Culture Vulture for CNers Issue 02 |《文化读瘾.一周译报》第2期:群岛之国的百般风情

in cn •  7 years ago 

Culture Vulture (#culturevulture) is a Steemit writing challenge initiated by @eroche. You may read here for more details and the latest update.

Culture Vulture for CNers is a cross-culture translation project in collaboration with @eroche and carried out by @deanliu and @ygern. We'll pick at least one article every week and translate it into Chinese, aiming to bring cultural diversity to the #CN community. All translated articles from this series will be published with permission​ from the original authors.

《文化读瘾.一周译报》是一个翻译行动,我们每周将至少精选一篇来自 #culturevulture 的文章,经原作者同意后翻译成中文,以 #cn-culturevulture 标签刊出,希望把这些有趣、多元的内容透过我们认真的筛选与精细的翻译,带到cn社区人面前呈现,拓展视野、丰富生活。




《文化读瘾.一周译报》来到了第2期。这一次,我们望向南方群岛。首先,我们到 @steemitph 的办公室参访;然后,再到印尼亚齐跟 @hananan 喝杯咖啡。感谢他们两位为我们带来的这趟小旅行。



Original title: Promoting Philippine Sights & Culture in the Workplace
authored by @steemitph, translated by @ygern


克拉克(Clark, Pampanga)的菲律宾国际热气球节


这一切皆归功于时任旅游部长米纳.加博尔(Mina Gabor)、英国航空(British Airways),以及韩国籍热气球飞行员Sung Kee Paik先生。热气球节在每年二月的第二个星期举行,同时参与的飞行运动项目还包括跳伞、旗跳伞、微型飞机与火箭表演。


世界文化遗产——维甘古城的Calle Crisologo大街

走在维甘古城(Vigan)的Calle Crisologo大街,仿佛置身于西班牙殖民时期富裕家族的麦士蒂索(mestizo)式生活空间。在这条石子铺成的街道旁,屹立着两列古老的房子,仍然保留着旧时的样貌;在这一长排老式西班牙风格的房子当中,有一些博物馆,以及成排的“kalesa”(一种遮篷马车),这是当年重要的交通工具。




比科尔(Bicol)地区在2016年3月被联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)列入世界生物圈保护区网络。这个区域有许多特色,但其中两项“脱颖而出”——当地人的料理以大量辣椒且口味呛辣闻名;当地矗立着一座活火山,即马荣火山(Mayon Volcano),其近乎完美对称的圆锥形山体为黎牙实比市(Legazpi City)构成一幅宏伟壮丽的背景。

来到这个办公空间,即迎来这幅以红辣椒为主题的“Maogmang Pag-abot Bicol”(欢迎光临比科尔)字型设计——这个工作站要呈现的,就是比科尔地区的风土民情。望向另一角(下图),Bicol的“i”字样以一条巨大的红辣椒替代。这个工作空间的尽头,是一个仿造马荣火山的纸雕作品,突显的是火山的完美圆锥形山体;旁边还有一个模型,仿造被火山催毁的Cagsawa教堂遗迹。他们还在每一张办公室上摆放了树木与水牛的小模型。


我曾写过一篇有关宿雾(Cebu)圣婴节嘉年华(或传统称作仙奴诺节 ,Sinulog)的文章

跟一般人所以为的不一样,宿雾的仙奴诺节其实早在西班牙殖民时期之前就已经存在。西班牙人来到菲律宾之前,仙奴诺舞蹈里出现的是异教徒的圣者遗物,天主教传入之后即由耶稣圣婴取而代之。麦哲伦(Magellan)航行到这里落脚时,送了一尊耶稣圣婴像给土著酋长肯马邦(Rajah Humabon)的妻子;这个历史性事件是最早的迹象之一,表明菲律宾人接受西方天主教信仰的姿态。


组员以彩色纸张布置他们的空间,工作站的一端还有一个“Sto. Nino”(耶稣圣婴)图像。







Original title: Traditional Coffee Shop in Aceh - Indonesia
authored by @hananan, translated by @ygern

咖啡店是亚齐人的生活中不可分隔的一部分。对亚齐人而言,咖啡店不仅是消磨时间的地方,更是一个学习、工作、讨论与分享的空间。甚至可以这么说:咖啡店是亚齐人生活文化的核心。亚齐的咖啡店数量越来越多,尤其在首府班达亚齐(Banda Aceh)——人们会说,这是一个拥有上千家咖啡店的城市。这篇贴文要跟大家分享的,是一家非常“亚齐”的咖啡店——Keude Kupi Aceh(KKA,直译为“亚齐咖啡店”)。西方文化早已融入这城市的大多数咖啡店,但KKA仍保留着亚齐的在地特色。KKA本身即是一座传统的亚齐式房屋,更别具特色的是店里提供的亚齐美食。


就是这个技艺,赋予亚齐咖啡不一样的风味。“拉茶”(teh tarik)是一种奶茶,使用的也是同一种冲泡技巧。



在这里,你也可以品尝Mie Aceh(亚齐风味面食),料理中通常会加入肉片、海鲜或蛋。在KKA,你可以选择只加入鸡蛋。Mie Aceh以浓烈呛辣,像咖哩那样的汤底上桌。这独特风味来自于各种香料,包括黑胡椒、红辣椒、青葱、大蒜、豆蔻、莨蒿、小茴香,以及八角。除了面条,汤里还有豆芽、番茄、卷心菜和芹菜等等。

