been writing on steemit fb has lost its charm and i deliberately stay away from that platform as much as possible.

I practically live on FB, simply because that's my main connection to the Motherland and my friends and family there, but I understand what you mean. Since I work from home, I try to limit my FB time to the computer and not to mobile (it's so much less comfortable on mobile, really), and there are apps I'm simply unwilling to install on my phone, because I know they'll simply consume my time when I'm away from home (on the metro, for example), and won't give me some time to simply... be.

Exactly! 👍

This is so true. Sincerely I miss childhood. At this stage you could dress up in anything and not be judged. Everything you needed was being provided by your parents. But now look, growing up is surely a trap, you dress up indescently and everybody judges you. It's now the time for us to look after our parents because they look at us so much. I personally have to do half of my siblings fees because I feel I must give back to my parents. Surely there is a lot to miss about childhood, the life of no worries and getting everything on a silver plate.

because I feel I must give back

Ah, your biggest obstacle at the moment

So true

There's wisdom, here, new friend. Thank you, @nomad-magus, for this (much-needed) reminder. _/|\_

Perhaps, this self-reminder that I posted, recently, might also be of some interest to you:

The Importance of Play

Indeed. Similar 👍

Thanks, for reading. Even though I wrote my post only 10 days ago, I’d already forgotten & needed yours to jog me memory 🤓

And unfortunately it's beyond upvoting.
Next time.

Ah, no worries about that. I hope that more recent posts might capture your imagination.

Children don't care about the negative things happening in life. They only value fun and happiness that they are experiencing. This makes life peaceful and happy. Children are full of laughter and fun they don't focus on the negativity. If we have heart like a kid we will definitely be happy. Isn't it always fun and joyous to reminisce good old days.
Thank you for sharing this @nomad-magus! 😊

Children don't care about the negative things happening in life

and do you know why?

Because they dont like at life with a duality glasses. No right-wrong, positive-negative. For children life is an experience.

If only adults could look at life that way...

Well the only way that could happen is if an adult will lose his ability to perceive things in dualities, which is not something I'd recommend but it's a free world and you gotta try everything once..

I do agree though that being able to see through the duality, especially when the duality of a scenario is in your favor and it'd be self-deprecating in a sense to dissolve that duality - that ability could have unbelievable benefits, but that's so different from what babies experience that I don't know if it even "counts"..

You remember how you fell in love with all your hearts; how your days were full of play and laughter.

That’s nicely written! As a child I always wanted to be an adult. Now as an adult, I would love to go back to my childhood. Why? Perhaps because the time goes by so fast. I would appreciate time much more. I do remember many things from my childhood. Most of them are great time experiences with friends. When I fell in love first time. Many times when I ended in a hospital by falling of the bike, breaking my finger... If I could go back to my childhood, I would appreciate even more my time with my childhood best friends. Since I left my country and imigrated to US, I don’t have much of an opportunity to see them. I believe that best friends, especially from your childhood, remain one of your best friends forever, even though I don’t get to see them. Anyway, it’s always good for an adult to become a child for a moment.

In which country/region did you spend your childhood years?

I was born in Czech Republic 🇨🇿 and lived there until my 23rd birthday.

So sweet to be a child.
One day I sat in the garden and watched my niece and nephew play around. As I watched, I wished I could be as excited as they were running after a little butterfly. Children value things more. But thing is, they won’t always remain as a child....they’ll wish as I did too

I strongly agree with what you say, childhood is a time where we are not burdened with thoughts that bind us to the problems we often face as adults, hanga children think about how he played freely and have fun with what it does. children will never keep a lie in their lives, what they experience is expressed, unlike an adult with too many secrets to make a huge burden in his life.


The key word

  ·  6 years ago (edited)
קטע קצר ומקסים ממנו ניתן להבין אולי איך לא לחינם ילדים גונבים את ההצגה ? מצד שני עצוב איך מכאלה יצורים טהורים מתפתחים לפעמים בני אדם עם התנהגות שנויה במחלוקת. כולנו נולדים זכים ותמימים ומה שיוצא מאיתנו זה בד"כ לפי מה שהשקיעו בנו לכן מבחינתי אין ילד רע יש רק ילד שקיבל חינוך גרוע.

There is also another thing. You see new things, things that never happened before happens and it's so interesting to you. First times are always the best. That's why your time seems to go slower when you are young.

You just gave the secret to an exciting life -

look at every experience as if it's your first time

When you were a child, enlightenment and love flew naturally to you, more than they do today!

I must understand that we come with a pure, clean, free soul and that as time goes by and the experiences we live through, this soul is filled with negative and useless things?
He can perfectly understand the contagious smile of a child, where everything around him is joy (with certain exceptions) but I say this for my son, with just 3 years his smile makes him forget the situations that cause some kind of negativity.
Then surely I must cleanse my thoughts, feelings to become like a child again?
David, in the case of the elderly, is there a channel of enlightenment and love for them?
Happy evening and I hope the translator will help me

Since you brought up the issue, I will delve more into it.
When we are born, and as children, we do carry an emotional, mental and spiritual baggage from "past" lifetimes. (simplifying this, as time is parallel). So in this sense, the personality is not a clean slate at all!
As children we are full of trust, confidence and joy because we know that we are alive, we exist as conscious creatures, and we are eager to continue our journey towards enlightenment (a journey we have begun many lifetimes ago).

experiences we live through, this soul is filled with negative and useless things?

Not the soul, but the human personality. The soul remains intact. It is free, non judgemental, and full of joy. It's the adult human who is filled with mass consciousness which is afraid, not trusting, depressed, hopeless.

I hope it's clearer now. Please ask if not.

in the case of the elderly, is there a channel of enlightenment and love for them?

Enlightenment is ageless. In fact, many people are connected with their soul self in their old age more than they are as mature adults because they finally allow themselves to lower the shields and the protections that have blocked the other realities.

excellent, always friendly

child age is really amazing, but childish is not giod idea. i miss my childhood sometime when i got stuck in living life. the time where is no burden just play and glad every time. but i never want to go back, just miss it sometime. being a child is wonderful but being an adult is more amazing.

Childhood are the days of innocency and and absence of worries. Those are the days of true love and peace, where misunderstanding are settled within few minutes or even seconds. Those are the days of true friendship because the heart is still innocent and see no need of being wicked to others.
Above all, the days of our child are remembered because we got almost all that we ever needed or desired by just making a request to our parents.
I greatly cherish my young days as a child.

Our nature was carefree, adventurous, learning attitude and forgetting things and moving ahead. Childhood was the spring season of our life where we really lived...we had no fear of being judged by the world.
we just need to learn that mastery again

Hmmm, it felt as if life should continue in that manner until we are faced with the reality of adult life. With more consciousness, we are loosing a precious part of us.

Can we say growing old is terrible for our us....

...Hence my post. To be alert...


when we were children nothing bothered us our parents fought for us I remember when I was told to go home and pick school fees I would still go home playing because I knew my father would take care of it but now it is me in the struggle but whatever way we are supposed to be like the little angels lets not worry about anything.

It's simple.

When you were a child,you used to value even little things more than you do now.

Children are very honest with feelings. They also boldly spontaneously reach for the things they want.
Of course as the age grows, humans grow with consideration and also fear

Because the child is the jewel of the heart, those who will lead the world when we are no longer there,
They are sons and daughters of the nation who will make a change in this world ..

who will make a change in this world ..

And you too, if you so choose

Childhood memories are awesome..Feeling so cool..That's the time which never back,,When i went park or fair with my parents, I was so happy,,and i enjoyed it very well..Thanks for sharing..@follow you as new

Your content remind those days,,AH!!!
What the chilling life it was!!!!
Great review,,I like it,,I visited this place many time,,

Child life was so good. Feeling so upset,,
this was the time when small things feel as a big one..
Thanks for remind those days

What kind of mastery is it though?

Many children, with me included had none of that free-play omni-trusting kind of childhood, we were stuying as much of the "adult world" as we could handle. When I smile to kid, it's not because I feel like Peter Pan but rather because I see how harmless and fragile these creatures are.

People forget that naivety comes with a lack of basic morality, a distorted perception of reality and absolute hopelessness and victemhood when dealing with their own feelings.

I was trying to continue our discussion but there seems to be a technical problem as the newer comments berween us are not shown, and this directly relates to what i said about the venue.
Perhpas in later posts we will manage to do that.

People forget that naivety comes with a lack of basic morality

Isn't it the other way around? The innocent people are with the great moral values?

I don't see how you can base that statement, unless you're confusing naive with innocent. We don't consider babies to be immoral simply because we never expect them to know the difference between good and bad.

One may interpret the story of the fruit of knowledge to be exactly that.

What I meant was that the more naive someone is - the more likely it is he'll be less moral as well.

You need knowledge about who the other is and what can hurt him - to be moral.

Can it even be considered morality if there isn't a knowledge of what is just?

Can it even be considered morality if there isn't a knowledge of what is just?

In the first year of law school I wax introduced to the concept of the natural law. Rules that are beyond knowledge, common to all human beings.
We are born with the ability to know good from bad, children know this. They feel what is benefiting life and what is not. As adults our natural ability is shadowed by the same knowledge you are speaking of.

Alright, I'm an amateur in philosophy of law, what would an example of knowledge that people are born with that is more than what sensual feels good or bad?

It's more than a knowledge that is learned.
It's a wisdom about life. Every child has it but as adults we cover it with too much rationality.

I understand, can you give an example though?

The virtue of trust for example.
A child trust that everything in his life will be ok. All the needs will be provided at the right time.
Adults are full of worries, which eventually affect their morality.

My childhood was a fairy tale, a time ruled by mum and dad. Where the world seem perfect and things work out well. Then I would think once you have a good heart, you live a good life. An irony right?

If we remember our childhood, maybe we will smile alone imagined innocence, keluguan, even our little misbehavior and folly.

As a kid, all your needs are provided and you allow the world to serve you.

Give the kids a piece of paper and ask them to register your name or draw people who they can serve and what services they can do for people. Ask them share their paper to their families at home.
Then the Wisdom is the ability to translate Knowledge into a world that is limited.

almost everyone remembers his childhood. where an experience is impossible to recur and make a learning. I am very concerned about the many poor children who are abandoned in the big cities we often encounter. but for that I am very proud people can keep a good and right child.

Why not !
all the parents see his son playing happy participate because sibuah heart can malakukan the best.
Thanks you @nomad-magus

a father came home from work very tired, whether his own son mintak money on his father what the round.
angry at the kids noisy "invite you the money boy" you're tired of coming home from work, what is so good or bad for you @nomad-mag..

real world story

Lol...yeah thats 100% true @nomad-magus....As a child, we had less to think about compared to now, that we adults. It was a nice experience though

Very Nice And Great Article Sir Thanks For Sharing

you have written about children's issues, each of them creates a great other inside and presented beautiful themes of each and every child's park and beautiful eyes. Every thing has come to me very beautiful and the thing you said is very important and in this community you are very nicely Presented each topic.

Parks and different aspects are highlighted which are very interesting topics for small children and the topic you discussed in this committee would be good because the topics you are presenting will also play an important role for the minute.

It is very true. Love is difficult to come by as an adult. As an adult, many people will just hate on you for absolutely no reason. Adulhood comes with great responsibility and emotional control.

Your post resteemed by @steemch

I wish i could child again.

like Trust; Dreaming; Focus; Enthusiasm. You remember how you fell in love with all your hearts

The freedom too that lies within

A child can find joy in small things and try to amplify it with least strength possible.... With Lego parks things just got a lot better

Love this all ideas of parks from a good childhood.
Really created for me a good memories.

nice post :)

Child life is aweaome. I really miss my childhood. Sometime I try to became child. That's a great suggestion.

parents are very worth keeping a child so that his child do not until like people do not have children.

I love denmark!