Edible wild plant collection-9, Artemisia vulgaris / 野菜宝典-9, 艾草

in cn •  7 years ago 

Artemisia vulgaris - common wormwood
Family: Asteraceae
Genus: Artemisia
艾草, 菊科, 蒿属


Perennials, widely distributed in Asia, Europe and North America. With the famous anti-malarial plant Artemisia carvifolia, wormwood belongs to the same Genus Artemisia.
多年生植物, 广泛分布于亚洲, 欧洲及北美地区. 与大名鼎鼎的抗疟疾植物青蒿(Artemisia carvifolia)同属于蒿属.

The Chinese insert wormwood on the door during the Dragon Boat Festival to drive insects and exterminate evil spirits.
中国人在端午节时将艾草插在门上, 用以驱虫辟邪, 招祥祈福.

The wormwood is bitter and dry and pungent. It can regulate blood, warm meridians, treat coldness and coldness, stop cold pain, and treat gynecological diseases. It is used to treat abdominal cold pain, cold stress, cold infertility and other evidences. As a warm property of wormwood, it is suitable for activating the tendons and smoothing the body's blood and blood circulation.
艾草苦燥辛散, 能理气血, 温经脉, 逐寒湿, 止冷痛, 为妇科要药. 用治脘腹冷痛, 经寒不调, 宫冷不孕等证. 由于艾草辛温的属性, 适合用来活络通筋, 可通畅全身的气血, 让血液循环变得更好.

The "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: Leaf of wormwood as a medicine, warm, bitter, non-toxic, pure yang, through the twelve classics, with back yang, qi and blood, by the cold, hemostasis and other effects, also commonly used In acupuncture.
《本草纲目》记载: 艾以叶入药, 性温, 味苦, 无毒, 纯阳之性, 通十二经, 具回阳, 理气血, 逐湿寒, 止血安胎等功效, 亦常用于针灸.

Edible parts: whole plant. The leaves can be chewed as "natural chewing gum".
食用部分: 全草. 艾叶可以当“天然口香糖”咀嚼.

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