说到小吃,这是亚齐特产—— Timphan ,一种以糯米粉、香蕉泥与椰奶制成的小吃。首先,将这几种材料混和,搅成面团,然后再加入咖央酱(serikaya)——一种以椰浆和糖制成的甜酱。最后,面团以香蕉叶包覆,蒸煮一个小时即可食用。



  • All translated articles from this series will be published with permission​ from the original authors.
  • Author's liquid reward (SBD) from this series will be used for supporting the Culture Vulture Challenge project (60%) and the selected participating original author (40%). The remaining author's reward (SP) will be shared among two project collaborators.
  • Article selection for this translation series is independent of, and hence has no impact on the Culture Vulture Challenge winner selection.
  • Articles pertinent to the Chinese culture would only be considered under special circumstances, as our primary purpose is to enable people from the cn community to see beyond their usual surroundings and connect with the versatile cultures around the globe.
  • 文章发布皆已取得原作者同意。
  • 这系列文章的作者收益,SBD部分60%将资助Culture Vulture Callenge项目,40%则回馈给原作者;SP部分则由两位合作者共享。翻译工作主要是由 @ygern负责。
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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

For what it's worth, this issue is submitted in Beijing airport - receive draft from @ygern and I review and adjust it on my phone in KFC and then submit using airport free wifi.

Coming to Beijing itself is so culturally symbolic even for me. So I think it is worthwhile to mention it in the comment. Esoecially this issue is the first issue in simplified Chinese, making it even more symbolic for us.


Great choices again this week @deanliu and @ygern

ygern did most of the work. I was in charge of taking credit from him. it wasn't easy considering that I am a decent person. lol.

I think the whole process of issuing this post fully refelcts our new borderless cyber culture, where we are not constrained by location and distance

well said! :)

Wow, you're a multitasking person. I see a lot of Chinese fellows doing very good job under whatever category they are writing and posting their content. Now, this cultural harmony and diversification initiative is another commendable step. @deanliu, you and your team are taking Steemit one step closer to its bigger success with every post your write and at the same time, you're also bridging the gap between different nations. Hats off!

You earned my respect.


Thanks! I will cherish it.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

very well sir @deanliu, i really appreciated your efforts and passaion and i hope for the best for your contest "culture vulture"keep it up

oh, sorry, culture vulture isn't my stuff, it's @eroche's wonderful initiative, which we have the privilege to work with him.

感謝劉老師和 @ygern 的付出!

  ·  7 years ago 



  ·  7 years ago 


感謝有你們!! :)
不過他們的辦公室好歡樂啊!! 我以為我們辦公室天天嘻嘻哈哈,三不五時吃下午茶已經很爽 XDD


你是說膚色嗎 T_T

咦?不是喔,是愛講話的感覺 ~~~~ >v<


I don't know what I read, but I can see my ID over there, hehehehe...
Thanks for making this creative and informative challenge 😄

Thanks for your work. I was first attracted by that beautiful traditional Acehnese wooden house. 😀

I love it too... but nowadays it's hard to find traditional house around my town. This coffee shop owner aware about this situation and built this anti-mainstream coffee shop.

one can be groomed under a good culture.

@ygern and @deanliu thanks for taking interest in my work. Please keep my share of the SBD to support #culturevulture, your acknowledgement of my work is more than enough. Cheers to both your continued success as well as @eroche's.

pleasant to see pictures and thank you for share post.

nice to see pictures and thank you for share post.


謝謝支持 :)


rea稱讚,就讓我收下了,故意忽略其實都是ygern的苦力工作~~~~ (吹哨~~~~)

Thank you for taking part in this months #culturevulture competition. Good Luck


謝謝!這確實也是我們的方向 😄


very good!

great !!

Great post! Upvoted

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Two energetic people from CN @deanliu & @ygern who always come and do something great for the community which gives benefits to everyone. Keep rocking guys. Your support takes the Steemian community one step up. Keep sharing !

Thanks! We need to do better!

I love this contest. Great idea. You can learn a lot and to share your story. Friends, come to see my photo story about the life of the Slavs of the 10th century. This is my story of the Museum - a reconstruction of a village of ancient Slavs. I hope you will be interested.

Really nice,if you want to see gaming and nature follow me and upvote posts!!

i wish i could speak chinese

Good job
I like it ...plz vests send SBD ,steem n follow me @mudatnad
Thks u
Good luck today

Summer heritage is one of the most beautiful national heritage

my up voted & followed

This is excellent @deanliu. It is so good to learn about other culture in thus way so that these excellent blogs dont get lost .Thanks to you and @eroche for putting this together.

Congratulations @deanliu, this post is the forth most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Hero account holder (accounts that hold between 10 and 100 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Hero account holders during this period was 205 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $3355.28. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.

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Congratulations @deanliu!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:

  • Pending payout - Ranked 3 with $ 210,71
  ·  7 years ago 

Thank you for all the great post! Worth reading!

bake me something?

  ·  7 years ago 

How about that? :)



  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment