Translation: 和优秀的人混

in cn-reader •  6 years ago 

文章段落来自: #十点读书会

巴菲特曾经说过一句话: 你最好是跟比你优秀的人混在一起。和优秀的人合伙,你也将不知不觉地走向那个方向。
Warren Buffet once said: you must be friend with those who are smarter than you. Let them be your partner so that you will become smarter naturally.

You only see your flaws when you couldn't see the advantages of being friends with the smart people.

You give up a higher level of social cycle for the sake of feeling great when socialising with the lower one, you are actually not responsible to your own life.

Though it is harder to be friends with them as they might criticize you always and easily left you aside, but do not forget this unchangeable truth: to have a higher achievement, it comes with difficulties. You shouldn't stay away from the smart people because of your little self esteem and laziness.

所以,做人要有点谦卑心,也要有点敢于面对差距的勇气。如果一个圈子里,你是最大的咖,那真的相当有问题。毕竟,鸡头当久了,很容易变成鸡肋 - 永远不可能成为凤凰。
So, having a humble heart and guts to face the difference between you and the smart ones. If you are the best in your social network, this is a problem indeed. As the longer you are the chicken head, the easier you are to become a chicken rib - never ever to be a Phoenix.

版权: @miniu

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